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  Late-night Drinking

  Coffee lovers beware. Having a quick “pick-me-up” cup of coffee1 late in the day will play havoc with2 your sleep. As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep.

  Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again.3"It's the neurohormone that controls our sleep and tells our body when to sleep and when to wake,,,says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford University in California. But researchers in Israel have found that caffeinated coffee halves the body's levels of this sleep hormone.

  Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers slept less well after a cup of caffeinated coffee than after drinking the same amount of decaf. On average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking caffeinated coffee, compared with 415 minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour to drop off4一 twice as long as usual 一 and jigged around5 in bed twice as much.

  In the second phase of the experiment, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hours and asked them to give a urine sample. Shilo measured concentrations of a breakdown product of melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine,the researchers suggest6 that caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that drives melatonin production.

  Because it can take many hours to eliminate caffeine from the body,Ohayon recommends that coffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch.


  1. have a quick "pick-me-up" cup of coffee:喝一杯快速提神的咖啡。pick-me-up 意為“提神飲料”,這里用做定語。

  2. play havoc with:干擾;對(duì) 造成嚴(yán)重破壞。例如:The noise of engines can play terrible havoc with a driver's nerves.發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的嘈雜聲能嚴(yán)重?cái)_亂駕駛員的神經(jīng)。

  3. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again.褪黑激素的濃度在凌晨2 點(diǎn)和 4點(diǎn)之間達(dá)到最高值,然后再次下降。before在此處可以譯為“然后”。

  4. drop off:睡著。例如:He dropped off in the armchair.他在扶手椅上睡著了。

  5. jig around:輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè)。jig:急動(dòng),蹦蹦跳跳。例如:Stop jigging about, Billy, and just stand still for a moment.別到處亂蹦,比利,穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地站一會(huì)兒。

  6. suggest:在這里不作“建議”解,它的意思是“間接地表明;暗示”。例如:I’m not suggesting that the accident was your fault.我并不是說那事故是你的錯(cuò)。


  1. The author mentions "pick-me-up" to indicate that

  A melatonin levels need to be raised.

  B neurohormone can wake us up.

  C coffee is a stimulant.

  D decaf is a caffeinated coffee.

  2.Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?

  A Caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that stops melatonin production.

  B Caffeine interrupts the flow of the hormone that prevents people from sleeping.

  C Caffeine halves the body's levels of sleep hormone.

  D Caffeine stays in the body for many hours.

  3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?

  A Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep.

  B Different findings of Lotan Shilo and a team about caffeine.

  C The fact that the subjects slept 415 minutes per night after drinking decaf.

  D The evidence that the subjects took half an hour to fall asleep.

  4. What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? A There are more enzymes in decaf drinkers' urine sample.

  B There are more melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers' urine sample.

  C Decaf drinkers produce less melatonin.

  D Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.

  5. The author of this passage probably agrees that

  A coffee lovers sleep less than those who do not drink coffee.

  B we should not drink coffee after supper.

  C people sleep more soundly at midnight than at 3 am.

  D if we feel sleepy at night, we should go to bed immediately.


  1. C pick-me-up指提神飲料,也就是一種刺激物,在這篇文章里具體指咖啡。所以,答案應(yīng)選 C。

  2. C第二段的第三個(gè)句子談到,“控制我們睡眠的是神經(jīng)激素”,而這一段的最后一個(gè)句子告 訴我們“含咖啡因咖啡能使這種睡眠激素減半”。這正是咖啡因影響睡眠的原理。

  3. A第三段涉及的是一個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn),這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)的目的是測(cè)試含咖啡因咖啡和脫咖啡因咖啡對(duì)睡眠 的影響,該段主要談?wù)摰氖沁@個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)的結(jié)果。

  4. D第四段是第三段實(shí)驗(yàn)的繼續(xù),是該實(shí)驗(yàn)的第二個(gè)階段。研究人員通過對(duì)志愿者的尿進(jìn)行 化驗(yàn)發(fā)現(xiàn),咖啡因攝入者休內(nèi)的褪黑激素僅為非咖啡因攝入者的一半。褪黑激素就是睡眠 激素,所以答案應(yīng)該選D。

  5. B文章的結(jié)尾談到,“Ohayon建議愛喝咖啡的人午飯后應(yīng)該換喝脫咖啡因咖啡”。另外,整 個(gè)文章都在探討咖啡因影響睡眠的機(jī)理,所以,作者大概會(huì)同意“晚飯后不應(yīng)該喝咖啡”的說 法。選項(xiàng)A是一個(gè)全稱判斷,這等于說“所有喜歡喝咖啡的人都比不喝咖啡的人睡覺少”。 這不一定,因?yàn)槿绻Х冗m量,喝咖啡的時(shí)間適當(dāng),咖啡不會(huì)影響睡眠。所以,作者可能不 會(huì)同意這種說法。根據(jù)文章第二段第二個(gè)句子,選項(xiàng)C是錯(cuò)的。根據(jù)文章第二段的第一 個(gè)句子,我們體內(nèi)褪黑激素(睡眠激素)的濃度在我們上床時(shí)間前兩個(gè)小時(shí)開始上升,而 這個(gè)時(shí)候我們會(huì)開始有困意。反過來說就是,人們并非一有困意就睡覺。所以,選項(xiàng)D 不是答案。



  在上床睡覺前約 2小時(shí)的時(shí)候褪黑激素含量開始上升,在凌晨 2點(diǎn)到 4點(diǎn)達(dá)到最高值,然后再次下降。加州斯坦福大學(xué)斯坦福睡眠流行病學(xué)研究中心的 Maurice Ohayon說:“控制我們睡眠的是神經(jīng)激素,它告訴我們的身體什么時(shí)候睡覺,什么時(shí)候醒來。”而以色列的研究人員們發(fā)現(xiàn)含咖啡因的咖啡使這種睡眼荷爾蒙濃度降至一半。

  LotanShilo和Tel Aviv大學(xué)“Sapir醫(yī)學(xué)中心”的一組人員,在給六位志愿者做試驗(yàn)時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn),他們?cè)陲嬃丝Х纫虻目Х群蟊蕊嬃嗣摽Х纫虻目Х群笏圪|(zhì)量要差。平均來說,在喝了含咖啡因的咖啡后每晚睡眠時(shí)間336分鐘,而喝了脫咖啡因的咖啡后則睡415分鐘。同時(shí)他們得花半個(gè)小時(shí)入睡,是通常情況的兩倍,另外,他們?cè)诖采陷氜D(zhuǎn)次數(shù)也要長(zhǎng)一倍。

  在實(shí)驗(yàn)的第二階段,研究人員每三個(gè)小時(shí)便叫醒一次志愿者,并叫他們提供尿樣。 Shilo檢驗(yàn)了他們褪黑激素分解產(chǎn)物的濃度,結(jié)果顯示,咖啡因攝入者體內(nèi)的褪黑激素是非咖啡因攝入人者的一半。在《睡眼醫(yī)學(xué)》刊物上發(fā)表的文章中,研究人員暗示說,褪黑激素的生成由酶促成,而咖啡因阻止了酶的生成。

  因?yàn)橐ㄔS多小時(shí)的時(shí)間才能將身體中的咖啡因除去, Ohayon建議咖啡愛好者應(yīng)在午后換喝脫咖啡因的咖啡。



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