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摘要 為了方便廣大考生備考,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校特地整理了教材上的素材,供大家練習/選讀,希望對大家復習有所幫助。


Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities

  A new examination of urban policies has been____1____ recently by Patricia Romero Lankao. She is a sociologist specializing in climate change and____2____ development. She warns that many of the world’s fast-growing urban areas, especially in developing countries, will likely1 suffer from the impacts of changing climate. Her work also concludes that most cities are failing to

  ____3____emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse____4____. These gases are known to affect the atmosphere. “Climate change is a deeply local issue and poses profound threats to the growing cities of the world,” says Romero Lankao. “But too few cities are developing effective strategies to____5____ their residents.”

  Cities are____6____ sources of greenhouse gases. And urban populations are likely to2 be among those most severely affected by future climate change. Lankao’s findings3 highlight ways in which city-residents are particularly vulnerable, and suggest policy interventions that could offer immediate and longer-term____7____.

  The locations and dense construction patterns of cities often place their populations at greater risk for natural disasters. Potential____8____ associated with climate include storm surges4 and prolonged hot weather. Storm surges can flood coastal areas and prolonged hot weather can heat ____9____ paved cities5 more than surrounding areas. The impacts of such natural events can be more serious in an urban environment For example, a prolonged heat wave can increase existing levels of air pollution, causing widespread health problems. Poorer neighborhoods that may ____10____ basic facilities such as drinking water or a dependable network of roads, are especially vulnerable to natural disasters. Many residents in poorer countries live in substandard housing ____11____ access to reliable drinking water, roads and basic services.

  Local governments,____12____, should take measures to protect their residents. “Unfortunately, they tend to move towards rhetoric____13____ meaningful responses7,” Romero Lankao writes. “They don’t impose construction standards that could reduce heating and air conditioning needs. They don’t emphasize mass transit and reduce____14____ use. In fact, many local governments are taking a hands-off approach8.” Thus, she urges them to change their____15____ policies and to take strong steps to prevent the harmful effects of climate change on cities.


  vulnerable 易受傷害的 sociologist 社會學家

  dioxide 二氧化物 infrastructure 基礎設施

  substandard / 標準以下的 floodplain 泛濫平原



  2.be likely to:很可能。likely在本句中是形容詞,用作表語。


  4.storm surges:風暴潮

  5.paved cities:鋪上瀝青路面的城市

  6.spring up:涌現(xiàn)

  7.rhetoric ... responses:言辭反應。這個詞的意思是:(地方政府)話講得很漂亮,但內(nèi)容空洞。

  8.a hands-off approach:一種不插手的政策


  1 A carry along B carried away C carried out D carried back

  2.A economic B industrial C rural D urban

  3.A reduce B increase C study D measure

  4.A crops B gases C fruits D plants

  5.A educate B evaluate C protect D identify

  6.A doubtful B possible C repeatable D major

  7.A uses B chances C cures D benefits

  8.A threats B interests C functions D differences

  9.A locally B heavily C suddenly D mildly

  10.A provide B improve C lack D update

  11.A without B with C in D on

  12.A moreover B therefore C however D though

  13.A other than B more than C less than D rather than

  14.A train B automobile C bus D bike

  15.A idle B smart C busy D secure


  1.C 本題的答案是carried out(執(zhí)行;完成)。“A new examination of urban policies has been carried out”意思上配得上。carried along(攜帶)、carried away(運走)和carried back(運回)與下文的意思搭配不上。

  2.D 通篇文章討論的是氣候變化對城市的影響及其應對措施,并沒有涉及economic(經(jīng)濟的)industrial(工業(yè)的)和rural(農(nóng)村的)的話題。所以,這三個選項不可能是答案,urban才是答案。

  3.A 前面一句談到,發(fā)展中國家的飛速成長的城市備受氣候變化的折磨。本句緊接上一句的意思,大多數(shù)城市沒有做到減少二氧化碳的排放量。四個選項中要選reduce。

  4.B 減少的不僅是二氧化碳,還有greenhouse gases(溫室氣體)。gases是答案。

  5.C 城市應該采取有效的措施應對氣候變化。?取措施的目的當然是為了保護城市居民。可是Lankao發(fā)現(xiàn)這樣做的城市太少了。本題選protect最合適。

  6.D 前面說到大多數(shù)城市沒有做到減少或控制二氧化碳的排放量。這說明“Cities are major sources of greenhouse gases”(城市是溫室氣體的主要來源),不會是doubtful sources(不能確定的來源)、possible sources(可能的來源),更不會是repeatable sources(不斷重復的來源)。

  7.D 城市居民最易受氣候變化的傷害,所以Lankao建議地方政府要進行政策介入以降低居民因氣候變化受到的傷害,而這會帶來立即的和長期的益處。因此,uses, chances和cures可以排除。benefits(益處)才是答案。

  8.A 由climate change引發(fā)的storm surges和prolonged hot weather給城市居民造成傷害。interests,functions和differences這三個詞與storm surges和prolonged hot weather造成的傷害掛不上號,不會是答案。storm surges和prolonged hot weather對城市居民會構成威脅。因此,threats才是答案。

  9.B 為什么prolonged hot weather對城市居民造成的傷害超過對其周邊地區(qū)居民造成的傷害?因為城市道路是大量鋪設瀝青的道路。heavily是答案。其他三個選項不符合上述意思。

  10.C 貧窮社區(qū)更易受到傷害,句子給出有關基礎設施的各個方面。貧窮社區(qū)的基礎設施一定是不盡如人意的,所以要選lack。

  11.A 貧窮國家許多人住在不符合標準的房子里。下面提到reliable drinking water,roads和basic services這些基礎設施,從上下文判斷,貧窮居民不會享有這些基礎設施。所以,選without比較合理。

  12.B 本題的答案是therefore。上文說的是氣候變化給城鎮(zhèn)居民帶來的種種問題。下文說的是地方政府應該采取相應的對策以保護城鎮(zhèn)居民。兩部分的敘述是一種因果關系,所以要選therefore。

  13.D rhetoric responses(言辭反應,即用言語搪塞的反應)和meaningful responses(有意義的反應)是兩種截然不同的反應。地方政府的反應是前者還是后者?隨后的句子,特別是a hands-off approach,說明地方政府作出的是rhetoric responses,而不是meaningful responses。所以,本題要選rather than(而不是)。

  14.B 句中的“…emphasize mass transit”提示,要減少的運輸工具不會是大眾交通工具,因此選項中的train和bus便可排除。bike是人力驅(qū)動,不會釋放二氧化碳也可排除。答案是automobile。私人汽車排放大量的二氧化碳是城市主要的污染源之一。

  15.A “... many local governments are taking a hands-off approach”中的a hands-off approach提示,Lankao敦促地方政府改變的一定是他們無所作為(idle)的政策。idle是正確的選擇。


  最近,Patricia Romero Lankao 對市政方針進行了全新的審查。她是一個社會學家,專門研究氣候變化和城市發(fā)展。她警告說,世界上許多快速發(fā)展的城市地區(qū),尤其是發(fā)展中國家,很可能會由于氣候變化的影響而遭殃。她的著作也斷定,大多數(shù)城市沒有做到減排二氧化碳和其他溫室氣體,眾所周知,這些氣體妨礙大氣層?!皻夂蜃兓且粋€嚴重地區(qū)域問題,對世界上發(fā)展中的城市帶來了嚴重地危害,但是,幾乎沒有城市研發(fā)有效策略來保護當?shù)鼐用??!盧omero Lankao說。

  城市是溫室氣體的主要來源,城市人口很有可能受到未來環(huán)境變化 的影響最大。Romero Lankao的發(fā)現(xiàn)強調(diào)了城市居民受到傷害最大的一些方面,所以她建議出臺干預政策,此舉可以給居民帶來短期和長期的益處。

  城市的位置以及城市建設的密集常常會使居民在應對自然災害時面臨更大的危險。與氣候有關的潛在威脅有風暴潮和炎熱天氣的延長等。風暴潮可以淹沒港口地區(qū),而炎熱天氣的延長使得大量鋪設瀝青路面的城市比周邊地區(qū)的溫度大大提高。這種自然現(xiàn)象給城市帶來的影響尤為嚴重。比如,熱浪的延長會加劇空氣污染,從而導致大面積的居民健康問題。貧窮社區(qū)可能由于缺乏如飲用水和可靠的公路系統(tǒng)這樣基本的設施,而在自然 災害來臨時遭受更大的影響。許多貧窮國家的居民住在不符合標準的房子里,沒有安全地飲用水、交通設施和其他基礎服務設施。

  因此,當?shù)卣畱摬扇〈胧﹣肀Wo他們的居民?!安恍业氖牵畬Υ耸碌姆磻獌H僅局限于作秀而不是有意義的作為,他們不嚴格執(zhí)行能夠減少供熱和空調(diào)需要的建筑標準,事實上,許多當?shù)卣畬Υ诵涫峙杂^。”Romero Lankao說。因此,她敦促政府改變不作為的政策,采取強制措施預防氣候變化給城市帶來的不利影響。

  2014年職稱英語考前復習必讀攻略      2014年職稱英語老師輔導輕松通關



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