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更新時間:2020-07-22 13:09:30 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽42收藏16

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摘要 2020年9月全國大學英語四、六級考試時間:9月19日。為了更好地幫助大家備考大學英語四級考試,下面小編給大家?guī)?020年上半年英語四級閱讀話題預測:新員工適應工作環(huán)境,希望對大家有所幫助。想了解更多大學英語四六級考試信息,請關注環(huán)球網(wǎng)校的及時更新。


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Acclimating Newcomers to the Office

For most managers, finding the right person for an open position is the biggest hurdle in hiring. But getting new hires on solid ground is key to making sure they will be enfective on the job,says Karen Lawson, president of Landsdale, Pa.-based Lawson Consulting Group Inc. and author of, New Employee Orientation Training.

Here are some steps managers can take to make the transition smooth:

Inform your staff. Even a simple email will help put staff at ease when an unfamiliar face shows up at the office. If the new hire is part of possible with existing staff to avoid tension. Host an informal meeting or a structural change, Ms. Lawson recommends managers be as open as send a memo detailing how the new employee's responsibilities wil1 fit in with other roles.

Make space. It's important for new hires to have an office or cubicle space to call their own off the bat.While it sounds simple enough, securing a desk,computer,phone and email address for a new employee can become a logistical nightmare when left to the last minute, says Ms. Lawson. Without it, a new hire's first few days on the job will be unsettling---and it is something most people don't forget,even if a joke is made of it later on.

Find face time. It's temptiog to send an assistant to bring in a new employee from the reception desk or to have your new hire ask a neighbor where to go for pens or coffee, but taking the time to great new employees in person and show them the ropes makes a critical first impression. "This not something that can be delegated,"says Ms. Lawson. "It really sets the tone." And be sure to also include those people who may be out of sight, but who are critical to know. The shipping c1erk in the basement might be the person everyone needs to know, but rarely sees, says George Bradt, author of On boarding: How to Get Your New Employees Up to Speed in Half the Time. Mr. Bradt advises managers keep in mind the social network of the office, for example, pointing out the person in charge of the softball team. It is important for a new hire to have someone on his or her level to turn to for help. Assign a ‘buddy' to help make a new hire feel more connected to colleagues.

The unwritten rules. Every once has rules you won't find in the HR manual. Be sure on the first few days to point out those subtleties to new employees.Think about daily routines while giving a our of the office the coffee pot everyone on staff is responsible for, the lunch room, the places where bosses tend to congregate-and highlight those so that a new hire can feel familiar with the office culture. "I've seen people have really bad experiences because no one ever told them what the unwritten practices are," says Ms. Lawson.

Set goals.0nce a new employee is settled into the office, it is important to sit down to discuss and establish a short-and long-term plan Early on, employees should have a c1ear understanding of managemen1's expectations and how they will be reviewed. From there, Ms. Lawson suggests holding weekly one-on-one meetings for the first month or so. "Bringing an employee on board is a process that needs to take place over weeks and months," she says. "It's not just a one-time event."


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