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  1 just do as you’re told 讓你做什么你就做什么$lesson$

  2 model 模型,mark 標記,brand 商標,轉自環(huán) 球 網 校edu24ol.com

  3 persuade sb to do sth , suggest sb’s doing, make sb do sth, prevent sb from 阻止某人做某事

  4 flavoured 加調料的, desirable 理想的,tasteful 有品位的,delicious

  5 hold up 阻塞, keep down 控制,sent back 退還,stand back 退后

  6 enhance (reputation), enlarge(photo, production), expand 膨脹(business,Metals,wings)

  7 surpass be batter than (surpass myself), exceed (number, limit), overdo 過火, surmount 克服 = overcome

  8 horrify 令人毛骨悚然的,< terror-struck 嚇得不知怎么樣了, terrify 令人感到威脅的恐懼, terrorize 受到威脅的

  9 perspective 透視法,respective 分別的各自的,relative 親戚 有關系的,respect 尊敬,respectful 尊重人的 有禮貌的,respectable 值得尊敬的 有名望的

  10 contribution, subscription 訂金 訂閱,allowance 補助,subsidy 津貼

  11 set a precedent 開創(chuàng)先例

  12 fall out with sb

  13 expulsion 開除,exclusion 排除在外

  14 commentator 評論員,announcer 播音員,presenter 主持人,narrator 講述人

  15 catalogue 目錄

  16 mishandle 錯誤的處理,mislay 放錯位置轉自環(huán) 球 網 校edu24ol.com

  17 recall n 記憶力 v 回憶,reminder 提示,recollection 回憶 have no recollection of sth,reminiscence 想起的往事

  18 windfall 以外之財,welfare 福利,profit 利潤,benefit 利益

  19 produce 農產品

  20 convict of + 罪行,convince of 確信,condemn for = sentence for

  21 pull the wool over my eyes

  22 plain sailing

  23 on the tip of my tongue

  24 get to grips with 認真處理

  25 wear off 疼痛或影響漸漸消失,fade out 聲音畫面淡入淡出,drop away 數量水平降低fall through 失敗

  26 come in for 受到遭到不好的事, go down with 得病+疾病,brought about 導致帶來,open up 開辟

  27 competent 有能力的,responsible for doing sth 不能加to, experience in doing sth 在某方面有經驗,reliable 可靠的

  28 seize the bull by the horns

  29 fit of ( rage)

  30 frame of mind

  31 phrase 詞組 措辭,talk 談論,remark 說話=observe= say

  32 heat ( argument, debate)

  33 slump 衰退(經濟上的),= recession

  34 treat+sb/illness/wound/injury, heal+sb, operate on sth/sb, cure+sb/illness

  35 propose a toast to

  36 deserving 優(yōu)秀的,deserved 應該得到的東西 (money),= merited

  37 dig away, dig down, dig into, dig in

  38 wretch, devastate , desert, denude

  39 out of stock 脫銷, out of practice 荒疏, out of work, our of reach

  40 assimilate 吸收,assign 分配,associate 結交, assume 設想

  41 worthless , worth 介詞 名詞, worthwhile adj. worthy, be worthy of sth. = be worth sth.

  42 ground 船擱淺, stranded=helpness. Stranded miles from anywhere---前不著村后不著店。Floor 被…難倒

  43 respectful 充滿敬意的, respected 受到尊敬的, respectable 受人尊敬的,體面的。 Respective 各自的,分別的

  44 system, scale 比例, diagram 圖表, reference 參考書

  45 fees 小費, subsidy 補貼,duties (on) 關稅,

  46 bother to sth.

  47 assure sb. 想某人保證。Convince 說服, persuade 勸說,guarantee sb. 為某人擔保。

  48 illegible , illicit 非法的, illusive 虛幻的, illogical 不合邏輯的

  49 come around, come across, come over

  50 get to the root of the problem 抓住問題的本質

  51 clear up (sky), let up 停止,slow down 減慢(速度)

  52 oppose , oppose sb\sth, be opposed to sb\sth.. object + to 用于主動

  53 glance 掃視, glimpse 瞥見, peer 費勁的看, peed 偷看

  54 put off 推遲到以后一個確定的時間,常與until搭配。 Delay

  55 presently = now, 當前, instantly=at once 立刻, nowadays 當今

  56 incident 發(fā)生了的事情,可大可小, matter 要考慮或處理的事情, accident

  57 remember sb. to sb. else 想某人問好。注意他的被動 如:Linda asked to be remembered to you

  58 tip of his finger

  59 portion= helping = serving

  60 deathly 死一般的, deadly (weapon\poison), fatal(死亡已經發(fā)生)=mortal(死亡未發(fā)生) + wound\disease

  61 assume 擔任 假設, resume 恢復 摘要, presume 假定 , consume 消滅

  62 willingness , intention , ambition , desire

  63 sit 有 attend 的意思

  64 leave sb to sb’s device = leave sb alone 任其自然

  65 thirsty, unsatisfied , in satiable

  66 born with a silver spoon in sb’s mouth, born with a wooden ladle in sb’s mouth

  67 stretched , strained

  68 break new ground 有新的突破

  69 wary of , careful to do , cautious about doing , prudent to do

  70 get down to 開始認真對待謀事, take up with , put down to

  71 drain 排水,drop, spill 水溢出來, drip 水灑了。

  Water is dripping from that leaky faucet. The tap in the bathroom was dripping.

  72 plead with sb = appeal to sb 請求某人

  73 We will accept your check, although it is not our normal practice.

  74 pull oneself together 振作起來

  75 think better of 轉念一想改變想法,重新考慮決定不做

  76 pass time 消遣時間, wasting time , idle time 虛度光陰

  77. for 不可用在開頭, now that 表示因果 78. on the fire 著火

  79. go on to do sth. 做另一件事, go on doing sth. 繼續(xù)做某事. Leave sb to do sth 讓某人做某事,leave sb doing sth 讓某人繼續(xù)做某事。

  80. in vain 徒勞,后要用到裝. 81. used to doing



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