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  I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

  The following passage is incomplete with the conclusion missing. Study the passage carefully and write the paragraph in no more than 100 words. Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.

  The Transformation轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  Money does make the man. That was proven to me one frosty winter day by a tramp who passed through our town. Because we aren’t on the railroad, and we don’t have missions or volunteer establishments to feed and house transients, we seldom see them. So this stranger was an object of curiosity.

  His feet made whooshing noises as he shuffled along the street. His head was bent, and he swung it slowly from side to side, like a big, shaggy pendulum, methodically searching gutters and doorways for a coin, a half — smoked cigarette, a bottle or an aluminum can that might be worth a few cents, or even a bit of discarded food. His clothes were rags — shapeless, stained, and torn. His grimy feet must have felt like blocks of ice that freezing windy morning since they were protected only by shabby, flapping sandals. He stepped into a telephone booth, visibly relieved to get out of the wind for a moment, and I saw his terrible fingers automatically explore the coin return box for forgotten change. There was nothing. He resumed his slow passage along the street. Although he was still ten or fifteen feet way from me, I could hear his teeth chattering. Involuntarily he shuddered, and a thin, high, wailing sigh escaped his lips.

  Suddenly, he noticed me sitting there on the bus bench. With one quick glance, he took in everything. I was young, well fed, and alert, but most of all I was warm. I felt ashamed of my heavy wool coat and the snug boots encasing my feet and legs. For just a split second, our glances met. His eyes were mirrors reflecting such deep misery that I felt a guilty rush of sympathy. It must have shown in my expression, for he looked away at once. Then he trudged on. Impulsively, I jumped up, pretended to pick up a bill from the sidewalk, and called to him. “Just a moment, mister! I think you dropped this.”

  He looked hard at me for a moment. Then relief wiped the despair from his face. His shoulders straightened. Out came his cracked, dirty fist, as fast as a cat’s paw, and he tried not to snatch the bill from my hand. “Thank you,” he said. “I was looking for that.” He was careful not to touch my gloved hand as he took the bill. Then he gave me a mock salute and a lopsided smile, and walked briskly away, his head up and his step firm.

  II.Write an outline. (20 points)

  Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it.

  How to prepare for an interview

  Being interviewed is a situation that nearly everyone faces at some time in life, whether for college or for a job. Most people face this ordeal with anxiety and even fear. However, people who prepare for an interview avoid much of this anxiety. Preparing for an interview involves doing advance research, choosing the right outfit, and planning appropriate communication with the interviewer.轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  Doing research before the actual interview will increase the chances for a successful interview. Find out the location of the interview site and decide how to travel to arrive on time. Nothing makes as poor an impression on an interviewer as arriving late. In addition, learn about the company or institution where you are being interviewed. This will help you ask intelligent questions. If your interview is for admission to a school, find out what courses the school offers in your field of interest. For a job interview, find out about the kind of work that the company does. If you already work at the company and are being interviewed for a promotion, research the duties of the job for which you are applying. Such research will show the interviewer that you are interested in obtaining the job or being admitted to the school.

  Dressing appropriately for the interview is important because your appearance will be the first thing the interviewer notices about you. This means wearing clean, neatly pressed clothing and subdued color combination such as brown or navy with white. You want to make a good impression, but at the same time you do not want to attract attention to your clothing. Also, you want to show that you can use good judgment. If you wear loud colors or overly noticeable clothes, the interviewer might question your judgment about what’s acceptable behavior for a school or office setting.

  Preparing what you might say to the interviewer will help you feel more in control of the situation. From your research, prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the interviewer. As you prepare what you might say, remind yourself of what not to say. For instance, you won’t want to ask questions that are too personal. Also, remind yourself not to talk too much. Make a mental note to let the interviewer guide and control the course of the meeting. Also plan to answer the interviewer’s questions fully, explaining your answers rather than replying by saying only yes or no. Remember, the interviewer is trying to form an impression of you and how you would fit in at the school or company.

  By following these steps, you will be prepared for your interview and feel more confident about the results. You will also increase your chances of making the good impression that is important for getting accepted into the school of your choice or landing the job you want.轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  III.Compose an essay. (60 points)

  With the largest population in the world, many Chinese cities are crowded. So some people suggest that pets(寵物) should not be allowed for the well being of humans. Others insist that pets are the best friends of human beings and that they cannot live without their animal friends. What is your view, and why? Write an essay (about 300 words) by using specific reasons and details to support your view.




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