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摘要 態(tài)度決定一切高度,只要大家認真復習,通過考試其實很簡單,2020年下半年學士學位英語考試時間為11月7日,下面我們練習2020年成人學位英語備考練習題及答案二,希望對大家的備考有所幫助。



1. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes.

A. connected

B. included

C. involved

D. implied

2. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

A. virtually

B. variously

C. unavoidably

D. invariably

3. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

A. close

B. short

C. narrow

D. fine

4. Do you mind if I _____ with my work while you are getting tea ready.

A. get through

B. turn to

C. carry on

D. come on

5. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _____ traffic jam.

A. in line with

B. in case of

C. for the sake of

D. at the risk of

6. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.

A. popula

r B. well-known

C. favorable

D. preferable

7. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public.

A. situatio

n B. position

C. employment

D. profession

8. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.

A. outcome

B. outset

C. income

D. output

9. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat.

A. loosing

B. losing

C. off

D. missing

10. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.

A. bills

B. charges

C. prices

D. costs

11. A good many houses _______ knocked down by the earthquake.

A. was B. were

C. is D. are

12. A good teacher must know how to _______ his ideas.

A. convey B. display

C. consult D. confront

13. A good teacher should not confront his pupils _______ too much information in one lesson.

A. by B. with

C. from D. about

14. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is _______ conditions or events.

A. in response to B. in favor of

C. in contrast to D. in excess of

15. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily _______ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.

A. take over B. result in

C. hold on D. keep to

16. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _______ the guards discovered what had happened.

A. before B. until

C. since D. when

17. A man has to make _______ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.

A. supply B. assurance

C. provision D. adjustment

18. A neat letter improves your chances of a favorable _______.

A. circumstance B. request

C. reception D. response

19. A new technique _______, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.

A. working out B. having worked out

C. having been worked out D. to have been worked out

20. A person who makes wise decisions has _______.

A. a good brain B. a good intention

C. good judgement D. good imagination



1.[答案] C. involved. [注釋]be involved in 參與。Be included in 包括在......中。

2.[答案] D. invariably. [注釋]invariably 總是, 不變地。Virtually 事實上, 實際上。unavoidably不可避免地。

3.[答案] C. narrow. [注釋]have a narrow escape 幸免遇難。

4.[答案] C. carry on.

5.[答案] B. in case of. [注釋] in case of 以防  In line with (=in agreement with) 與......一致, 符合:His actions were not in line with his belief.本句中in line with...作表語?! n line with history and social evolution socialism is inevitable.本句中in line with引導地短語作狀語, 意為“按照”?!or the sake of 為了......起見。 At the sake of冒......的風險。

6.[答案] A. popular. [注釋]popular 此處意為“ (=liked and admired) 受愛戴的, 有名聲或聲望的”。

7. [答案] B. position. [注釋]position 此句中指“地位” (不可數, 有時加不定冠詞)

8. [答案] B. outset.  [注釋] outset 開端, 開始, from the very outset (從一開始) 。outbreak爆發(fā), 發(fā)生。outcome結局. income 收入。output 產量。

9. [答案] D. missing.  [注釋]missing 缺少的; a book with some missing pages. (缺頁書) 。

10.[答案] B. charges.  [注釋]make charges for對......收 (費) ; 索 (價) 。charge也可以用作動詞, 表示“收費, 索價”

11. B【句意】許多房子在地震中倒塌了。

【解析】a good many意為“相當多,很多”,后面要跟復數名詞,謂語動詞也應是復數形式,并且本句所講述的是過去發(fā)生的動作,所以應用過去時。

12. A【句意】優(yōu)秀的教師必須知道如何表達自己的思想。

【解析】convey此處意為“傳達”,如:This picture will convey to you some idea of the beauty of the scenery.這幅畫將把那里秀麗的風景向你傳達一二。display則意為“展示,表現”,如: Our soldiers displayed no rear under the enemy's fire.我們的戰(zhàn)士在敵人的炮火下毫無懼色。consult作“請教,咨詢,查閱”講,如:Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?你有沒有看過醫(yī)生?confront意為“面臨,遭遇”, 如: The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp.士兵們離開營房時碰到兩個恐怖分子。

13. B【句意】優(yōu)秀的教師不應當在一堂課里面給學生灌輸太多的知識。

【解析】confront with是一個固定搭配,意為“使……面臨,使……面對”,如:The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the start.新制度開始時進到很大困難。

14. A【句意】大部分人類的活動,特別是和環(huán)境相聯(lián)系的活動都是特定條件和特定事件的反映。

【解析】in response to意為“響應,反應,回答”,如: He opened the door in response to a knock.聽到敲門聲,他去開門。 in favor of作“贊成,支持”講,如: Are you in favor of early marriage?你贊成早婚嗎? in contrast to意為“與……相反。與……相對照”。如: In contrast to your belief that we shall fail,Iknow we shall succeed.你認為我們會失敗,正好相反,我知道我們會成功。in excess of作“多于,超出”講,如:He advised his son never to spend in excess of his income.他勸兒子絕對不可以入不敷出。

15. B【句意】美滿的婚姻并不一定能夠帶來共同的興趣和責任。

【解析】result in意為“結果,導致”,如: These safety measures will result in the reduction of work accidents.這些安全措施將減少工傷事故。take over意為“接受,接管”,如: He told the assistant to takeover for him during his absence.他要助手在他不在時接替他的工作。hold on意為“緊握,等一會”,如: Hold on a minute till I put on my coat.等一下,我穿上大衣。keep to意為“遵守,堅持”,如: we must keep to the style of hard struggle and plain living.我們必須保持艱苦奮斗的作風。由此可見B最符合題意。

16. A【句意】昨晚有人越獄,好長時間后,獄警才知道發(fā)生了什么事。

【解析】“It's… before”句型表示“(……之后)才……”之意,如: It was several weeks before I got a decent night's rest.幾星期以后我才得以好好地睡了一夜。故A符合題意。until意為“直到……為止”,在否定句中多譯為“直到……才”,該詞一般不用在“it is…until”(肯定)句型中, 如: They talked on until one o'clock In the morning.他們一直談到凌晨一點鐘。“It is(has been)… since”句型表示“自……以來已有……時間了”,例如: It has been only twenty five years since television came to control American free time.電視開始主宰美國人的空閑時間,至今也不過才25年。when通常表示“在…… 時”,用在本題不符合題意。

17. C 【句意】人必須為他的老年做準備,預備足夠的錢以備年老時用。

【解析】provision意為“準備,預備”,如:They spent all their money and made no provision for the future.他們把錢都用光了,未留日后需用。assurance意為“保證”,如:He gave me his assurance that he would come.他向我保證他會來的。 supply作“儲備.供應”講,常與介詞of連用,如: we have a good supply of water here.我們這里的水供應充足。 adjustment意為“調整,調節(jié)”,如: He is making some adjustments to his plan.他正調整他的計劃。

18. D【句意】一封漂亮的信可以提高回信的機率。

【解析】response意為“回答,答復”,符合題合,如:My letter of inquiry brought no response.我的詢問信始終未得到回音。circumstance常用復數,意為“情形,環(huán)境,狀況”,如: Don’judge the crime until you know the circumstances.在你未了解一切情況之前,勿對罪行下判斷。 request作“請求,要求”講,如:The professor gave us a lecture at our request.應我們的要求,教授給我們講了一課。reception意為“接待,招待會”,如: We have a special room for the reception of patients. 我們?yōu)椴∪嗽O了專門的接待室。

19. C【句意】新技術的使用使得去年的產量增加了百分之二十。

【解析】根據句子結構,我們可以看出這里應使用獨立分詞結構。故D錯誤。由于動詞work out和a new technique是邏輯動賓關系,故此處只能使用過去分詞的獨立結構或使用被動語態(tài)的現在分詞獨立結構,例如: Machines having been used, People do more work with less energy. 由于使用了機器,人們就能用較少的力氣,干較多的工作。

20. C【句意】一個做出明智決定的人一定有很強的判斷力。

【解析】a good brain意為“很聰明”,如:He has such a good brain that he is quick at learning anything.他很聰明,學什么都快。a good intention 意為“好的意圖”,good imagination意思是“豐富的想像力”,而good judgement則用來表了“判斷力強”,如: He is a man of good judgement.他是一個判斷力很強的人。根據句子結構及題意可知C為正確答案。

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