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Key words and phrases

1. leadership : n 領導。同根詞:lead: v 領導、通向;lead to sth; leader: n

2. attach : v 系、附加、使喜愛,迷戀,同根詞:attached: a 固定的、依戀的。詞組:be attached to sb/sth; attach importance to sth認為。。。很重要;attachment: n

1). You have to attach a label to a box while posting it.
2). We should attach primary importance to a firm and correct political orientation.
3). He is strongly attached to his home.

3. possession: n 擁有,possess: v

4. satisfaction : n 滿意、滿足;同根詞:satisfy: v 使。。。滿足;satisfying: a 令人滿意的;satisfied: 對。。。感到滿意的;satisfactory: a 滿意的(表語)

1). To the _____ of everyone, the director relaxed his threatening attitude.
2). The customer seemed to be _____.
3). The child’s intelligence is ____ for his age.
4). Socialism is to fully _____ the material and spiritual needs of the people.
5). The opened pupil is usually associated with pleasant and _____ experiences.
Answers: satisfaction, satisfied, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying

5. relaxation : n 松弛、放松;同根詞:relax: v 使人放松;relaxing: a; relaxed: a

6. desirable: a 稱心的、理想的、合意的,同根詞:desire: v/n 渴望,想要;desirability: n 可取之處、優(yōu)點

1). Nobody doubts the ____ of good health.

2). His ____ were not great. A peaceful life was what he wanted.

3). Some reasonable adjustments seem ______.

Answers: desirability, desire (n), desirable

7. occupation: n 占領、占有、職業(yè),同根詞:occupy: v 占有;occupied: a 被占領的;不空閑的;occupant: n 房屋居住者

1). Much of the territory is still under enemy _____.

2). He ____ an important position in the government.

3). The ___ will not pay rent and must be forced to move out.

4). Curing the sick is the doctor’s ______.

Answers: occupation; occupies; occupant; occupation

8. recognition: n 認出、承認;同根詞:recognize: v; recognized: a 公認的,經(jīng)過證明的;recognizable: a 可以認出的

1). The dead woman’s face had been beaten out of all ____ shape.

2). The city has changed beyond ____.

3). He was so much changed that I could hardly ____ him.

Answers: recognizable; recognition; recognize

9. positive: a 肯定的、積極的、正的,反義詞:negative

10. relevant: a 貼切的、與。。。有關的,be relevant to sth; 反義詞:irrelevant

11. be concerned with sth關心,關切,忙于。。。

1). I am concerned with my work every day.

2). We are increasingly concerned with the quality o flife.

12. take to sth/doing sth開始從事。。。;養(yǎng)成。。。習慣;培養(yǎng)對。。。的愛好

1). He took to gardening in his retirement.

2). He took to smoking in his fourth year at college.

3). My father has taken to playing golf at the weekends.

13. put sth to use使用、利用

Time is precious and should be put to full use.

14. be relevant to:與。。。有關的

What you said is not relevant to the theme.

15. on the part of sb/on sb’s part就。。。而言,在。。。方面

It was an error on the part of the manager.



Analyze the difficult sentences:

1. The importance people attach to paid holidays and the rapid development of services for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increasing concern. (P1)


分析:該句主語很長,分成兩部分:The importance people attach to paid holidays和the rapid development of services for mass entertainment and recreation,后面是一個系表結構。另外,people attach to paid holidays是定語從句,修飾the importance.
Concern: n 關心,關注。

2. Generally speaking, the quality of life, especially as seen by the individual, is meaningful in terms of the degree to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individual. (P2)


分析:主語:the quality of life,is meaningful是謂語部分;especially as seen by the individual是定語從句,其中關系代詞as做主語,謂語中省去了is,另外,to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individual
又是定語從句修飾the degree. 詞組:in terms of按照、根據(jù)、在。。。方面,如:
Consider it in terms of an investment.
The number of terrorist attacks ahs increased to a frightening degree.

3. As activity carried out as one thinks fit during one’s spare time, leisure has the following functions: relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development. (P3)


分析:句中第一個as是介詞,“作為”,carried out as one thinks fit during one’s spare time是過去分詞短語做后置定語,修飾activity,其中的as是連詞,引導方式狀語從句。最后那部分才是主句。詞組:carry out:完成、實現(xiàn)、貫徹
Don’t blame me. I’m only carrying out the orders.
4. The specific use of leisure varies from individual to individual. (P4)

分析:該句中有一個??即睿簐ary from …to …因。。。而異。

The price of vegetables varied from season from season.

5. Since leisure is basically self-determined, one is able to take to one’s interests and preferences and get involved in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction. (P6)


分析:since引導的是原因狀語從句。重要詞、詞組:preference: n 偏愛,動詞:prefer; 形容詞:preferable; get involved in sth參與,從事。。?;顒?。

 6. Basically, such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use. (P7)
分析:這句話的重要知識點在于:兩個that從句都是同位語從句,分別具體解釋抽象名詞:recognition和belief. 另外,注意詞組:amount to 等于,相當于,如:This amounts to a refusal.

7. Hence, it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes, interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure. (P8)


分析:這句話的主體結構:it can be argued that…;it是形式主語,that從句是真正主語;其中the people是主語,with whom we come into contact in these various contexts是定語,shaping后面接著三個并列賓語:our attitudes, interests and even skills。而relevant to how we handle leisure是形容詞短語做后置定語。詞組:come into contact with sb接觸某人;

8. Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicators in or using the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests. (P9)


分析:Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicators是句子主語;in or using the mass media 是定語部分,修飾communicators 。 be capable of能夠做某事;arouse: v 引起、喚醒,辨析:arise: v 出現(xiàn)、顯現(xiàn);rise: v 升起,漲起;raise: v 舉起,撫養(yǎng)、飼養(yǎng)。

9. For example, the degree to which and the ways in which a school encourages participation in games, sports and cultural pursuits are likely to contribute to the shaping of leisure attitudes on the part of the students. (P9)


分析:該句的中心詞是the degree和the ways,其后各接一個由which引導的定語從句,來自于詞組:to the degree; in the ways. 詞組:be likely to do sth有可能做某事;contribute to sth為。。。做貢獻。

10. Schools usually set as their educational objective the attainments of a balanced development of the person. (P10)


分析:句中set的賓語是the attainments of a balanced development of the person,賓補:as their educational objective。因為賓語太長,因此顛倒位置,為了避免頭重腳輕。

11. The more seriously this is sought, the more likely positive attitudes towards leisure as well as academic work will be encouraged. (P10)


分析:該句的核心考點:the + 比較級,the +比較級,越。。。就越。。。。

The more, the better.
The more words you have, the easier you study English.



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