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  1. telecommunication n. 電信,遠距離通信$lesson$

  請注意這個詞的構成,tele-是一個前綴,意思是"遠","遠距離"。用tele-為前綴構成的詞很多,如: television(電視), telegram(電報) ,telegraph(電報機;發(fā)電報) ,telephone(電話),telescope(望遠鏡)等。

  The Japanese hope that we can be persuaded to buy their telecommunication equipment.(日本人希望能勸說我們購買他們的電信設備。)

  AT&T has been allowed to enter the field of telecommunications in Shanghai.(在上海,AT&T公司已獲準進入電信領域。)

  2. via prep. 經由,經過,通過轉自環(huán) 球 網 校edu24ol.com

  He went to Shanghai via Wuxi.(他經由無錫去上海。)

  He booked a ticket to Washington via New York.(他預定了一張經由紐約去華盛頓的票。)

  They transmitted television pictures via satellite all over the world.(他們通過衛(wèi)星把電視畫面?zhèn)魉偷绞澜绺鞯亍?

  3. transmit v. 播送,發(fā)射,傳送,傳遞

  Glass transmits light and water transmits sound.(玻璃能透光,水會傳聲。)

  The TV program was transmitted by satellite throughout the world.(電視節(jié)目被衛(wèi)星播送到世界各地。)

  They were reluctant to transmit the information to the control center.(他們不愿意把信息傳送到控制中心去。)

  4. photography n. 攝影,照相;攝影術

  photo是一個詞根,表示"光;光電;照相術";graph表示"記錄"。以photo為詞根的詞還有: photochemistry(光化學),photocopy(影印),photoelectric(光電的),photograph(照片), photographer(攝影師),photosensitive(感光的)等等。以graph為詞根的詞有:autograph(親筆), biography(傳記),calligraphy(書法),geography(地理學),telegraph(電報)等等。

  5. telegraph n. 電報機;電報 v.用電報發(fā)送;發(fā)電報轉自環(huán) 球 網 校edu24ol.com


  She told him the news by telegraph.(她用電報把消息告訴了他。)

  I telegraphed him the result last week.(上個星期,我把結果告訴他了。)

  6. establish v. 建立,創(chuàng)辦;使確認

  He decided to leave school and establish his own company.(他決定離開學校,創(chuàng)辦自己的公司。)

  They have established diplomatic relations with that country.(他們已經同那個國家建立了外交關系。)

  It is important for businessmen to establish credit.(對于商人來說,建立信譽十分重要。)

  It is strange that they haven't established the cause of death so far.(很奇怪,他們至今還沒有確定死因。)

  There is no way to establish the identity of the man.(沒有辦法確認那個人的身份。)

  7. signal n. 信號;暗號

  v. 向…發(fā)信號

  He didn't notice the traffic signals when he rode on the street.(他在街上騎車時,沒有注意到交通信號。)

  He sat in the room and waited for the signal to speak.(他坐在房間里,等候著讓他說話的信號。)

  The ship signaled its position hourly.(該船每小時用信號報告它的位置。)

  He signaled me to enter the classroom.(他做手勢叫我進教室。)

  8. visual adj. 視覺的;栩栩如生的

  vision n. 視力,視覺;想像力;幻想

  visualize v. 設想,想像

  Are you sure it is not your visual illusion?(你能肯定這不是你的視錯覺嗎?)

  His stories are very visual.(他的故事寫得很生動。)

  If you don't tell me anything, it is difficult for me to visualize the scene.(如果你什么也不告訴我,要想像這個景象很困難。)

  9. capable adj. 有能力的,有才能的

  capability n. 能力

  I always thought mother was very capable.(我一直認為媽媽很能干。)

  With the knowledge and experience, we are capable of overcoming the difficulties.(有了這些知識和經驗,我們能克服困難。)

  Don't say anything capable of being misunderstood.(別說任何容易引起誤解的話。)

  They don't have the capability of solving practical problems.(他們沒有解決實際問題的能力。)

  Some jobs are beyond their capabilities.(有些工作超出了他們的能力。)

  10. broadcast v; n. 廣播,播音

  broadcaster n. 播音員

  broadcasting n. 廣播,播音


  The news was broadcast to the whole country.(這一消息對全國廣播了。)

  Did you watch the evening broadcast of world news yesterday?(你昨天有沒有看晚上播送的國際新聞?)

  He works with the Central People's Broadcasting Station.(他在中央人民廣播電臺工作。)

  He suggested all television broadcasting should be prohibited.(他建議禁止播放所有的電視節(jié)目。)

  His wife is a famous television broadcaster.(他妻子是著名的電視播音員。)

  11.access n. 通道,入口;接近(進入)的機會

  The door gives access to a living room. (從這個門可以進入起居室。)

  I cannot find the access to this building. (我找不到進入這座大樓的通道。)

  I demanded access to a telephone. (我要求有權使用電話。)

  You can easily get access to him. (你很容易接近他。)

  People in that mountain area had no access to education. (那個山區(qū)的人們過去沒有受教育的機會。)

  access 也可以做動詞用,意思是"取,利用",如:

  The main problem was that they spent too much time accessing the information from the computer. (主要的問題是他們從計算機上存取信息花了太多的時間。)



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