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獲取驗證 立即預(yù)約







  1.At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were four powerful means of transmitting and receiving information over long distances:…

  本句中的beginning 是一個名詞,意思是“開始,開端”。如:

  means在本句中的意思是“方法;工具”轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  by all means 盡一切辦法

  live within/beyond one's means 量入(不量入)為出

  a means to an end 達到目的的方法

  by some means or other 用某種方法

  2.By the middle of the century, both radio and television had become established means of transmitting sounds and pictures.


  1)By the end of last June, they had visited 15 countries. (到去年六月底為止他們已經(jīng)訪問了15個國家。)

  2)By the end of last year Henry had collected 1500 butterfly specimens. (到去年年底,亨利已經(jīng)采集了一千五百多個蝴蝶標本。)


  1)a newly established organization (新設(shè)的組織)

  2)the established principles of international law (公認的國際法準則)

  3)an established fact (既成事實)

  4)an established custom (常規(guī))

  3.In order to transmit an event such as the Olympics Via satellite, television signals are first changed into radio waves,which are then sent from a station on earth to an orbiting satellite.

  such as的后面既可以跟名詞也可以跟從句,意為“諸如…之類的”;“例如”或“像…這樣的人或事物”

  which引導(dǎo)的是一個非限定性的定語從句。非限定性定語從句在修飾人時用who, whom或whose, 在修飾物時用which.非限定性定語從句常用逗號與主句分開轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com


  4.In theory, every person will have access to an unlimited amount of information.

  in theory意為“從理論上來說;在理論上”,與其意思相反的詞組是in practice (在實踐中;實際上)。

  have access to是一個很常用的詞組,意為“可接近,可進入”,to是介詞,動詞have也可用其他詞替換。如get,gain,give,win等。

  information是一個不可數(shù)名詞,后面不可以加s,許多信息可以用a lot of information, a large amount of information, much information等表達。一條信息可以表達為a piece of information.

  amount通常用在不可數(shù)名詞前面,如the amount of money; a considerable amount of prejudice (相當(dāng)大的偏見)。在復(fù)數(shù)名詞前面可用number,如the number of mistakes; the number of students

  5.The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas where transportation is difficult.

  how引導(dǎo)的是一個賓語從句。我們很熟悉的是that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,而且that常??梢允÷?。如:We must remember (that)things are easier said than done. (我們必須記住事情都是說起來容易,做起來難。)


  provide是一個常用單詞,通??梢杂腥缦掠梅ǎ簆rovide sth. to/for sb.; provide sb. with sth.; provide sb. sth.;provide that…,在前一個單元中,我們已對provide一詞有過講解

  6.He was then able to follow the doctor's instructions on how to care for the patient.


  care of 在句子中的意思是“照顧”,可用attend; look after替換。

  care for 還可以解釋為“擔(dān)心”,“介意”,“愿意”,可用about替換for.

  1)He doesn't care about/for his clothes. (他不講究衣著。)

  2)The old lady cared much for her daughter's safety. (老太太非常為女兒的安全擔(dān)心。

  7.The most common use of telecommunication satellites,however,has been for transmitting telephone calls.however


  1)It is not,however, the only answer to the question. (然而,這不是問題的唯一答案。)

  2)I am sorry,but I won't be able to come this time. (很報歉,我這次不能來了。)

  8. Telecommunication can make information from around the world available to use quickly and easily, but some people worry that this may be a risk to our privacy.


  1)I am sorry those shoes are not available in your size. (很報歉,那些鞋沒你的尺碼。)

  2)If I am not available when you call, leave a message. (你打電話來時如果我不在,請留個言。)

  9.We can prevent this from happening by carefully controlling the new technology.


  Nothing can prevent him (from)going there.(什么也阻止不了他去那兒。)



  1. at the beginning of 2.means of

  3. over long distance 4. by the middle of

  5. such as 6. change into

  7. from…to… 8. be capable of

  9. not only…but… 10.in theory

  11. have access to 12.amount of

  13. provide…to… 14.follow sb's instructions

  15. care for 16. as well as

  17. at the same time 18. make…available

  19. pay for 20.isolate…from…



  1)…both radio and television had be come established means of transmitting sounds and pictures.

  2. 非限定性定語從句

  1)…radio waves, which are then sent from a station on earth to an orbiting satellite.

  2)…back to earth, where another station picks them up and changes them back into television signals.

  3)The combination of satellites,which transmit information,computers,which store information,and television,which displays information,will change every home into an education and entertainment center.

  2. 賓語從句

  1)We must remember that technology alone is not the answer.

  2)The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas…。

  3. 注意such as,as well as,as的用法

  1)In order to transmit an event such as the Olympics via satellite, …

  2)…printed materials such as books and magazines.

  3)…as well as get any information they need, …

  4)As one telecommunication expert days, …

  Text B What People Don't Know about Air


  1. without

  We couldn't have finished the work so soon without your help.

  2. adv. + past participle

  It is widely known that the earth goes around the sun.

  It is generally believed that the earth is getting hotter.

  3. where

  Where there is a will,there is a way.

  4. be forced to

  They were forced to work 14 hours a day.

  5. shelter v.& n.

  Mother tried to shelter her from the blow of the tragic news.

  You have to find shelter from the blazing sun.

  6. protect from

  She had his umbrella to protect her from the sun.

  7. deadly adj.

  A drop of this poison might be deadly to man.

  8. burst

  As he braked a tire burst.

  Everybody in the room burst out laughing.

  The little girl burst into tears.

  9. rest upon

  His arm rested upon the table.

  The task rested upon my shoulder.

  His eyes rested upon a strange object.

  10. gaze at

  He was standing at the window, gazing at the street.

  11. not…until

  He didn't go out to play until he finished his homework.

  12. in the meantime

  13. pay attention to

  Please pay more attention to your spelling next time.

  14. add to

  If you praise others more often, you can add great happiness to their life.

  What he said just now added to my confusion.





  如:To speak English well is not an easy job.說好英語不是一件容易的事情。


  如:It is important to master English grammar.掌握英語的語法是重要的。


  如:Our plan is to set up another middle school for the children.我們的計劃是為孩子們再建一所學(xué)校。

  His ambition is to become a successful scientist.他的抱負是要成為一名成功的科學(xué)家。


  如:They decided to change their mind. 他們決定改變主意。

  I can't afford to live in a detached house.我住不起獨門獨院的房子。


  如:I find it interesting to study English.我覺得學(xué)英語很有趣。

  b)動詞不定式也可以作某些形容詞短語的賓語。這些形容詞有:ready, eager, anxious, able, sure, glad, afraid, pleased等。

  如:They are anxious to learn how to swim.他們渴望學(xué)會游泳。


  如:Professor Wang gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language.王教授給了一些如何學(xué)習(xí)外語的建議。

  d) 有些動詞可以跟疑問詞+不定式作賓語

  如:I don't know what to do next.我不知道下一步該做什么。



  如:My English teacher advised me to buy a better dictionary. 我的英語老師建議我買一本好的詞典。

  注:在feel, hear, listen to, look at, observe, see, watch, make, have, let等動詞后面,復(fù)合賓語中動詞不定式的標記to通常被省略。動詞help后面的to可以省略也可以保留。

  如:I saw her enter the cinema.我看見她進了電影院。

  We must have someone repair the computer.我們必須讓人來修這臺電腦。

  He helps the little girl (to) finish her homework everyday.他每天都幫助這個小女孩完成她的家庭作業(yè)。



  如:Her desire to win was apparent.她的求勝愿望顯而易見。

  She was the only one to get a scholarship.她是唯一得到獎學(xué)金的人。

  注:a)作定語的不定式如果是不及物動詞,或者不定式所修飾的名詞或代詞是不定式動作的地點、工具, 不定式后面須加相應(yīng)的介詞。

  如:She is looking for a room to live in.她在尋找一間房子住。(live是不及物動詞,后面加相應(yīng)的介詞)

  I need a pen to write with.我需要一支筆寫字。(pen是write動作的工具,在write后面加介詞)

  但是如果不定式修飾的名詞是time, place或way, 不定式后面的介詞習(xí)慣上省去。

  如:He had no place to live.他沒有居住的地方。

  That's no way to talk.不應(yīng)這樣談話。


  如:There are many books to read/ to be read.有好多書要讀。


  如:There's nothing to do.意為無事可做,感到無聊。

  There's nothing to be done.意為某東西壞了,無法使之恢復(fù)正常。

  c)被only, last, next,序數(shù)詞,最高級修飾的名詞常用不定式作定語。

  如:The next train to arrive is from New York.下一列到達的火車是從紐約開來的。

  Clint was the only person to survive the air crash. Clint 是這次空難事故中唯一的幸存者。



  如:He went to America to learn English.他去美國學(xué)習(xí)英語。

  為了強調(diào)動詞不定式所表示的目的時,動詞不定式可以用in order to或so as to.

  如:She reads China Daily every day in order to/so as to improve her English.她每天讀《中國日報》提高她的英語水平。

  in order to 為于句首或句中均可,so as to不能為于句首。



  如:He retuned home to learn his son had gone to the countryside.他回家后才知道他的兒子已去了鄉(xiāng)下。


  如:He is old enough to join the army.他夠參軍的年齡了。

  He is too short to reach the top of the shelf.他太矮了,夠不著書架的頂層。

  某些形容詞如:anxious, delighted, easy, kind, pleased, ready, willing 等,在too…to結(jié)構(gòu)中,沒有否定的含義,而是表示肯定。

  如:He is too ready to find fault.他老是愛挑毛病。

  在not, only, all, never, but等后的too…to結(jié)構(gòu),too的含義為very,不定式?jīng)]有否定含義。

  如:It is never too late to learn.活到老,學(xué)到老。


  如:He went to the station hurriedly only to find the train had left.他匆匆地趕到車站,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)火車已經(jīng)離開了。



  如:It is necessary for us to learn from each other.我們必須互相學(xué)習(xí)。(不定式作主語)

  What we want is for you to understand the matter clearly.我們所希望的是你更清楚地了解這件事。(不定式作表語)

  We consider it necessary for him to do the job alone.我們認為很有必要他獨自做那項工作。(不定式作賓語)

  There is a lot work for us to do.有很多工作要我們?nèi)プ觥?不定式作定語)

  The text is too long for us to learn by heart.課文太長,我們背不下來。(不定式作狀語)


  如: It is very kind of you to help him every day.每天幫助他,你真好。

  It is brave of you to do that.你那樣做真勇敢。

  3.疑問詞what, who, which, when, where, how和連接詞whether之后,可以跟帶to的不定式,構(gòu)成一個特殊的動詞不定式短語,可以在句中作主語,賓語和表語。

  如:How to solve the problem is very important.如何解決這個問題是很重要的。(主語)

  He didn't know what to say. 他不知道該怎么說。(賓語)

  The question is where to find the source of water.問題是在什么地方能找到水源。(表語)


  1)在feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, let, have等動詞后面,動詞不定式作賓語補足語,動詞不定式符號to通常省略。

  2)在would rather…than, would sooner…than, rather than, had better等結(jié)構(gòu)中

  如:I would rather go than stay.我寧愿走不愿意留下。

  He insisted on going back to his work rather than stay in hospital.他堅持要返回到工作崗位,而不再住院。


  如:Why spend such a lot of money? 為什么花那么多錢?

  4)在cannot but, cannot choose, cannot help but之后的不定式不帶to.

  如:I cannot but admire his courage. 我不得不欽佩他的勇氣。

  5) 不定式動詞在介詞but, except, besides后面時,如果這些介詞之前有行為動詞do的各種形式,那么,這些介詞后面的不定式不帶to, 否則要帶to。

  如:The boy would do nothing but cry.這個男孩只是哭。

  I have no choice but to accept the fact.除了接受這個事實之外,我別無選擇。

  6)某些習(xí)語中,如:make believe(假裝),let go (放開,釋放),hear say(據(jù)說),go hang (


  如:The children are making believe that they are princes and princesses.孩子假裝他們是王子和公主。

  7)兩個動詞不定式由and, or 或than連接在一起,為了避免重復(fù),第二個動詞不定式可以省去。

  如:I'd like to lie down and go to sleep.我想躺下睡覺。


  如:It is better to laugh than to cry. 笑比哭好。

  第二部分 鞏固練習(xí)


  1.The boy was made ___________ (sing) the song once again.

  填to sing. 在make后面,不定式作主語補足語時應(yīng)該加上不定式符號to

  2.Don't make children _________ (work) too hard.

  填work. make后面的動詞不定式作賓語補足語的時候,省略不定式符號to

  3.They would rather _____ (die) than _________ (surrender).

  填 die, surrender。would rather 后面不用to

  4.He could not choose but ___________ (love) her.

  填love. could not choose but后面之后的不定式不帶to

  5.She could do nothing but _________ (change ) her name under the circumstances.

  填change. 不定式動詞在介詞but后面時,如果這些介詞之前有行為動詞do的各種形式,那么,這些介詞后面的不定式不帶to, 否則要帶to

  6.He had his son _________ (play)the violin three hours a day.

  填play. have 后面的動詞不定式作賓語補足語,要省略to

  7.There was nothing to do except _________ (escape).

  填escape. 不定式動詞在介詞except后面時,如果這些介詞之前有行為動詞do的各種形式,那么,這些介詞后面的不定式不帶to, 否則要帶to

  8.He has not alternative but ________ (go ) and ask his sister for help.

  填 to go. 不定式動詞在介詞but后面時,如果這些介詞之前有行為動詞do的各種形式,那么,這些介詞后面的不定式不帶to, 否則要帶to

  9.What can you see in the park?

  I can see birds ________ (fly ) in the sky and sometimes I can see people _______ (do) shadowboxing.

  填 fly/ do 感官動詞see后面的動詞不定式作賓語補足語的時候,省略to



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