
【提示】2020年9月全國大學英語四級考試時間:9月19日, 免費預約短信提醒服務,獲取考試時間、準考證打印時間提醒!
重陽節(jié),由于它是在中國農歷九月初九這一天,所以又被稱為重九節(jié),至今有約兩千年的歷史。在中國古代,重陽節(jié)是一個重要的節(jié)日,這一天要舉行各種慶?;顒樱?登高、賞菊(chrysanthemum )、插茱萸(cornel)、吃重陽糕等。登髙是重陽節(jié)的主要習俗。古人認為,在這一天登高可以避禍免災。近年來,這個古老的節(jié)日被賦予新的含義,逐漸成為開展各種敬老活動、一年一度的“老年節(jié)”。
Chongyang Festival,falls on the ninth day of theninth lunar month, because of which,it is alsonamed as the Double-ninth Festival, which has ahistory of some 2,000 years. As an important festivalin ancient China, Chongyang Festival was celebrated by holding various activities, such asclimbing mountains, appreciating chrysanthemums, wearing cornel and eating Chongyangcakes. Climbing mountains is a major custom in Chongyang Festival. Ancient people thoughtclimbing mountains on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters. Inrecent years, a new meaning has been given to the old festival,and it gradually becomes anannual Seniors’ Day, on which various activities are held in honor of senior people.
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