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Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers

  Young female chimps are faster and better learners than young male chimps, suggests a new study, echoing learning differences seen in human girls and boys.

  While young male chimps pass their time playing. Young female chimps carefully study their mothers. As a result, they learn how to fish for tasty termite snacks over two years before the boys.

  Elizabeth Lonsdorf, now at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, US, and colleagues at the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul spent four years watching how young chimpanzees in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania learned “cultural behavior”.

  The sex differences in learning behavior were “consistent and strikingly apparent”, says the team. The researchers point out that similar differences are seen in human children with regard to skills such as writing. “A sex-based learning differences may therefore date back at least to the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.” they write in the journal Nature.

  Chimps make flexible tools from vegetation and then insert them into termite mounds, extract them and then munch the termites clinging onto the tool. The researchers used video cameras to record this feeding behavior and found that each chimp mother had her own technique, such as how she used tools of different lengths.

  Analysis of the six infants whose ages were known showed that girl chimps were an average of 31 months old when they succeeded in fishing out their termites, where the boy chimps were aged 58 months on average. Females were also more skillful at getting out more termites with every dip and used techniques similar to their mothers while males did not.

  Instead of studying their mothers, the boy chimps spent a significantly greater amount of time frolicking around the termite mound. Behaviors such as playing or swinging might help the male infants later in life when typically male activities like hunting or fighting for dominance become important, suggest the researchers.

  Lonsdorf adds that there just two main sources of animal protein for chimps ― the termites or colobus monkeys. “Mature males often hunt monkeys up trees, but females are almost always either pregnant or burdened with a clinging infant. This makes hunting difficult,” she says .“Adult females spend more time fishing for termites than males.” So becoming proficient at termite fishing could mean adult females eat better, “They can watch their offspring at the same time. The young of both sexes seen to pursue activities related to their adult sex roles{10} at a very young age.”


  chimp 黑猩猩 outlearn 在學(xué)習(xí)上勝過(guò)

  munch 用力嚼;津津有味地吃 frolic 嬉戲

  termite 白蟻 offspring 子孫,后代 colobus 疣猴


  1.suggest a new study:倒裝句,正常語(yǔ)序是a new study suggests(一項(xiàng)新的研究表明)。

  2.echoing learning differences seen in human girls and boys:與人類女孩男孩之間的學(xué)習(xí)差異相仿。

  3.fish for:捕獲。fish:to catch or pull as if fishing捕魚(yú)似地?fù)?/P>


  5.with regard to:關(guān)于,在……方面

  6.date back to:回溯至

  7.with every dip:猩猩是用植物作為工具來(lái)捕食白蟻,因此這里的意思是,每次將植物插入蟻穴。

  8.burdened with a clinging infant:身上吊著小猩猩

  9.becoming proficient at termite fishing:分詞短語(yǔ)在句中充當(dāng)主語(yǔ),意為:學(xué)會(huì)有效地捕獲白蟻。

  10.pursue activities related to their adult sex roles:進(jìn)行與它們成年后的性別角色有關(guān)的活動(dòng)。


  1. Why do young female chimps learn faster than young male chimps at fishing for termites?

  A Because young female chimps don’t play with their brothers.

  B Because young female chimps begin to study their mothers earlier.

  C Because young male chimps never learn to fish for termites.

  D Because young male chimps are not interested in termites.

  2. What are the tools with which chimps fish for termites?

  A Tree branches.

  B Vegetation.

  C Fruits.

  D Grass.

  3. Which of the Following is true about chimps fishing for termites according to paragraph 6?

  A Males often compete with females in fishing for termites.

  B Males could get out more termites with every dip.

  C Females could get out more termites with every dip.

  D Males are good at mastering technique for fishing for termites.

  4. How did the researchers explain the fact that boy chimps spent more time on playing?

  A They like hunting.

  B They enjoy fighting.

  C It helps them to stay fit.

  D It will make them good fighters and hunters in the future.

  5. According to the last paragrnph, which of the following is NOT true?

  A Adult chimps hunt monkeys while young chimps fish for termites.

  B The main source of animal protein for male chimps is colobus monkeys.

  C The main source of animal protein for female chimps is termites.

  D Female chimps fish for termites while watching their children.

  答案與題解 :

  1. B 根據(jù)第二段的內(nèi)容,雄性小猩猩將時(shí)間用來(lái)玩要,而雌性小猩猩則研究她們母親的行為,因此,她們比雄性小猩猩早兩年學(xué)會(huì)捕食白蟻。 A、D文中沒(méi)有提到, C與問(wèn)題沒(méi)有關(guān)系。

  2. B第五段的第一個(gè)句子告訴我們,猩猩用植物作成方便的工具,用來(lái)捕食白蟻。 A、C和 D均是錯(cuò)誤的。

  3. C 該段告訴我們,對(duì)六只小猩猩的分析表明,雌性小猩狠不但較早學(xué)會(huì)捕食白蟻 .而且能比雄性小猩猩更為熟練地捕食到更多的白蟻。所以, B和 D都不是正確選項(xiàng)。 A項(xiàng)內(nèi)容文中沒(méi)有提到。

  4. D A、B和 C都是錯(cuò)誤的,因?yàn)槲闹袥](méi)有捉到雄性小猩猩喜歡獵食和打斗,也沒(méi)有提及玩耍能使他們更健康。D是正確答案。第七段昀后一句說(shuō),他們喜歡玩耍的行為有助于他們長(zhǎng)大后的生活,因?yàn)椋侥菚r(shí),他們要獵食和爭(zhēng)權(quán)奪位。

  5. A 根據(jù)昀后一段的內(nèi)容,成年雄猩猩主要獵食生活在樹(shù)上的一種叫做 colobus(疣猴)的猴子,而雌性猩猩捕食白蟻。所以 A是正確選項(xiàng)。 B、C和 D的內(nèi)容均可在該段中找到。




  美國(guó)芝加哥林肯公司動(dòng)物園的Elizabeth Lonsdorf 和她在圣保羅市明尼蘇達(dá)大學(xué)的同事們用了4年時(shí)間觀察坦桑尼亞Gombe 自然公園的年輕黑猩猩學(xué)習(xí)它們的“文化行為”。





  Lonsdorf 補(bǔ)充說(shuō),黑猩猩食物中動(dòng)物蛋白的主要來(lái)源有兩個(gè)――白蟻和疣猴?!俺墒煨坌猿T跇?shù)間抓捕疣猴,而雌性則總是因?yàn)閼言谢蛏砩系踔⌒尚啥y以捕獵,”她說(shuō),“成年雌性比雄性花更多的時(shí)間捕食白蟻?!币虼藡故斓夭东@白蟻意味著雌性比雄性吃得更好,“并且可以同時(shí)看護(hù)后代。雌雄兩性似乎都是在十分年幼的時(shí)候就開(kāi)始了與成年后性別角色有關(guān)的活動(dòng)?!?/P>



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