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摘要 【摘要】環(huán)球小編整理收集了 2017年10月自考英語寫作考試真題 (課程代碼:00603 ),供考生復習參考!想要抓住復習重點,依靠歷年真題試卷就可以做到哦。特別推薦:2017年10月自考考試真題匯總請考生按規(guī)定用筆

【摘要】環(huán)球小編整理收集了“ 2017年10月自考英語寫作考試真題 (課程代碼:00603 )”,供考生復習參考!想要抓住復習重點,依靠歷年真題試卷就可以做到哦。




1.答題前,考生務必將自己的考試課程名稱、姓名、準考證號用黑色字跡的簽字筆或鋼筆 填寫在答題紙規(guī)定的位置上。

2.每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題紙上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡 皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。不能答在試題卷上。

I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.

My Love of Living a Frugal Lifestyle

For some reason,it seems that frugality is often associated with deprivation and being cheap. In my opinion, true frugality is anything but this. Frugality is about having more experiences. It,s about living more on a little less. Ever since discovering the world of personal finance about four years ago, I’ve become totally fascinated by the power of frugality. It,s a lifestyle I’ve learned to embrace. I love living a frugal lifestyle because my efforts have resulted in additional benefits that go beyond the immediate impact of cash savings. It has turned me into a more goal-oriented, resourceful and appreciative person.

Frugality leads me to focus on my priorities. My commitment to being frugal started with identifying my motivation for embracing the lifestyle. Why am I willing to give up a shopping trip to the mall? What makes me unwilling to eat out for birthday celebrations these few years? Evidently, I need to place the top priority on paying off my student loans by next year! Frugality inspires me to constantly evaluate the choices Fm making in order of importance.


One other reward is that frugality has helped me to appreciate what I have, which has nothing to do with money. When I choose to live with less, I begin to respect what I already have. I take better care of the things I own and this attitude extends to appreciating the beauty of life itself. I often experience this enhanced level of thankfulness for the wonders of nature and the items I value, thanks to my frugal mindset (思、維方式). It sounds cliche, yet the more grateful I feel, the less I want.

To sum up, I take great pride in my present frugal living. Cutting back unnecessary purchases and throwing away the non-value stuff makes room for what’s really important. I’ve learned to handle budget-related problems more resourcefully, repairing and reusing old items for a more sustainable, greener way of living. Spending less but appreciating what I have encourages me to live a richer life. In many cases, one doesn’t need to spend money to be happy.

II. Write an outline. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.

When You Refuse to Be a Victim

Sometimes life can be downright nasty. People can wrong you, cheat you, betray you,and put you in a situation where you are victimized. If you fall a victim to an abuse or a rumor, you may feel hopeless and helpless, or even desperate. It,s unfortunate, but it happens. Complaints in cases like these certainly lead you nowhere. Your own initiative does. It plays a decisive role if you want to take back control of your life.

The easiest approach to the problem is asking whether you can remove yourself from the situation. For example, if you’re betrayed in a relationship for whatever reason, can you put yourself out of harm’s way? On many occasions, we find ourselves helplessly victimized. It’s time to change that. You could go stay with a friend, family member, or get a hotel. Either way, refusing to leave the harmful situation is not healthy.

If leaving is not the best choice,what can you do? More often than not, you cannot force a person to change, but you can greatly influence him. You can act as a catalyst. For example, if you live with a family member who has an abuse problem and tends to be really mean to you, what can you do? You can start changing the situation by setting boundaries. You can take your power back by letting that person know what is unacceptable. You cannot change others—it’s up to them,but you can influence their behavior by changing how you interact with them.

When these approaches fail, accepting the situation and then changing your mindset should be applied where you have been victimized. This is definitely a hard thing to do, but you can do it. If a tragic wrong has been done, accept it, put it in the past and live in the present. It may take time,but the greatest gift you have is the present. Changing your mindset means you will no longer assume the role of a victim. You will reclaim your power and voice-they are yours and should have never been taken. Regardless of how you are victimized, you can change your life by changing your mindset,knowing that you have complete power over your thoughts, actions and reactions.

You know what will happen when you decide to stop playing the victim and take your life back? A lifetime is full of possibilities. You will have your personal power back. Your creative spark will glow to help solve problems where most other people wouldn’t know what to do. By taking back your power and no longer playing the victim, you will have more freedom, as you no longer depend on others. You will become the master of your own life. You set the pace and decide what road to take.

III. Compose an essay. (60 points)

Some people argue that a college degree does not necessarily mean the holder has superior intellect or stronger capability. What is your opinion? Write a 300-word argumentative essay stating your views.

友情提示:環(huán)球網校自考考試道為您整理:2017年10月自考英語寫作考試真題 ,另外環(huán)球網校提醒考生更多自考相關資訊,考試報名成績查詢、準考證打印、通知單打印、證書領取、畢業(yè)辦理、實踐安排、考務考籍等自考信息,成功助考!






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