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PartI Reading Comprehension 

Passage 1 

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. 

“High tech” and “state of the art” are two expressions that describe very modern technology. High tech is just a shorter way of saying high technology. And high technology describes any invention, system of device that uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and engineering. What is high tech? A computer is high tech. So is a communications satellite. A modern manufacturing(生產(chǎn)) system is surely high tech. High tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early l980’s. Because of improvements in technology, people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores, such as home computers, microwave(微波) ovens, etc. 

“State of the art” is something that is as modern as possible. It is a product that is based on the very latest methods and technology. Something that is “state of the art” is the newest possible design or product of a business or industry. A state of the art television set, for example, uses the most modern electronic design and parts. It is the best that one can buy. 

“State of the art” is not a new expression. Engineers have used it for years, to describe the best and most modern way of doing something. Millions of Americans began to use the expression in the late 1970’s. The reason was the computer revolution. Every computer company claimed that its computers were “state of the art”. 

Computer technology changed so fast that a state of the art computer today might be old tomorrow. The expression “state of the art” became common and popular as computers themselves. Now all kinds of products are said to be “state of the art”. 

1. What is the purpose of the passage? 
A. To tell how “high tech” and “state of the art” have developed. 
B. To give examples of “high tech”. 
C. To tell what “high tech” and “state of the” are. 
D. To describe very modern technology. 

2. What can we infer from the passage? 
A. American stores could provide new kinds of products to the people. 
B. High tech describes a technology that is not traditional. 
C. “State of the art” is not as popular as “high tech”. 
D. A modern plough pulled by oxen is “state of the art 

3. All the following examples are high tech except _________ 
A. a microwave over   B. a home computer   C. a hand pump   D. a satellite 

4. Which of the following statements is not true? 
A. since the computer revolution, the expression “state of the art” has become popular. 
B. “State of the art” means something that is the best one can  
C. With the rapid development of computer technology, a state of the tart computer may easily become out of date. 
D. All kinds of products are “state of the art” nowadays. 

5. The best title for the passage is __________ 
A. Computer Technology       B. High Tech and State of the Art 
C. Mast Advanced Technology   D. Two New Expressions  

Passage 2 

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: 

Cheating: The income tax deadline (最后期限) approaches and some taxpayer’s thoughts turn to it. Test time approaches and some students’ thoughts turn to it. 

“You want something you can’t get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough you’ll do it regardless of any guilt or deep regret~ and you’re willing to run the risk of being caught.” That’s how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating. 

Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. “We’re suffering a moral breakdown.” Pinkard says, “we’re seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether it’s the person’s interest “. He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students. 

Richard Dienabier, Psychology(心理學(xué)) professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that society’s attitudes account for much of the increase in cheating. 

“Twenty years age, if a person cheated in college, society said: That is extremely serious, you will be dropped for a term if not kicked out permanently,” he says, “nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the college of Arts and Sciences that if a student cheats on an exam, the student must receive an “F’ on what he cheated on. That’s nothing. If you’re going to flunk anyway, why not cheat?” 

“Cheating is most likely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low~” says social psychologist. Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene. 

6. The passage centers on _________ 
A. convincing the reader that cheating is immoral 
B. discussing the reasons for cheating 
C. describing how students cheat on exam 
D. discussing how to control cheating 

7. Cheating tends to occur when ________ 
A. one wants something badly 
B. one can’t get something in a right way. 
C. it is not very likely to be revealed. 
D. a series of things has to be dealt with 

8. Which of the following is true according to the~ passage? 
A. It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved. 
B. There has been a quick increase in cheating. 
C. Most cheaters are college students. 
D. Cheaters do not feel guilty and regretful. 

9. What can be inferred from the passage? 
A. Cheating is widespread because society is too tolerant. 
B. cheating is the result of intense pressure. 
C. Cheating is cheating, whether on a test or on any other occassions. 
D. Cheating comes together with civilization. 

10. The word “flunk” in paragraph 5 could best be replaced by which of the following? 
A. Fear B. Fail C. Be pleased D. Succeed 

Passage 3 

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage: 

The young people who talk of the village as being “dead” are talking nothing but nonsense, as in their hearts they must surely know. 

No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that “Village life” is dead. Gone for ever. It began to decline (衰落) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of a work, and home was where work was. There are still a number of people alive today who can remember. What “village life” meant the early years of the present century? It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed early to save lamp ―oil and coal. 

Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long ― established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make “village life” and “town life” almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and technology and high ― level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about “village life. “ It is just life, and that a better life. 

Finally, if we have any doubts about the future, or about the many changes, which we have seen in our lives, we have only to look in at the school playground any mid ― morning; or see the children as they walk homeward in little groups. Obviously these children are better fed, better clothed, better educated, healthier, prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before walked the village street. 

11. By saying that village is not dead, but “village life” is dead, the writer suggests that _________ 
A. those young people who talk of the village as being “dead” are wrong 
B the two statements are against each other 
C. “village life” today is rather uninteresting 
D. “village life” today is no longer like what is used to be. 

12. It was _________ that “village life” began to take a sharp turn. 
A. about a century ago 
B. during the two world wars 
C. with electricity and motorcars introduced into the village 
D. only recently 

13. As is suggested in paragraph 2, villagers in the past _________ 
A. lived a simpler life than villagers today 
B. knew fewer people than villagers today. 
C. found it difficult to enjoy themselves 
D. liked to wash themselves with cold water. 

14. The expression “.... ” There is no point whatever in talking about in paragraph 3 means that _________ 
A. there is no end to the talking about.... 
B. It is harmful to talk about…. 
C. It is not meaningless to talk about.... 
D. there is no reason for talking about        

15. From the passage we can see that the writer’s attitude toward “village life” is ___________ 
A. positive   B. negative  C. neutral   D. unclear 

Passage 4 

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage. 

 We all know that it is possible for ordinary people to make their on the equator (赤道), although often they may feel uncomfortably hot there. Millions do it. but as for the North Pole(北極)―― we that it is not only a dangerously cold place, but that people like you and me would find it quite impossible to live there. At the present time only the scientists and explorers can do so, and they use special equipment. Men had been traveling across and around the equator on wheels, on their feet or in ships for thousands of years; but only a few men, with great difficulty and in very recent time, have ever crossed the ice to the North Pole. So it may surprise you to learn that, when traveling by air, it is really safer to fly over the North Pole than over the equator. Of course, this is not true about landings in the polar region (which passenger aeroplanes do not make), but the weather, if we are flying at a height of 5,000 meters above the Pole, is a delight. At 4 000 meters and more above the earth you can always be that you will not see a cloud in the sky as far as the eye can reach. In the tropics (熱帶), on the other hand, you are not certain to keep clear of bad weather even at such heights as 18,000 or 20,000 meters. 

Aeroplanes can’t climb as high or as quickly in cold air as in warm. Nor can clouds. In practice, this is an advantage to the aeroplane, which is already at a good height when it reaches the polar region and so does not need to climb, while at the same time cold air keeps the clouds down low.  

16. “Millions do it.” In this sentence “do it” refers to _________ 
A. feeling uncomfortably hot on the equator 
B. flying over the North Pole 
C. flying over the equator 
D. making homes on the equator 

17. The polar region is ________ 
A. a good place to land at by aeroplane 
B. a good place to fly over 
C. a good place to fly over 
D. a good place to live in 

18. It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there _________ 
A. planes fly higher than at the equator 
B. the eyes can reach about 4,000 meters 
C. planes are clear of bad weather 
D. planes fly more quickly than at the equator. 

19. Aeroplanes can climb quickly ________ 
A. in warm air 
B. in cold air 
C. when it reaches the polar region 
D. only when the clouds are down low 

20. Aeroplanes usually do not need to climb quickly or fly high in the polar region because _________ 
A. they do not land there 
B. there are no clouds at all 
C. they can cross the ice with special equipment 
D. it is very cold 

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure

21. He knows little of English to say ____ of English culture. 
A. something   B. everything  C. nothing   D. anything 

22. Being ignorant of the law is no ______ of breaking the law. 
A. reason   B. excuse  C. ground   D. point 

23. The new law, it is said, will be ____ 
A. put into effect  B. taken into account  C. kept in sight   D. brought to mind 

24. Life is often compared a stage by many writers. 
A. like   B. as  C. with   D. to 

25. Television makes us better ____ than ever before. 
A. inform  B. informing  C. informed   D. to be informed 

26. You could have done much better yesterday. Why ____? 
A. didn’t you  B. couldn’t you  C. hadn’t you  D. shouldn’t you 

27. Air, or ____ is called atmosphere, surrounds the whole earth. 
A. it   B. that   C. which   D. what 

28. If I do something in vain, I do it. 
A. without interest   B. without success 
C. with difficulty    D. with ease 

29. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently ―. 
A. on rest    B. at rest   C. resting     D. to rest 

30. The pain will go away ____ 
A. by an by   B. by and chance   C. all over   D. at present 

31. Don’t you think it is time you ______smoking? 
A. give up  B. gave up  C. would give up  D. should give up 

32. ____ was pointed above, this substance can be used as a substitute.  
A. It      B. That   C. What     D. As  

33. I couldn’t find peter, ____did I know where he had gone. 
A. never    B. either    C. nor     D. as 

34. If I say I don’t think much of this book, this means that ____ 
A. I never read it         B. I seldom think about it 
C. I have no idea of it     D. I have a poor opinion of it 

35. When you this over with her, you should not see her any more. 
A. talk     B. talked   C. will talk     D. talking 

36. The ____ flowers were all that remained. 
A. two yellow little     B. little two yellow 
C. yellow two little      D. two little yellow 

37. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen to____. 
A. go by   B. go on   C. go over   D. go after 

38. I’m far from ______with what you have done. 
A. pleased    B. pleasing   C. pleasure    D. please 

39. The ability _____is very important for any speaker. 
A. to hear clearly     B. to be ~clearly heard 
C. to hearing clearly  D. to being clearly heard 

40. ____ she finds out that you’ve lost her books. 
A. As if   B. Even if   C. What if   D. Suppose that 

41. Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and ____ 
A. visiting his daughter   B. to visit his daughter 
C. visit his daughter      D. visited his daughter 

42. Are you serious in ____ such a view? 
A. putting on    B. putting off   C. putting up    D. putting forward 

43. The plane crashed, its bombs ____ as it hit the ground. 
A. exploded    B. were exploded    C. exploding    D. were exploding 

44. You should be content ― what you have. 
A. to  B. about  C. with   D. for 

45. “Do you like to ride on the old bus to school?” Yes, I prefer it _____.” 
A. to walk   B. to walking  C. walking   D. having walked 

46. My vacation begins next Tuesday, ____ I will leave for Florida. 
A. which   B. that  C. while   D. when 

47. Can you tell me ____ about the city that makes people love it so much? 
A. it is what  B. what it is  C. what is it   D. is it what    

48. Though he is very intelligent, he is ____ rather modest. 
A. hence  B. otherwise  C. nevertheless   D. therefore    

49. Lack of imagination is an obstacle ____ one’s advancement.     
 A. to   B. of   C. for  D. about 

50. If you can provide the wine, I’ll ____ the food. 
A. see to   B. look at  C. ask for   D. think about 

51.He was fully ____ of his own shortcomings. 
A. sensitive    B. sensible    C. serious   D. sincere 

52. The magnificent museum is said______ about a hundred years ago. 
A. to be built          B. to have been built 
C. to have built        D. to have being built 

53. Not once ____ your sentence correctly. 
A. You have copied      B. did you have copied 
C. have you copied       D. have you been copied 

54. That mountain village can’t be _______by telephone yet. 
A. reached    B. achieved   C. attached    D. arrived 

55. Problems will__________ if you do it this way. 
A. rise     B. arise     C. raise    D. arouse 

56. _______many people prefer coffee, he drinks tea as usual. 
A. While   B. besides of   C. because of   D. Except  

57.Don’t risk______ the job which so many people want.  

A. losing   B. to lose    C. lost   D. your life to lose 

58. His mother insisted that he ____ the coat when going out. 
A. put on   B. puts on    C. to put   D. putting on 

59. They have done things they ought ____ 
A. not to do            B. not to be done 
C. not to have done      D. not having done  

60. There is nothing we can do ____ wait. 
A. but    B. Rather than  C. In spite of    D. besides 

PartIII Identification
61. This morning I [got] [up] [late], so I came to school ten minutes [later]. 

                              A       B     C     D 

62. A good artist [like] a good engineer learns [as] [many] from his mistakes as from

    A                                      B      C  


63. [This] is the sportsman [whom] everyone says [will win] the first prize [at] the 
        A                                  B                                C              D 
Winter Olympic Games.         

64. [Unlike] Americans who seem [to prefer] coffee, the English [drinks] [a great] 
          A                                            B                                      C          D

deal of tea. 

 65. [Convincing] that they were trying [to poison] him, he refused

     A                                               B

[to eat] [anything]. 

  C           D  

66. [Would] you mind [waiting] a moment for me? My work will be
           A                          B  
 [finished] [at no time].  
     C               D 

67. He [will] not [borrow] you the money [even] if you [ask]. 
A               B                                C                 D 

68. [It is] [important] that she [goes to] see the doctor [immediately].  
        A           B                         C                                     D 

69. You [have] [heard from] him [since] last month, [have] you?  
               A             B                 C                            D 

70. [Walking] in the street, the cars and buses [are running] [like] [streams].   
           A                                                               B          C       D 

PartIV Close

For thousands of years, people thought of glass as something beautiful to look at. Only recently 71 come to 72 something look through. Stores 73 their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars 74 food and drink allow us 75 the contents. Glass 76 spectacles(眼鏡), microscopes, telescopes, and 77 very useful and necessary objects, 78 glasses, are used by people who cannot see 79 or by people who want to protect their eyes 80 bright light. Microscopes make tiny things larger 81 we can examine them. Telescopes 82 objects that are far away appear 83 closer to us. 

84 in recent years plastics have replaced glass 85 conditions where glass might be 86 broken there are new uses 87 for glass that were never imagined in the 88. Perhaps the greatest 89 of glass is that its constituent(形成的) parts are inexpensive and can be found 90 over the world.   

71. A. they                 B. do they       C. they have      D. have they 
72. A. think it             B. think if of    C. think it as      D. think of it as 
73. A. protect             B. hide            C. display          D. set aside 
74. A. hold                 B. held            C. that hold       D. that holding 
75. A. see                   B. to see         C. seeing           D. seen 
76. A. used to make  B. is used to mak C. is used to making D. used to making  

77. A. many others    B. many other    C. else             D. another 
78. A. and                  B. as well        C. or                 D. either 
79. A. perfectly           B. perfect        C. perfection      D. perfected 
80. A. from                B. in                C. with              D. beyond 
81. A. so as                B. as that         C. so that          D. such that 
82. A. let                    B. watch         C. get                 D. make 
83. A. ever                 B. rather         C. more              D. much 
84. A. Because of       B. Despite       C. However         D. Although 
85. A. Under              B. below        C. within              D. on 
86. A. hardly               B. easily        C. nearly             D. almost 
87. A. Being developed B. be developed C. be developed  D. to be developed 
88. A. ancient               B. past           C. old                D. aged 
89. A. goodness           B. advance       C. advantage     D. progress 
90. A. all                      B. around       C. anywhere       D. wholly  


PartI Reading Comprehension 

1.C   2.A   3.C   4.D   5.B   6.B   7.C   8.B  9.A   10.B   
11.D  12.C  13.A  14.D  15.A  16.D  17.B  18.B  19.A  20.B 

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure

21.C  22.B  23. A  24. D  25.C  26.A  27.D  28.B  29.D  30.A  31.B  32.D  33.C  34.D  35.B
36.D  37.A  38.A  39.B  40.C   41.D  42.D  43.C  44.C  45.B  46.D  47.B  48.C  49.A  50.A
51.B  52.B  53.C  54.A  55.B   56.A   57.A  58.A  59.C  60.A

PartIII Identification
61.D  62.C  63.D  64.C  65.D  66.D  67.B  68.C  69.D  70.A

PartIV Close

71.D  72.D  73.C  74.C  75.B  76.B  77.B  78.A  79.A  80.A 

81.C  82.D  83.D  84.D  85.A  86.B  87.A  88.B  89.C  90.A

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