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2011年自考《英語(一)》考前重點復(fù)習(xí)Unit 23

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  Text A Non - verbal Communication$lesson$

  一、New Words

  1.前綴單詞轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  1)non - verbal(a.) 非詞語的,非語言的

  verbal 言語的,言詞的;non 不……,非……。

  2)dislike(vt./n.) 不喜愛,厭惡


  1)listener(n.) 聽者,收聽者

  writer(n.) 作者、作家

  manager(n.) 1.經(jīng)理;2.管理人

  2)European(a.) 1.歐洲的;2.歐洲人的

 ?。╪.) 歐洲人

  an 結(jié)尾表示“人”的單詞:American,Italian

  3)approve(v.) 批準、通過、贊成

  approval(n.) 1.批準,通過;2.贊成,同意

  arrive/arrival 與以上兩個詞的構(gòu)詞方式一樣。

  4)reaction(n.) 1.反應(yīng)(力),反作用(力);2.反動,對抗

  5)appearance(n.) 1.出現(xiàn),露面;2.外觀,外表

  6)closeness(n.) 1.緊密;2.嚴密,精密

  7)tenseness(n.) 緊張;繃緊

  intense(a.) 強烈的、緊張的

  8)embarrassment(n.) 1.窘迫;2.使人為難的事

  9)culture(n.) 文化

  cultural(a.) 1.文化的;2.栽培的,培養(yǎng)的

  10)invasion(n.) 入侵,侵略

  invade(v.) 侵略、入侵

  11)nervous(a.) 1.神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的;2.神經(jīng)緊張的

  nerve(n.) 神經(jīng)

  12)casually(ad.) 1.偶然地,碰巧地;2.漫不經(jīng)心地,隨便地

  英文意思就是 “by chance”


  1)oral(a.) 口頭的,口的

  For example:Oral English 英語口語

  2)frown(vi.) 1.皺眉;2.不滿,用皺眉對…表示不滿(+ at)

  For example:He is frowning at those words on the wall. 他對寫在墻上的這些字直皺眉頭。

  3)staff([復(fù)]staffs)(n.) 1.全體職工,全體人員;2.參謀部

  (vt.) 為…配備工作人員

  如果要表述某一個整體中的具體的某一個人,應(yīng)該是“staff member”,某幾個成員“staff members”。

  For example 1:The school's teaching staff is excellent. 這個學(xué)校的教職員工是非常出色的。

  For example 2:Five staff members went to discuss their working conditions with the manager. 有五位職工去和經(jīng)理討論他們的工作條件。

  4)appearance(n.) 1.出現(xiàn),露面;2.外觀,外表;




  For example:The lion's appearance in the village cause great panic. 這頭獅子在這個村莊的出現(xiàn)導(dǎo)致了非常大的恐慌。

  5)control(vt./n.) 1.控制,支配;2.克制,抑制

  in control of 控制了……

  out of control 脫離了控制,意思是已經(jīng)不受控制了,也可以用 beyond control

  under control 處于控制之下

  6)false(a.) 1.假的,偽造的;2.不真實的,錯誤的;


  wrong(錯的)←→ right(正確的)但是這兩個詞沒有真假的意思。

  7)confess(vt./vi.) 1.承認;2.坦白,供認

  4.Phrases and Expressions

  1)for short 簡稱,縮寫

  For example:We are talking about National Basketball Association, NBA for short. 我們正在談?wù)搰一@球協(xié)會,縮寫是 NBA.

  2)to fiddle with 1.擺弄,玩弄;2.弄虛作假

  For example:As a accountant you should not fiddle with accounts. 作為一名財會人員,你不應(yīng)當篡改賬目。

  3)to lack in 在…方面缺乏

  For example:The young always lack in experience. 年輕人經(jīng)常是缺乏經(jīng)驗。

  4)and so on/and so forth/etc 等等

  For example:My mother bought many vegetables from the market such as potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, and so on. 我媽媽在市場上買了很多蔬菜,比如土豆、西紅柿、卷心菜等等。

  5)So far 迄今為止,就此范圍(或程度等)來說

  So far 相當于 by now

  For example:She is the hardest student I have seen so far. 到目前為止,她是我所見到的最用功的學(xué)生。

  6)In fact 實際上

  7)As the saying goes 正如俗語所說

  For example:As the saying goes don't try to run before you can walk. 正像俗話所說的,在你學(xué)會走路之前不要想著去跑。(你還沒有具備那樣的能力,就不要硬逞能。)

  8)To speak volumes 含義很深,很有意義

  For example:What the speaker said at the end of the lecture speaks volumes. 那個演講人在他演講的最后所說的話非常地富有含義。

  二、Text A

  Non - verbal Communication(非語言文字的交流)

  If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people, what would you say? That isn't a catch question.


  1.catch 做動詞表示“抓住、趕上”,在這兒 catch 是一個名詞,意思是 hard to answer,“難以回答的”。

  The answer is simple and obvious. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words.


  2.refer to:指的是。

  Speakers and listeners - oral communication, and writers and readers - written communication. And you'd be quite right. There is, however, another form of communication which we all use most of the time, usually without knowing it. This is sometimes called body language. Its more technical name is non - verbal communication. Non - verbal, because it does not involve the use of words. NVC for short.


  When someone is saying something with which he agrees, the average European will smile and nod approval. On the other hand, if you disagree with what they are saying, you may frown and shake your head. In this way you signal your reactions, and communicate them to the speaker without saying a word.


  3.average(n./a.) 這里做名詞,意思是一般的。

  4.signal n.信號;v.用信號通知、用信號傳達、用動作示意。

  For example:He signaled me to sit down. 他示意我坐下來。

  I referred a moment ago to “the average European”, because body language is very much tied to culture, and in order not to misunderstand, or not to be misunderstood, you must realize this. A smiling Chinese, for instance, may not be approving but somewhat embarrassed.


  5.tie――n.領(lǐng)帶;v.系、關(guān)聯(lián);常用短語:be tied to = be connected with 和……有關(guān)聯(lián)、和……有關(guān)系。

  Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers, who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions.


  6.be being + 動詞過去分詞:現(xiàn)在進行時的被動結(jié)構(gòu)。

  7.deal with + sth 意思是“處理……事情”;

  deal with + sb 意思是“跟某人打交道”。

  be to do 表示已經(jīng)計劃好了,已經(jīng)決定將要做什么事情。

  Body language, or NVC signals, are sometimes categorised into five kinds: 1. body and facial gestures; 2. eye contact; 3. Body contact or “proximity”; 4. clothing and physical appearance; and 5. the quality of speech. I expect you understood all those, except perhaps “proximity.” This simply means “closeness”。


  In some cultures - and I am sure this is a cultural feature and not an individual one - it is quite normal for people to stand close together, or to more or less thrust their face into yours when they are talking to you. In other cultures, this is disliked; Americans, for instance, talk about invasion of their space.


  8.more or less 或多或少;

  Some signals are probably common to all of us. If a public speaker (like a professor, for example)is all the time fiddling with a pencil, or with his glasses, while he is talking to you, he is telling you quite clearly that he is nervous. A person who holds a hand over his mouth when he is talking is signaling that he is lacking in confidence. If you start wriggling in your chairs, looking secretly at your watches or yawning behind your hands, I shall soon get the message that I'm boring you. And so on. I'm sure you could make a whole list of such signals - and it might be fun if you did.


  9.make a list(of)羅列(羅列什么東西);list 自身可以做動詞“羅列”

  For example:Make a list of the books.

  it might be fun if you did 是與現(xiàn)在相反的虛擬語氣

  All the signals I have mentioned so far can be controlled. If you are aware that you are doing these things, you can stop. You can even learn to give false signals. Most public speakers are in fact nervous, but a good speaker learns to hide this by giving off signals of confidence.


  10.mention = speak of 表示提及到的、說到的、說過的;

  so far 到目前為止;

  be aware that 意識到、知道;

  in fact 事實上,實際上;

  11.by giving off 通過發(fā)出(虛假信號)。

  Other kinds of NVC are not so easy to control. Eye contact, for instance. Unless you are confessing intense love, you hardly ever look into someone else's eyes for very long. If you try it, you'll find they will soon look away, probably in embarrassment.


  I've already mentioned proximity, so just a brief word now about our last two categories, which concern the way people dress and the way they speak. These are both pretty obvious signals. People may dress casually and speak casually, which signals that they are relaxed. Or they can dress formally and speak formally, showing their tenseness. In fact, non-verbal communication can, as the saying goes, speak volumes.


  12.pretty(a.)意思是 beautiful;在文中是副詞,意思是 quite、very 非常、十分。

  三、Vocabulary Exercises

  Ⅰ。For each sentence, fill in the blank with the proper forms of the words given at the beginning. Please pay attention to the part of speech of each word.

  1. embarrass(v.) 窘迫、為難

  embarrassing(a.) 使……為難;使……窘迫;通常修飾沒有動作執(zhí)行能力的事物。

  embarrassed(a.) 為難的,感到很為難的,通常做表語或者定語,修飾有動作執(zhí)行能力的人。

  embarrassment(n.) 窘迫

  a. I often feel embarrassed in the presence of strangers.

  b. The little girl raised a rather embarrassing question.

  c. You can't imagine my embarrassment at having forgotten her name.

  d. The modern child embarrasses less easily than 50 years ago.

  2. close(a.) close(v.) closeness(n.) closed(a.)

  a. She made a close study of the relationship between culture and language.

  b. The bank has decided to close its New York branch.

  c. A sphere is a closed surface of figure.

  d. In some countries more eye contact implies more closeness of relationship.

  3. approve(v.) approval(n.) disapprove(v.) disapproval(n.)

  a. We all like others to show approval of what we do.

  b. He shook his head in disapproval.

  c. The government has approved the financial program for the coming year.

  d. I strongly disapprove of your program.

  4. appearance disappear appear disappearance

  a. The appearance of the old gray house made us think that it was empty.

  b. The advertisement didn't appear in yesterday's New York Times.

  c. The disappearance of the airplane brought about a search of the area.

  d. The truck disappeared into the night.

  5. tense(v.) 拉緊,使緊張;


  intense(a.) 熱烈的,強烈的,一般表示程度,有的時候也可以表示緊張的

  tenseness(n.) 繃緊、緊張

  intensity(n.) 思想或感情上的強烈、劇烈、激烈

  a. A bad burn causes intense pain.

  b. The heat continues with increased intensity.

  c. His muscles tensed when he heard the bad news.

  d. One must learn to hide one's tenseness when speaking in public.

 ?、?。 Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.

  non-verbal   staff   approval   appearance

  dislike     confess  control    brief

  casually    oral

  1. The boy confessed that he had broken the vase.

  2. The plane suddenly went out of control.

  3. The old man dislikes his wife although they have been married for thirty years.

  4. The young lady is making her first appearance at the party.

  5. The headmaster and his staff should all speak at the meeting.

  6. Do you know how to practice oral English?

  7. The professor made a brief introduction to his research.

  8. Art, like gesture, is a form of non-verbal expression.

  9. The father expressed his approval of what the son did.

  10. He only casually put in a remark when we talked about the matter.

  Text B Body Talk

  一、New Words





















  For example:a satisfying speech. 一個令人滿意的演講。


  For example:My father is satisfied with my study. 我的父親對我的學(xué)業(yè)比較滿意。


  For example: book lover 愛書的人







  4.Phrases and Expressions

  1)to take a liking to(for)愛好,喜歡

  For example:He has a great liking for Chinese green tea. 他特別愛喝中國的綠茶。

  2)to worry about 焦慮,不安,煩惱

  For example:He has been out of home for three months, so his mother worries about his safety very much. 他已經(jīng)離家三個多月了,他的母親非常擔心他的安全。

  3)apart from 除去,撇開,除…之外

  For example:Apart from the cost of living his university life is quite good. 除了生活費用,他的大學(xué)生活還是過得相當不錯的。

  4)to complain of/about 抱怨,發(fā)牢騷,訴苦

  For example:Don't always complain of the others. 不要總是抱怨其他人。

  5)to let alone 1.不管,不弄;2.更不用

  For example:When a child is crying you should let it alone or he will cry more loudly. 當一個孩子哭的時候,你不要理他,否則他會哭得更大聲。

  6)at times 有時候 = sometimes

  7)to take note of 注意,留意

  For example:When you make experiments in the laboratory, you should take note of the changes.當你在實驗室做實驗的時候,你應(yīng)當注意所發(fā)生的變化。

  二、Text B

  Body Talk(身體語言)

  Have you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have just met? Or worried about why someone you were talking to suddenly became cool and distant? The chances are that it wasn't anything that was said but something that happened: a gesture, a movement, a smile.


  take a liking to 喜歡

  1.The chances are that … 可能性

  Social scientists are now devoting considerable attention to “non-verbal communication,” what happens when people get together, apart from their actual conversation.


  2.devote … to 投身于……,獻身于……

  what 引導(dǎo)同位語從句,做 non - verbal communication 的同位語

  Professor Erving Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania is involved in a continuing study of the way people behave in social interaction. He feels that gestures, movements and physical closeness have meaning which the words that the people are using do not carry.


  3.be involved in 涉及到,投身于,牽扯進去

  The closeness of two people when talking, movement towards and away from each other, and the amount of eye contact all reveal something about the nature of the relationship between the two individuals. We tend to be only subconsciously aware, if at all, of the various patterns and rituals of social behavior. We expect other people to act according to the same “rules” that we do, so much so that the manners and behavior of persons from another culture can be extremely confusing.


  4.if at all 即使、假如

  “rules” that we do 中 do 表示遵守

  5.so much so that 表示結(jié)果

  Fox example, North Americans tend to expect more physical distance between two speakers than do Latin Americans. Consequently, when the Latin American seems to be leaning too close, the North American complains of “invasion of his space.” The Latin American, on the other hand, often considers the North American to be “cold” or “distant” because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to.


  Eye contact is one way of measuring the degree of closeness of relationship between two speakers, although there are cultural variations in the meaning of eye contact. In the Middle East, for example, it is considered extremely provocative for a woman to let a man catch her eye, let alone return his gaze. Social psychologist Michael Argyle observes that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than those who are indifferent or hostile towards each other.


  6.catch one's eyes 引起某人的注意,文中是盯某人的眼睛

  7.be indifferent to 冷漠的

  be hostile to 敵對的、敵意的

  And the longer the length of the gaze, the more likely it is that the listener is more interested in the person who is speaking, than the actual topic of conversation. Frequently looking down can indicate submissiveness or embarrassment. Looking away repeatedly may express boredom or dislike. Women tend to engage in more eye contact than men, especially when talking to other women.


  8.engage in 從事、進行某項活動

  But too steady eye contact can make one feel uneasy at times. Most people become uncomfortable under the intense gaze of a stare. One scientist suggests that perhaps one reason that man becomes tense under the force of a stare is in his biological ancestors:in apes, a stare signifies aggressiveness and hostility. The person who insistently fixes his eyes on our face is often more successful in arousing our dislike than impressing us with his directness and sincerity.


  Similarly, the smile cannot always be interpreted as a sign of friendliness. The person who smiles almost constantly and with little apparent reason makes us uneasy. Even though he may believe that he is expressing friendliness, he may really seem nervous and tense. In other animals, bared teeth are a warning gesture, a danger sign.


  Genuine warmth or interest can be revealed in the eyes, suggests Dr. Eckhard Hess of the University of Chicago, who believes that the pupils of the eyes can indicate emotion or interest. The opened pupil tends to be associated with pleasant, satisfying experiences. That special sparkle in the lover's eyes need not be fantasy, for love may make the pupil grow larger. Sometimes when we feel that a person is “warm” or “friendly”, it is possible we are reacting to a form of non-verbal communication - his opened pupils.

  真正的熱情和興趣可以從眼神當中表現(xiàn)出來,這是芝加哥??斯? 赫斯博士提出來的。他認為眼睛的瞳孔可以表達感情和興趣。瞳孔擴張一般總是與愉快的令人滿意的經(jīng)歷有關(guān)。情人眼神中閃現(xiàn)出的神采不一定就是你的幻覺,因為愛情可以使瞳孔擴大。有時我們覺得某人“熱情”、“友好”,這很可能是我們對他所用的非語言文字的交流做出了反應(yīng)――他的瞳孔擴大了。


  The next time you are at a party, take note of some of the silent messages being sent around you. Notice which persons seem to draw naturally together to speak, which others try to stay further apart or even avoid meeting each other's eyes. You may find that this silent language is much more fascinating than the actual conversation going on around you.


  三、Vocabulary Exercises

  Ⅰ。 Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.

  satisfying   considerable    consider   complain of

  tense      worry about     at times   take note of

  let alone    hostile

  1. Some conservatives have gone so far as to be hostile to any change.

  2. I left quietly and nobody took note of my leaving.

  3. The patient complained of headache caused by overwork.

  4. The sun was high in the sky, and the heat is considerable.

  5. At times I feel I want to give up smoking.

  6. In those hard times, we couldn't send our children to middle school, let alone college.

  7. Don't worry about us; we are old enough to take care of ourselves.

  8. I saw his face tense with pain.

  9. No student can give the teacher a satisfying answer.

  10. Red colour is generally considered to be active and exciting.





  lack in;So far;worry about;apart from;let alone;take note of


  1)staff 作為集合名詞的時候的用法:如果表示整體,注意 staff 后面不加“s”;如果表示個體,staff 后面要加“member”。

  2)pretty 做副詞的時候意思是非常、相當、十分,可以修飾形容詞;

  3)The chances are that 意思是很有可能……。



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