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摘要 為了方便同學們的BEC商務英語學習,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為大家整理了“2021年商務英語高級閱讀試題(14)”,供大家參考。更多有關BEC商務英語的模擬試題,盡在環(huán)球網(wǎng)校!

環(huán)球網(wǎng)校提供 免費預約短信提醒服務,以短信的方式提前告知各位考生2021年11月BEC商務英語考試準考證打印時間、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!編輯推薦:2021年商務英語高級閱讀試題20篇 

There have long been markets in tin, cocoa, silver and thelike. There used to be security in thinking that somewhere therewas a product, something you could touch and see. Now thereare new markets in abstractions, trade in ideas and knowledge.Everyone has knowledge but there used to be no way to tradeit ------except through jobs. That simple fact of economic lifewas the basis for white collar employment for centuries. Thewhole job culture grew up because there was no alternative wayto sell knowledge , other then the worker or manager providing, for a fixed price, his or herknowledge to an employer to own or control. The quantity of knowledge provided has typicallybeen measured in time.

But today we stand at the threshold of a new era. The information economy has matured andbecome smarter. According to many business commentators, we are now living in a knowledgeeconomy .There has always been a market for knowledge, of course. The publishing industry isbased on it. But today the internet is making the distribution of knowledge ever easier. The dayswhen the publisher decided what got published are over. Anyone with a PC and a modem can talkto the world. This is reducing the friction in the knowledge economy.

Everyone has knowledge of whatever industry she or he is in. say you are a computer dealer,for example. Over the years your have complied a list of the ten best lowest price places to buywholesale computer equipment. Now you can sell your knowledge to newer, younger computerdealers who have no way to build up this knowledge without losing thousands of pounds finding itout the hard way. Until now, such knowledge remained securely locked in the recipient’s head,accumulated and then worthlessly withered away. This no longer needs to be the case. Suchknowledge can be sold via websites.

Knowledge has a distinct advantage in today’s marketplace. It’s a renewable resource. Betteryet, its worth actually increases, . “knowledge is the only asset that grows with use. “ observesScanford University Professor Paul Romer. But what exactly is knowledge and how can it bepackaged to trade on an open market” “ knowledge is experiential information, intelligence appliedthorough and gained from experience.” Say Josenph Pine and James Gilmore in their book TheExperience Economy.

The value of knowledge often depends on variables such as time and the credibility of theseller.Certain knowledge may have a very limited shelf life. In sights concerning how to set up aninternet business in one country, might be worth a fortune on one day and nothing the next ,depending on changes in government policy. Markets in knowledge will be significance for onething. They represent one of the most original uses of the web technology. In some corner of theglobe there is a company wanting to source plastic widgets from Poland, and somewhere elseanother company that wishes to set up a plastics factory there. It’s simply a case of connectingthe two.

Indicater.com is a good example of a knowledge trader. It is targeted at food servicemanagers throughout the hospitality industry. “we started with the context rather than extractingmoney from suppliers. “ explains founder Mike Day. “ we offer food service professionals interactivesupport to increase sales and profits. People don’t want another one-dimensional site full ofadvertising that doesn’t help them to do their job more effectively,it has to be customisedoffering real solutions to real problems. “ the site’s features include access to online training and atariff tracker to restaurants can check prices throughout the sector.

15. what point is made in the first paragraph?

A Interest in commodity markets has decreased.

B Overall levels of expertise have improved.

C Opportunities to exploit your knowledge were limited in the past

D External market forces have meant knowledge is underpriced.

16 what are we told about the current impact of the internet in the second paragraph?

A publishers benefit from their exploitation of the internet.

B the internet has made it easier to analyse business trends.

C It is difficult to calculate the true economic value of the internet.

D The internet facilitates the development of the knowledge economy.

17 In the third paragraph, what does the writer say about knowledge?

A Acquiring knowledge can be expensive

B The most valuable knowledge concerns IT

C Trading knowledge raises issues of security.

D New businesses find it hard to trade in knowledge.

18. What point is made about knowledge in the fourth paragraph?

A It provides specialist information

B Its appeal lies in its exclusivity

C it can generate new ideas

D Its value accumulates.

19 which application of knowledge does the writer regard as particularly useful?

A analyzing manufacturing trends

B introducing compatible parties

C interpreting time constraints

D advising on legislation

20 what key feature is provided by Indicater.com?

A approaches that reflect the provider’s own experience

B access to appropriately trained potential employees.

C advice which directly benefits the bottom line

D advertising which is carefully targeted



15題,問第一段的觀點是什么。第一段就是簡單介紹在過去,受種種條件的限制,知識不可能拿來做交易(there used to be no way to trade it),除非是通過job的形式,領取固定工資,算是知識的價錢。也就是說,過去想真正開發(fā)知識的價值的機會還是很局限的。

16題,問互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在現(xiàn)階段的影響,這題答案很明顯:But today the internet is making the distribution of knowledge ever easier.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)讓知識的傳播更容易了。更容易,就是D選項的facilitate。

17題,問第三段作者關于知識說了什么。第三段總的意思是說知識現(xiàn)在可以交易,否則只能隨著時間消逝。但是這個題的四個選項沒有和這個主要意思相吻合的。所以得從其他的細節(jié)方面看。答案從這個句子里找:Now you can sell your knowledge to newer, younger computer dealers who have no way to build up this knowledge without losing thousands of pounds。你現(xiàn)在可以把知識賣給新的、年輕的電腦交易商。除非花上數(shù)千英鎊,否則他們沒有辦法構建這些知識。Losing thousands of pounds,需要得到某方面的知識需要花上這么多,可見獲取知識是需要花錢的。選A。

18題,問第四段作者關于知識的觀點是什么。這題答案也很明顯。原文明確說了:its worth actually increases。價值事實上是增加的。也就是,知識的價值是積累的。選D。

19題,問作者認為知識在哪方面特別有用。這題答案在第五段后面列舉的那個例子里面。這段文字最后列舉這個例子之前說Markets in knowledge will be significance for one thing.從這里的significance可以看出作者認為有知識的市場(markets in knowledge)是很重要的,也就是知識在這方面特別有用,具體這個markets in knowledge指的是什么,看后面列舉的那個例子。一個公司想在波蘭尋找塑料來源,另一個公司想在波蘭建立塑料生產(chǎn)廠。這就是很簡單的將兩者聯(lián)合起來的事情。因為兩者有共同的利益,可以相容。所以這題答案選B introducing compatible parties。

20題,問這個網(wǎng)站提供的關鍵特征是什么。答案從這一句上看People don’t want another one-dimensional site full of advertising that doesn’t help them to do their job more effectively,it has to be customised offering real solutions to real problems。它必須對實際的問題提供實際的解決辦法。答案選C:advice which directly benefits the bottom line。能夠從根本上有利的建議。

這題很容易誤選B,因為和文章最后一句很相似。越是這樣的選項越是不能選。而且題目問的是key feature,最關鍵的特征在什么地方,也就是區(qū)別于其他不能產(chǎn)生實際效果的廣告的地方,B只是一個feature。


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