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2011年自考《英語(一)》考前重點復(fù)習(xí)Unit 24

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  Text A Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations$lesson$

 ?、?New words:


  deforestation: v.& n. 開伐森林

  ecosystem: n. 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  ecospecies: 生態(tài)種

  overpopulate: v. 使人口過密

  population: n. 人口

  international: 國際的

  nation: n. 國家,民族

  inter- 表示“在一起, 交互”之義

  export: n. & vt. 輸出,出口

  port: 港口

  import: 進(jìn)口

  recycle: vt. 使再循環(huán),使再生;n.再循環(huán),再生

  economy n. 經(jīng)濟(jì)

  economic a. 經(jīng)濟(jì)(上)的

  economics n. 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)

  economical a. 節(jié)約的

  consequence: n. 結(jié)果,后果

  consequent: a. 作為結(jié)果的

  massive: a. 大量的;大而重的,魁偉的

  mass: n. 群眾,大量

  regional: a. 地區(qū)的

  region: n. 地區(qū)

  globe: n. 地球

  global: a. 全球的

  contribute: v. 貢獻(xiàn),捐獻(xiàn)

  contribution: n. 貢獻(xiàn),捐獻(xiàn),投稿

  contributor: n. 捐助者,貢獻(xiàn)者

  senseless: a. 無知覺的;無意義的,愚蠢的

  living: n. 生活,生計

  make one's living 謀生

  newly: ad. 新近,最近;重新,以新的方法


  rainforest: n. 熱帶雨林

  rainfall: n. (降)雨量;一場雨

  greenhouse: n. 溫室

  forestland: n. 林地

  make-up: n. 組成,化妝


  1.upset v. 弄翻,打翻;使苦惱

  過去式、過去分詞:(upset-upset-upset )

  a. 不安的;不適的;不舒服的

  E.g.: The large wave upset the boat.

  He is upset because of the generation gap.

  2.contribute (vi./vt)

  E.g.: The Nobel Prize winner contributed much to the research in this field.

  contribute to: 有助于;捐獻(xiàn);起作用

  His carelessness contributed to the accident.

  3.derive v. 由…。得到(from);起源,由……派生(from)

  E.g.: He derived his love for table tennis from his father.

  Many English words derived from French.

  4.cancel v. 取消;刪除

  E.g.: The decision of the court cancelled the contract.

  5.owe : vt. 欠(債等),應(yīng)該向(某人)付出;應(yīng)該把…歸功于(to)

  E.g.: I owe a great deal to my family and my friends for their support.

  His success does not owe to luck but hard work.


  1.speed up (使)加速

  E.g.: The heart speeds up.

  We should make double efforts to speed up socialist construction.

  2.threaten with 用…威脅,恐嚇

  E.g.: The boss threatens the employees with dismissal.


  3.at the rate of 以…速度或比率

  He drives at the rate of 40 kilometers per hour.

  The population in this country is increasing at the rate of 1%.

  4.in the face of 在…面前,當(dāng)著…的面;不顧

  face: n. 臉;正面 v. 面對

  E.g.: He was brave in the face of danger.

  5.stop…。from… 阻止…做…

  I can hardly stop myself from shouting at him.

  Having no money cannot stop them from falling in love.

  6.pay off 償還;沒有白費

  He plans to pay off the loan (貸款) in five years.

  7.solution to 解決…的方法

  8.last but not least 最后的但并非最不重要的

  Last but not least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem.

  Ⅱ.Text A

  Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations: 拯救熱帶雨林,造福子孫萬代


  Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they could well disappear from the earth's surface before the year 2050.


  They are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nations in which they are located.

  are being cleared: 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時的被動語態(tài)


  The most recent figures show that the area of rainforest destroyed last year alone was bigger than the size of Great Britain and Ireland.


  be+ being +V(p.p)

  clear v. 清除,掃除

  speed: 加快

  locate: v. (使)坐落于,位于


  If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences for the earth will be great.


  We shall see a massive upsetting of ecosystems, very large increases in soil erosion, increases in flooding and in drought, changes in rainfall patterns and regional, quite possibly global, changes in climate. We shall also probably lose many rare plant and animal species.


  in: 在……方面

  contribute to : 促成,導(dǎo)致


  According to many scientists, the burning of rainforests is also directly contributing to the so-called greenhouse effect. This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.


  contribute to(to 介詞): 有助于

  raise vt.

  rise vi.


  The rainforest is essential in other areas also. It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential. The US National Cancer Institute has identified 2,000 rainforest plants which could be beneficial in fighting cancer. In today's pharmaceutical market, 15 of the 125 drugs derived from plants were discovered in the rainforest.

  chest: 胸膛;箱。


  Plant species are not the only forms of life threatened with extinction in the rainforest. Rare birds and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world have been disappearing at the rate of one a year since the turn of the century.


  the turn of the century 世紀(jì)之交

  In the face of all these facts, it seems senseless for countries to continue destroying their rainforests.


  Destroy v. 消滅,摧毀/damage v./n. 損害,傷害/ruin v./n. 毀滅

  However, the problem is not so simple. The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated. One of them, Brazil, has a population of 140 million, about half of whom are living in absolute poverty.


  The governments in these countries are usually also too weak to stop large companies and powerful individuals from destroying the rainforests. They have no money, so when the poor whom they cannot feed find work cutting down trees or burning forestland, the governments often have no choice but to turn a blind eye.

  the +a.:表示一類人

  have no choice but to do: 沒有辦法,只能…


  Moreover, for many of these countries, the valuable timber and other resources found in the rainforests are also a very important source of foreign exchange, which they badly need to pay off their foreign debts and purchase foreign equipment and other goods.

  foreign exchange: 外匯


  The only solution to the problem, then, seems to be for the richer countries of the world to help the countries where the rainforests are located. One way they could help would be by cancelling the international debts that countries like Brazil owe, while also working together with these countries to solve their other economic problems.


  At the same time, they could support programmes to teach the local people to regard the rainforests as gardens to be harvested, and not merely as places where the only way for them to make a living is by senselessly cutting down trees and burning.


  regard …as …:把…當(dāng)成

  see …as

  Such programmes could teach the local people how to select trees worth exporting and to cut only those trees down while leaving the rest, so that the basic make-up of the forest would not be disturbed.

  be worth doing sth.: 值得…。


  This would also mean that the environment needed for the survival of the many rare species of animals and plants, as well as of the Indian tribes that live in the rainforest, could be preserved.



  The local people could also be taught to earn more money by cutting the selected trees and making them into furniture on the spot.

  select v. 選擇 a.精選的

  selection n. 選擇

  selective: a. 選擇的,選擇性的

  In addition, they could learn how to harvest other valuable natural materials that are now being wasted, and sell them overseas to earn foreign exchange for their countries.


  Last but not least, people in the richer countries of the world could also help save the rainforests by using wood-derived products such as paper more carefully and by recycling used paper products to help reduce the demand for newly cut wood.


  Ⅲ.Vocabulary Exercises :

  ?.Choose the proper words given at the beginning.

  1.economy economic economical

  a.The war is a fatal blow to the economy of both countries.

  b.It is important to bring about a new economic order in the world.

  c.The newly invented machine is economical of time and energy.

  2.consequence consequent consequently

  a.The farmers suffered a drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the market.

  b.If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to take the consequence.

  c.She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.

  3.contribute contribution contributor

  a.His involvement contributed effectively to the solution of the dispute.

  b.All contributors to the church will have a meeting today.

  c.The young policeman made a remarkable contribution to public safety.

  4.overpopulate population populate

  a.If we didn't carry out family planning, our country would be much more overpopulated.

  b. The centre of the city is a densely populated area.

  c. The country is adopting radical measures to control the growth of its population.

  ?.Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.

  local massive upset senseless recede threaten export recycle select pay off

  1.Empty bottles are recycled in order for the glass to be used.

  2.The news that he failed the final exam upset him emotionally.

  3.Tea, grain and sugar are among the most important exports.

  4.The doctors made massive efforts to save the dying patient.

  5.Columbus' idea of going east by sailing west was thought to be senseless by the Spanish nobles.

  6.The coast was receding / receded slowly as our ship sailed out to sea.

  7.Many rare species of animals are being threatened with extinction.

  8.It's almost certain that our plan will pay off; it is a wonderful idea.

  9.“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means that one should behave according to the local customs.

  10.Why didn't you select a better topic for your conversation?

  Text B Life on the Tundra

 ?、?New words:


  subsoil n. 下層土,底土


  marshy a.沼澤般的,濕軟的

  →marsh n.沼澤

  →表示地形的單詞:maintain/sea /desert /plain /plateau

  continous a. 連續(xù)不斷的,不停歇的,表示動作或物體不間斷地進(jìn)行下去

  eg: They chattered continuously for an hour. 他們不間斷地聊了一個小時。

  continual a. 連續(xù)的,頻繁的,表示多次重復(fù)的動作(有可能有間斷)

  eg: Please stop your continual questions. 請不要再接二連三的提問題了。

  permanently ad. 長久地,永久地

  →permanent (a.) 反義詞:temporary a. 暫時的

  lifeless a. 1.無生命的,死的;2.沒有生氣的,單調(diào)的

  disturbance n. 1.騷動,動亂;2.打擾,干擾

  deep a. 深的

  depth n. 1.深度2.深處[常pl.] 3.深奧,深刻

  seemingly ad. 1.表面地 2.近乎真實地

  shortage n. 不足,缺少

  explorer n. 探索者,考察者


  daylight : 1.日光 2.日間

  pipeline : 管道,管線


  minor 比較小的;少數(shù)的 ←→ major 比較大的;多數(shù)的



  bay海灣 / port 海港 / coast 海岸,海濱/ gulf 海灣


  1.horizon n. 1.地平線;2.(喻)眼界,見識

  E.g.: the horizon 地平線

  Travel broadens one's horizons. 旅游可以開闊人的眼界。

  2.continuous & continual

  E.g.: They chattered continuously for an hour. 他們足足聊了1個小時。

  Please stop your continual questions. 請不要再接二連三地提問題了。

  3.hunt vt. 1.追獵,獵??;2.追趕,搜索



  E.g.: go hunting 去打獵

  He's been hunting for a lost book. 他一直在找那本丟失的書。


  1.be known as 以…而聞名,通常名叫

  E.g.: Mark Twain was known as a great novelist. 馬克? 吐溫作為一個偉大的小說家被人們熟知。

  →be known for 因為…而出名

  2.in search of 尋找…,尋求…

  Eg: Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 科學(xué)家正在想治療這種疾病的方法。

  3.to …degree 達(dá)到…程度

  to some degree 達(dá)到一定的程度

  to what degree 達(dá)到什么程度

  to a high/low degree 達(dá)到很高/低的程度

  to such an degree 達(dá)到如此…的程度

  to a certain degree 達(dá)到一定的程度

  E.g. He is vain to a high degree. 他非常愛虛榮。

  4.to some extent 在某種程度上

  E.g.: To some extent you are correct . 從某種程度上說你是正確的。

  I agree with you to a certain extent. 我在一定程度上同意你的意見。

  5.prevent … from 防止,阻止

  E.g.: Put on more clothes to prevent yourself from getting a cold. 多穿點衣服,以免感冒。

  6.in turn 1.依次,輪流;2.反過來

  by turns 輪流,交替

  1)please speak in turn. 請依次發(fā)言。

  2)Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理論以實踐為基礎(chǔ),反過來又為實踐服務(wù)。

  3)The couple wash dishes by turns. 夫妻倆輪流洗碗

  7.result in = bring about 導(dǎo)致,產(chǎn)生

  E.g.: Our efforts resulted in success. 我們的努力終于導(dǎo)致了成功

  →result from 因為…。發(fā)生,產(chǎn)生

  E.g.: His injury resulted from a fall. 他因摔倒而受傷。

  Ⅱ.Text B

  Life on the Tundra


  Tundra is the name given to the low, marshy plains of Europe, Siberia, and North America that border on the Arctic Ocean.


  1.border on 與…相鄰

  In Alaska, the vast, cold region known as the “Northern Slope” is part of the tundra. Nature sets harsh terms for survival in this land. Only those plants and animals that are adapted to the hostile environment can survive in it.

  2.be know as

  terms 條件(如果去掉s則沒有條件的意思,表示“學(xué)期;術(shù)語”)

  3.adapt to 適應(yīng)…


  Long periods of darkness and bitter cold are the major threats to life on the tundra. At the Arctic Circle, the sun cannot be seen above the horizon in December. North of the Circle, the darkness lasts even longer. Over the northern reaches of the tundra, no sunlight can be seen at all for several months of the year.

  bitter 在這里表示“刺骨的”

  4.over : beyond在…以外

  5.no … at all: not … at all 一點也不,根本不

  eg. You don't look old at all. 你看起來一點也不老。


  The darkness is balanced, to some degree, by continuous daylight during the summer months.


  6.Balance n. 平衡

  v. 使…平衡,使…均衡

  But even in the warmest month, the temperature only averages about 50 degree F (10 degrees C)。

  F(fahrenheit) C(centigrade)

  Boiling point 212° 100°

  Freezing point 32° 0°

  Absolute-zero -459.67° -273.15°



  華氏度數(shù)=攝氏度度數(shù)×9/5 +32


  During the dark winter months the average temperature falls to -16 degrees F ( -27 degrees C), and sometimes to -40 degrees (C and F) and below.


  Because of the intense cold, the subsoil of the tundra remains permanently frozen to a great depth. During the brief summer, a few feet (about a meter) of soil thaw at the surface. It is this thin layer of active soil that supports all living things on the tundra.


  For nine months of the year, the tundra is a dark, seemingly lifeless wild land. Then in June, as if by magic, a never-setting summer sun gives birth to hundreds of species of arctic plants to cover the ground.

  7.give birth to (prep.) 產(chǎn)生…,生產(chǎn)出…


  A plant that grows more than three feet (about a meter) is unusual on the tundra. There are no tall trees. The frozen subsoil prevents roots from growing deep enough to support them. By the end of August the breath of winter returns, and by mid-September the tundra is white again.

  譯:一種植物若能長得超過了三英尺,這在凍土帶上就是很不平常的了。凍土帶上根本就不會有高大的樹木。深層的永凍土使植物的根不能深深地扎下去來支撐高大的樹木。到8月底,冬天的氣息又返回來了, 9月中旬這凍土帶又是冬天了。

  The animal life on the tundra is unusually rich for an environment that seems so harsh. Herds of arctic deer move from place to place in search of food. Bands of wolves follow them and hunt for the weak or sick ones.

  rich adj.富的, 有錢的, 富有的, 富饒的, 肥沃的, 充足的, 豐富的


  herds of deer 一群群的鹿

  bands of wolves 一群群的狼

  a group/crowd of people 一群人

  a herd of cattle 一群牛

  a flock of birds 一群鳥

  a nest of ants 一群螞蟻


  Few birds actually live on the tundra. However, a variety of birds migrate to nest and feed during the summer. The wet, marshy land produces a large number of insects that provide food for the smaller birds that, in turn, provide food for the arctic fox and the wolf.

  8.a variety of : various of : 多種多樣的


  The balance of nature is so delicate on the tundra that even minor disturbances may produce major changes in the environment.


  Any increase or decrease in the population of one species may affect all other species on the tundra. For example, if the number of wolves and foxes decrease, the food chain is upset.


  Without wolves, the number of grazing animals - like the deer - would increase. This increase would result in a food shortage, which would cause death to many smaller animals. A decrease in the number of these smaller animals would in turn decrease the food supply for the arctic fox and the wolf. In this way, the entire food chain might be affected by a change in the number of a single species.


  Until recently, the changing seasons on the tundra were seen only by a few Eskimo hunters and explorers. What would draw men and women to live in such a hostile land? The answer is oil.


  9.draw (v.): attract 吸引

  In 1968, oil was discovered beneath the frozen soil on Alaska's Northern Slope. Now an 800-mile (about 1300 kilometers) pipeline has been built from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdes, a port on the south coast of Alaska.


  The pipeline carries the oil from the Northern Slope, across the tundra, to the port. From there, it is shipped to the rest of the United States.


  10.ship (v.) 運送,輸送

  Thousands of men and women were needed to build and maintain the pipeline. For the first time, large numbers of people were brought into contact with the tundra.


  Their presence and the presence of the pipeline they built represented a major change in the environment. How will the life cycles of the tundra be affected?


  The survival of the United States depends on the ability to find new sources of energy. Oil from beneath the tundra is very important to the nations' development. But the survival of the tundra depends on how carefully people maintain the delicate balance of nature in this environment.




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