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  91.to work on 從事....致力于.....$lesson$

  92.to set up 設(shè)立,建立,提出

  93.to be on the alert against/for sth. 警惕

  94.to be concerned with (1)關(guān)于,涉及 (2)忙于(3)關(guān)心,關(guān)切

  95.to attach importance to sth.認為..重要

  96.to take to sth/doing sth (1)開始從事(2)養(yǎng)成....習(xí)慣(3)培養(yǎng)對.....的愛好

  97.to put sth.to use 使用,利用

  98.to be relevant to sth 與....有關(guān)的

  99.on the part of sb 就....而言,在....方面轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  100to set.....as objective 把....作為目標(biāo)

  101to look ahead to 向前看,展望未來

  102to allocate...for....to 分配....給配合....

  103to hang up 把....掛起來;延遲,拖延

  104to throw off 扔掉,擺脫

  105to work out 作出,制定出

  106up to date最新的,新式的

  107to kid...into doing 欺騙....去做

  108to stick with堅持,繼續(xù)

  109effect on 對.....的作用

  110to blame sth. 把......歸咎于

  111now(that) 既然,由于

  112to leave/let...alone/be (1)不管,不理,不打擾(2)順其自然,聽任......

  113out of step 步伐不一致,不協(xié)調(diào)

  114in time (1)及時,不遲(2)終于,遲早

  115to date把......歸咎

  116to attend to sth. (1)專心,注意(2)照顧,關(guān)照

  117to fall apart 破裂,崩潰

  118to be true of符合于.....,對....適用

  119 to approximate to 與.....接近

  120 resistance to sth (1)對...的抵抗,對抗(2)照顧,關(guān)照

  121 to cope with 對付,處理

  122 no other...than (1)除...外沒有,只有(2)正是,就是

  123 to take advantage of (1)利用(2)占...的便宜

  124 to stand no/little chance of doing 沒有可能,沒有希望

  125 to identify....as.... 把....看成;證明/確認...為.....

  126 impact on .... 對......的影響

  127 to break up 打碎;(被)分解;散開,驅(qū)散;結(jié)束;期終放假,崩潰

  128 in the running參賽,參加競選

  129 in power掌權(quán)的,執(zhí)政的

  130 out of power喪失權(quán)力的,在野的轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  131 in favor of (1)贊成,支持(2)支付給(3)為了;對....有利

  132 to come into power上臺,開始掌權(quán)

  133 to carry on (1)經(jīng)營,進行(2)繼續(xù)

  134 to sacrifice to 向....獻祭;為...而犧牲;為.....而失去

  135 be central to 對....極為重要的

  136 be irrelevant to 與....不相干,不切題

  137 be aim for 瞄準(zhǔn),以....為目標(biāo)

  138 in bring out (1)使顯現(xiàn),顯示(2)生產(chǎn),使產(chǎn)生

  139 to attach to 使....與....相關(guān),把....附加到

  140 to take for granted 認為真實,視為當(dāng)然

  141 at ease 自在的,舒適的

  142 plea for懇求,請求

  143 not that.....并不是,不是因為

  144 not(never)for a moment 決不,從來沒有

  145 to break in on(upon) 打擾,打斷,闖進

  146 to seize/catch hold of 抓住,占有

  147 to excess 過分,過度,過量

  148 to substitute.....for 用.....代替

  149 be contrary to 與.....相反

  150 in reality 實際上,事實上

  151 to put off 延期,消除

  152 be confronted with 面臨,面對

  153 to draw on (1)用.....做來源,依靠(2臨近

  154 to gaze at 凝視,注視

  155 be unaware of 不知道.....沒覺察到....

  156 to dream of 夢見,夢想

  157 in one’s mind’s eye 在腦海里

  158 to go over (1)越過,渡過(2)仔細檢查

  159 to impress.....on 使......銘記,牢記

  160 be free from 沒有......的,不受.....的

  161 to go over (1)越過,渡過(2)仔細檢查

  162 to impress....on 使......銘記,牢記

  163 to put aside (1)放在一邊,撇開(2)儲存

  164 be beneficial to 對......有利

  165 to add up to (1)總計是(2)總起來意味著

  166 influence on 對......的影響

  167 to break into 分成(部分)

  168 so far as sb.knows 就某人所知

  169 of....value 有......價值

  170 of....importance 重要,有意義

  171 of....interest 有趣,有意思

  172to coincide with 相符,一致

  173 to go in for (1)參加,從事(2)以.....為興趣,愛好

  174year in and year out 一年一年地,年復(fù)一年

  175 to take.....easy輕松一點;勿太緊張

  176to put an end to結(jié)束或廢除某事務(wù)

  177to do one’s best盡全力;盡量

  178to do with sth. 處理;忍受

  179 in return 作為回報

  180 to do without 沒有....也行;將就,設(shè)法應(yīng)付過去



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