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更新時間:2015-12-10 11:50:58 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽397收藏39
摘要   【摘要】環(huán)球網(wǎng)校:2016年職稱英語考試即將開始報名,目前備考2016年職稱英語考試的考生也在循序漸進(jìn)的復(fù)習(xí)中。對此,環(huán)球小編整理了《2016年職稱英語考試《理工類》模擬試題匯總》,希望備考2016年職稱英語



  1.It seems that your sister has fallen in love with that guy



  C.looks at



  2.We're playing the game just for fun, so why should we stick to those complex rules






  3.I don’ t think they need help, but I think I should offer some anyway




  D.by the way


  4.The wicked witch was defeated at the end of the movie






  5.Mr. Smith is fond of his girlfriend so much that he is ready to satisfy any of her demands


  B.cares little about

  C.cares for









  Want to Be 100? Listen to These 5 Centenarians (百歲老人)

  Five neighbors at a central Missouri retirement community who are all centenarians get asked all the time: “How did you live to be 100?”

  If you want to live to 100 or more, this rare group of five golden girls says the key to longevity (長壽) is working hard at a job you love and taking care of your body while you’re at it.

  Even though an estimated 70,000 people in the country are currently at the century mark or beyond in age, it is unusual to find five 100-year-olds living in one place.

  The average life-span (壽命) of Americans is about two or three years short of an 80th birthday party. And most people don’t want to cut out coffee, soda, alcohol, cigarettes, and eat healthy food.

  “People tell me all the time, ‘I don’t want to live to be 100,’” said Mildred Leaver, who turned 100 in June.

  “I think that’s just sad. Aging is attitude and I don’t feel old,” said Leaver, a former educator who still drives her Buick around town.

  It doesn’t take long to see that Leaver and her neighbors Mildred Harris, Grace Wolfson, Gladys Stuart and Viola Semas, have a lot more in common than their longevity and lifelong healthy habits. All are 100 except Stuart, who is 101.

  Even though their sight and hearing aren’t what they used to be, they’ve all avoided illnesses that many elderly people are stricken with. It’s been 50 years since Leaver beat cancer for the first and only time.

  The common thread that connects these women is the decades of service to jobs each loved as a farmer, designer, school principal, bookkeeper and secretary. In the early years of their lives, gainfully employed women like them were just as rare as 100-year-olds are today.

  16.Currently about 70,000 people are aged 100 or above in America.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .17.It is not hard to find five 100-year-olds living in one place in America.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .18.None of the five centenarians have any children.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .19.The average life-span of Americans is 80 years.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .20.Leaver feels sad about her old age.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .21.Leaver was stricken with cancer 50 years ago.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  .22.The five centenarians live in a very friendly community.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned








  Study Says Dogs Can Smell Cancer(環(huán)球網(wǎng)校2016年職稱英語考試《理工類》模擬試題第8套)

  Dogs are known for their sense of smell. They can find missing people and things like bombs and illegal drugs. Now a study suggests that the animal known as man’s best friend can even find bladder (膀胱) cancer.

  Cancer cells are thought to produce chemicals with unusual odors (氣味). Researchers think dogs have the ability to smell these odors, even in very small amounts, in urine (尿). The sense of smell in dogs is thousands of times better than in humans.

  The study follows reports of cases where, for example, a dog showed great interest in a growth on the leg of its owner. The mole (痣) was later found to be skin cancer.

  Carolyn Willis led a team of researchers at Amersham Hospital in England. They trained different kinds of dogs for the experiment. The study involved urine collected from bladder cancer patients, from people with other diseases and from healthy people.

  Each dog was tested eight times. In each test there were seven samples for the dogs to smell. The dog was supposed to signal the one from a bladder cancer patient by lying down next to it.

  Two cocker spaniels (短腿長毛垂耳小獵犬) were correct fifty-six percent of the time. But the scientists reported an average success rate of forty-one percent.

  As a group, the study found that the dogs chose the correct sample twenty-two out of fifty-four times. That is almost three times more often than would be expected by chance alone.

  The British Medical Journal published the research. In all, thirty-six bladder cancer patients and one hundred and eight other people took part.

  During training, all the dogs reportedly even identified a cancer in a person who had tested healthy before the study. Doctors found a growth on the person’s right kidney (腎).

  Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer worldwide. The International Agency for Research on Cancer says this disease kills more than one hundred thousand people each year. Doctors say cigarette smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer.

  36.The experiment was conducted in a

  A.private home.

  B.training school.


  D.police station.


  .37.The dogs’ average success rate was






  .38.Participants in the experiment were

  A.36 bladder cancer patients.

  B.144 cancer patients.

  C.108 healthy people.

  D.144 sick and healthy people.


  .39.The person who had tested healthy before the study

  A.dropped out.

  B.passed away.

  C.was found to have cancer.

  D.was found to remain healthy.


  .40.Which is NOT true of bladder cancer?

  A.It is the 9th most common cancer worldwide.

  B.It can be identified only by dogs.

  C.It kills more than 100,000 people each year.

  D.It is mainly caused by smoking.








  Facts about Stroke

  1 Every 45 seconds, someone in America has a stroke. Every 3.1 minutes, someone dies of one. Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nation’s third leading cause of death, ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States.

  2 Stroke is a type of cardiovascular (心血管的) disease. It affects the arteries (動脈) leading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients (營養(yǎng)物) to the brain is either blocked by a clot (凝塊) or bursts. When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it starts to die.

  3 The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various body functions. If a stroke occurs and blood flow can’t reach the region that controls a particular body function, that part of the body won’t work as it should. If the stroke occurs toward the back of the brain, for instance, it’s likely that some disability involving vision will result. The effects of a stroke depend primarily on the location of the obstruction (阻塞) and the extent of brain tissue affected.

  4 The American Stroke Association has identified several factors that increase the risk of stroke. The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that he or she will have a stroke. Some of these you can’t control, such as increasing age, family health history, race, and prior stroke. But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk. Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be modified with a healthcare provider’s help. Some of these include: high blood pressure, current smoking, heart disease, and high red blood cell count.

  5 A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment. In fact about 600,000 people have strokes every year. For many years, there was no hope for those suffering a stroke. However, recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments. For the treatments to work, the person must get to a hospital immediately.





  A.Effects of a stroke

  B. Annual cost of stroke in the US

  C. Definition and description of a stroke

  D. Breakthroughs in treatment

  E. Risk factors of stroke

  F. Warning signs of a stroke

  27When a stroke occurs, the arteries leading to and within the brain .

  28A person’s vision is likely to be affected if a stroke .

  29Some people can reduce their risk of stroke if they .

  30New treatments are now available to people who .

  A.suffer from a stroke

  B. will be affected

  C. change their lifestyles

  D. will take place

  E. occurs at the back of his/her brain

  F. controls various body functions

  正確答案:CAED BECA







  Cancer Not Covered by Most Health Insurances, Cancer Insurance to the Rescue

  There are 1.2 million Americans diagnosed with cancer every year. (46) The cost of cancer diagnostics, operation or removal and cancer treatment are overwhelming to the victim and to their families as well. I should know, several of my family members have died from cancer over the last 13 years. Getting cancer insurance can help ease these financial burdens and give peace of mind to you and your family.

  What many people don’t realize is most regular health insurance policies do not cover cancer treatment. (47)Some treatments are very expensive. Expenses for cost of travel to a cancer treatment facility are not also covered by health insurance policies.

  My friend’s wife had cancer and thank God she survived. During the treatment, they had to coordinate transportation from friends to a get her to her daily treatments. This caused a lot of stress on my friend. (48) I pay about $88 bucks a month. It would have been cheaper $47, but I got the kind that returns all of my premiums to me after 25 years minus any money that has been paid out on claims. (49) I am still amazed at how robust the plan is. It has a rider that pays $350 per pay to me if any of us need radiation or chemo therapy. This would cover me for missed work or transportation costs or to hire friends to help in any way I need.

  (50) The coverage for this type of insurance may comprise of: Treatments while being an in-patient as well as being an out-patient. This includes radiation, chemotherapy, medications, etc; Transportation and living expense if cancer treatment is made out of town. Payment of traveling expenses for specialists may also be part of the coverage; Ambulance or air ambulance service when needed by the victim; Full-time nursing care and facility when treatment is made away from the victim’s residence; Reconstruction and prosthesis may be part of the insurance plan; Special diagnostic tests needed to determine type of cancer may be covered by the plan.

  A.Most health insurance policies do not cover this “specified disease” or “dreaded disease”.

  B. The price of such insurance may surprise you

  C. Although some policies include a few cancer diagnostic tests or minimal treatment, they not cover the whole gamut of cancer treatment.

  D. After that experience about 3 years ago, I bought a cancer insurance policy that covers my family.

  E. Cancer insurance is a supplement to health insurance assuring that treatment and incidental expenses are covered should such illness arise.

  F. So, if I don’t have a claim, I get all of my premiums back








  Public Image of a Company Matters

  Public image refers to how a company is viewed by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities (51)it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable (52)considerable extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

  A firm’s public image plays a vital role in the (53)of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders (54)stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as (55)special groups. With some things it is impossible to (56)all the diverse publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stockholders, (57)it will undoubtedly find (58)from employees who see their jobs (59)On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, (60)low quality products and (61) claims would be widely looked down upon.

  A firm’s public image, if it is good, should be treasured and protected. It is a valuable (62) that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has learned a quality image, this is not easily (63)or imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to (64)higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most (65) creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs.


  51.A.which B.what C.where D.whom

  52.A.in B.within C.on D.to

  53.A.attraction B.attachment C.affection D.generalization

  54.A.converse B.diverse C.reverse D.universe

  55.A.converse B.diverse C.reverse D.universe

  56.A.satisfy B.treat C.amuse D.entertain

  57.A.so B.then C.thus D.but(環(huán)球網(wǎng)校2016年職稱英語考試《理工類》模擬試題第8套)

  58.A.support B.identification C.compliment D.resistance

  59.A.ensured B.promoted C.threatened D.unemployed

  60.A.because B.while C.though D.when

  61.A.false B.fake C.artificial D.counterfeit

  62.A.fortune B.asset C.possession D.property

  63.A.countered B.defeated C.repelled D.compelled

  64.A.pay B.get C.order D.charge

  65.A.favorite B.prosperous C.favorable D.prospective





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