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成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 本文環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為參加學位英語考試的伙伴們準備了《2019年上半年學位英語考試模擬試題及答案6》,大家多做題有助于提升語感和做題速度。


1. You must hand in your paper on Monday, _____ you haven't finished it.

A) no matter how B) whenever C) even if D) wherever

答案:C 周一你必須上交報告,即使你尚未完工。

2. It is easier to catch a sleeping lion _____ the one that's awake.

A) that B) than C) when D) which

答案:B 抓一只睡覺的獅子比抓清醒的要容易很多。

3. The nurse treated the patient _____ he were her own brother.

A) like B) as C) even if D) as if

答案:D 護士對待病人,就像是她的親兄弟一樣。

4. _____ he was in poor health, he kept on working.

A) Because B) As C) Although D) However

答案:C 盡管他身體不好,但他還在工作。

5. We'll try to finish the work in time _____ we are short of manpower.

A) in spite of B) until C) before D) though

答案:D 我們將盡力完成這工作,盡管我們?nèi)耸侄倘薄?/p>

6. You mustn't be too proud of yourself _____ you have made much progress.

A) even if B) as C) because D) since

答案:A 你不能讓自己太驕傲,即使你取得了很大的進展。

7. You have to hold on, _____ difficulties you meet.

A) however B) whatever C) no matter D) how

答案:B 你要挺住,無論你碰到什么困難的事兒。

8. _____ hard I tried, I could not memorize the whole text.

A) However 無論如何不管怎樣 B) Because 因為 C) As 既然 D) Though 雖然

答案:A 不管我盡了多大努力,我也不能熟記課文。

9. _____ people might say, we still trust you as we did before.

A) No matter what 無論什么 B) Even though 即使 C) What D) However 不管怎樣

答案:A 不管別人怎樣說,我們?nèi)匀幌嘈拍?,就像以前一樣?/p>

10. The number of people who travel by air in China _____.

A) is larger than before B) is biggest now

C) are larger than ever D) as larger as before.

答案:A 在中國乘飛機出行的人多于以往


11.Certainly I posted your letter — I remember _____ it.

A)posting B)to post C)to be posting D)have posted


12.They must be at home — there's a light _____ in the bedroom.

A)to shine B)to be shining C)shining D)having shined

答案:C)shining 他們一定在家里 - 臥室里有盞燈開著。

13.Mr. Smith dislikes _____ such clothes but his wife likes _____ them.

A) to wear, to wear B)to wear, wearing C)wearing, to wear D)wearing, wear

答案:C) wearing, to wear 史密斯先生不喜歡穿這樣的衣服,但他的妻子喜歡穿。

14.When you're learning to drive, _____ a good teacher makes a big difference.

A)have B)having C)and have D)and having

答案:B)having 初學駕駛?cè)缬泻玫慕處熤笇В顒e很大。

15._____ this report _____ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise.

A)Getting, done B)Get, done C)To get, to do D)Getting, to do

答案:A) Getting, done 在這么短的時間完成這份報告是相當困難的 注意句子的謂語是was,getting this report done in such a short time是動名詞短語,用做句子主語。又因this report與do為被動關系,故用done。

16.I regret _____ what I said. I shouldn't have said it.

A)to say B)saying C)to be saying D)said

答案:B) saying 我懊悔講了我講的話。我是不應當這樣講的。

17.He was lucky and narrowly missed _____.

A)to injure B)injuring C)to be injured D)being injured

答案:D) being injured 他很幸運,差點被砸到而受傷。

18.I understand _____ to discuss the matter.

A)your not wanting B)not your waiting C)you not to want D)you to not want

答案:A) your not wanting 我理解你不想討論此事。

19.Don't be late. No one would like _____.

A)to be kept waiting B)being kept waiting C)to be kept to wait D)being kept to wait

答案:A) to be kept waiting 不要遲到。沒有人會喜歡被久等

20.He can't make himself _____. His spoken English really needs _____.

A) understand, improving B) understood, improving

C) understand, to improve D) understood, to improving

答案:B) understood,improving 他不能讓自己的理解。他的英語口語實在需要改進


One type of person that is common in many countries is the one who always tries to do as little as possible and to get as much 1 return as he can. His opposite, the man who has 2 for doing more than is strictly 3 and who is ready to accept 4 is offered in return, is 5 everywhere.

Both these types are entirely different 6 their behavior. The man who 7 effort is always talking about his “ 8 ”. He thinks that society should 9 him a pleasant, easy life. The man who is always doing more than his 10 talks of “duties”. He feels that the 11 is in debt to society.

The man who tries to do as 12 as he can is always full of 13 . For instance, if he has 14 to do something, it was because he was 15 by bad luck. His opposite is never 16 busy to take on a(n) 17 piece of work. So it is 18 that if you want something 19 in a hurry go to the busiest man whom you have 20 in.

1. A. in B. by C. as D. of

2. A. courage B. enthusiasm C. interest D. sense

3. A. essential B. elementary C. necessary D. principal

4. A. that B. which C. it D. what

5. A. short B. slight C. scarce D. rare

6. A. from B. in C. with D. for

7. A. drops B. withdraws C. avoids D. dislikes

8. A. favor B. advantages C. rights D. priority

9. A. let B. provide C. supply D. grant

10. A. share B. part C. offer D. piece

11. A. collective B. public C. individual D. private

12. A. more B. much C. less D. little

13. A. excuses B. causes C. words D. reasons

14. A. failed B. dropped C. fallen D. missed

15. A. prevented B. protected C. blocked D. refused

16. A. so B. too C. quite D. very

17. A. supplementary B. spare C. auxiliary D. extra

18. A. possible B. advisable C. acceptable D. desirable

19. A. made B. done C. finished D. performed

20. A. interest B. reliance C. faith D. taste

1. A【解析】短語in return作為對……的回報。

2. B【解析】 courage勇氣;enthusiasm熱情; interest興趣;sense感覺。have enthusiasm for表示“對…有熱情”,據(jù)上下文應選擇B。

3. C【解析】essential基本的;必要的;elementary初級的,基礎的;necessary必要的,必需的;principal主要的,最重要的。necessary強調(diào)必需性,強制性,而其它幾詞更多地強調(diào)重要性。

4. D【解析】只有what既可以做accept的賓語又可以引導后面的主語從句。

5. D【解析】short短的,矮的;slight輕微的;scarce缺乏的;稀有的;rare稀罕的;稀有的。在文中表示這種人稀少。

6. B【解析】 in表示“在某一方面”,from表示“從…”,with表示“伴隨或帶有”,for表示“目的或朝向”,所以此處in符合題意。

7. C【解析】drop降落,下跌;withdraw撤退,撤消;avoid避免;逃避;dislike不喜歡。據(jù)上下文可知此處指的是不愿付出較多努力的人,所以選擇C。

8. C【解析】favor善意,恩惠;偏好;advantage 益處,優(yōu)點,優(yōu)勢;right權(quán)力;priority優(yōu)先,優(yōu)先權(quán)。

9. D【解析】let讓;provide供給;裝備;supply供給,供應(用品);grant允許,授與,文中表示授與某種權(quán)力,所以選grant。

10. A.【解析】share分享;份額;part部分;零件;offer提議;提供;piece片,張,塊,文中表示獲得的東西,所以應選擇share。


12. D 【解析】據(jù)上下文此處接的是第一種“做的少,要求得到的多的人”,所以選擇little。

13. A【解析】excuse借口;cause原因,理由;word詞,言語;reason理由,原因,理智。文中表示找借口少做事,所以選擇excuses。

14. A【解析】fail to do sth.沒能成功做某事。

15. A【解析】prevent阻止;防止;protect保護,守衛(wèi);block妨礙,阻塞,封鎖;refuse拒絕;推卻;原文be prevented by可以與bad luck搭配,表示“由于壞運氣沒能做成某事”。

16. B【解析】too…to結(jié)構(gòu)是 “太……而不……”的意思。

17. D【解析】supplementary 補充的;附錄的;spare備用的;剩余的;auxiliary輔助的;補充的;extra額外的;特別的。extra piece of work表示“額外一份工作”。

18. B【解析】possible可能的;advisable合理的;適當?shù)?acceptable可接受的,受歡迎的;desirable稱心的;合意的。原文最后一句表示作者的建議,所以應用it is advisable that…句式。

19. B【解析】do something泛指做事情。perform表演、實施。

20. C【解析】 interest興趣,愛好;reliance依賴,信賴;taste味覺、味道、品味。have faith in sb. 表示“信任某人”。

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