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1 SunTours runs a risk by selling similar holidays tocustomers in different income brackets.

2 It is worth offering holidays at a discount to increase thenumber of bookings.

3 SunTours needs to reflect on its marketing methods if itwants to boost repeat custom.

4 It would be a good idea to sell holidays to locations whichother promoters have ignored.

5 SunTours has been disadvantaged by its approach in the past.

6 In certain locations, SunTours may be able to negotiate more favourable contracts.

7 There is an alternative to discount holidays that would be more satisfactory for SunTours'customers.

Four market experts offer advice to SunTours, the middle-market tour operator

A Robert Worth

Marketing to a wider audience could lead to more people buying direct from SunTours ratherthan going through travel agents, and the consequent reduction in agents' commissions mightboost company profits. Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays wouldattract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation andflights. The company could also increase profits by selling more specialised holidays here in Britain,perhaps by offering breaks at historic sites and coastal destinations.

B Steven Worrel

Whether it's worth discounting surplus holidays is an arguable point, as it not only cuts intoprofits, but also results in budget-conscious holidaymakers being put next to SunTours' moreaffluent customers, thus damaging the brand. It may seem attractive at first because of tightmargins, but SunTours should think twice before taking up this option. Currently, SunTours isplanning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand isgreater than supply. It is likely that accommodation providers in these emerging holidaydestinations will be more flexible when it comes to setting terms. The firm should go ahead with thispolicy.

C Ursula Capalbo

Good risk management and higher sales can guarantee higher profits. Although SunTours hasalways been averse to planning, the company would in fact benefit from a risk model that forecaststhe impact of discounting on cash flow and profitability throughout the year. SunTours would thenbe able to change direction when things go wrong, as they inevitably do from time to time.Diversification can increase rather than spread risk, so caution is needed as the company entersregions where facilities for tourists are not yet fully developed. Targeting customers nearingretirement age, whose disposable income and leisure time are increasing, would be ideal.

D Gillian Wilmot

SunTours knows that good relationships with customers is the key to success in the travelbusiness. With this in mind, the company should consider that brochure mailings, unlike electroniccommunications, can attract customers and maximise year-round opportunity. They encouragesummer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter toreturning customers. Selling holidays at a reduced price is definitely not a sensible option. A betterchoice would be value-added promotions which can improve profitability and build on SunTourscustomers' desire for high-quality service.



第一題,通過將同樣的假日出售給不同收入層次的客戶是有風(fēng)險的。這題的答案夠隱晦的,而且不是特別的對應(yīng)。答案是B段開頭的一段話。說該不該將多余的假期打折,是一個有爭議的點。這樣會導(dǎo)致一些注重預(yù)算的人被放在了SunTours’的一些更富裕的客戶旁邊,從而將品牌給毀了。注重預(yù)算的(budget-conscious)和更富裕的(more affluent customers)是兩種不同的收入人群,也就是different income brackets,damaging the brand,毀壞了品牌,言下之意,這么做是有風(fēng)險的,即runs a risk。

第二題,說值得提供打折假期來增加預(yù)定的數(shù)量。答案是A段的這么一句:Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays would attract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation and flights。減少假日的開銷可以吸引最后的客戶,從而避免空余的住宿和飛行帶來的損失。Unfilled accommodation,沒有被預(yù)定的住宿,對應(yīng)于題目中的booking。

第三題,如果想要增加回頭客,SunTours需要反思它的市場策略。答案在D段,需要提煉:the company should consider that brochure mailings。They encourage summer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter to returning customers.先說公司應(yīng)該考慮郵寄宣傳冊,接著說他們可以鼓勵暑假的游客去休另一個假期甚至可以用來給回頭客發(fā)送感謝信。后面的句子整個說的就是如何boost repeat customer,前面的consider brochure mailings是具體說明如何思考市場策略(reflect on marketing methods)

第四題,說賣其他開發(fā)者忽略的地方的假期將會是一個不錯的點子。答案是B段的這么一句:SunTours is planning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand is greater than supply。計劃出售先前沒被開發(fā)的地方的更高利潤的假期,在那里供不應(yīng)求。Unmarketed destination也就是other promoters have ignored。在供不應(yīng)求的地方做生意,但是是a good idea。

第五題,過去SunTours曾采取過一些不利的方法。答案是C段的這么一句:SunTours would then be able to change direction when things go wrong, as they inevitably do from time to time.事情做錯了的時候就可以轉(zhuǎn)變方向,正如它們有時不可避免的所做的一樣。也就是說,過去曾做錯過決定,也就是disadvantage。

第六題,在某些地方,SunTours也許可以協(xié)商一些更有利的合同。答案是B段這么一句:It is likely that accommodation providers in these emerging holiday destinations will be more flexible when it comes to setting terms。這些新興假期市場上的住宿提供者在制定條款時可能更有彈性。合同更有彈性,也就是可以選擇的余地更大,也就是越有利,more favourable。Negotiate contracts對應(yīng)于setting terms。

第七題,有一種打折假期的替代選擇,更能讓SunTours的客戶滿意。答案是D段的最后一部分。前面說降價出售假期一定不是一個明智的選擇,更好的選擇是。。。。。。。這里的a better choice,也就是an alternative to discount holidays,既然better,就是more satisfactory。


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