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2011年自考《英語(一)》考前重點(diǎn)復(fù)習(xí)Unit 1

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  Unit1 Text A How to be a successful language learner?

  本課主要單詞轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  1. successful adj. 成功的

  He is a successful writer. (他是一個(gè)有成就的作家。)

  He hopes he will be successful this time. (他希望他這次能夠成功。)

  success n. 成功

  Their film is a great success.(他們的影片很成功。)

  We are sure of success. (我們一定能成功。)

  succeed v. 成功

  I succeeded in getting the job. (我成功地得到了這份工作。)

  She succeeded in passing the exam. (她考試及格了。)

  2. adult adj. & n. 成年的,成熟的;成年人

  These adult films are not suitable for children.(這些成人電影,兒童不宜觀看。)

  Don''t worry too much about him, he is an adult now.(別為他過分擔(dān)心,他是成年人了。)

  3. disagree vi. 有分歧,不同意;不符,不一致

  agree vi. 同意

  I disagree with you about this.〔對于這件事,我跟你的意見不同。〕

  These figures disagree with last week''s results.(這些數(shù)據(jù)與上周的結(jié)果不符。)

  I agree with what you said. (我同意你所說的。)

  She agreed to the plan.(她贊成這個(gè)計(jì)劃。)

  We haven''t agreed on the date of the meeting.(我們還沒商定會議的日期。)

  agreement n. 同意;協(xié)議

  disagreement n. 不同意

  We haven''t reached an agreement yet.(我們還沒達(dá)成協(xié)議。)

  There was no disagreement, and the proposal was accepted.(沒有不同意見,這個(gè)建議被接受了。)

  (請注意:前綴dis-通??梢约釉趧釉~,名詞,形容詞前面,構(gòu)成反意詞。例如:dissatisfy,disorder,disable. 后綴-ment加在動詞的后面,構(gòu)成名詞。例如:arrangement,argument 等。)

  4. statement n. 聲明,陳述 (由動詞state 加名詞后綴-ment構(gòu)成)

  Very soon he made his first public statement about the affair. (他很快就此事件首次發(fā)表公開聲明。)

  Do you believe the witness''s statement? (你相信證人的陳述嗎?)

  (請注意動詞與名詞的搭配:issue a statement, make a statement)

  5. guarantee n. & v. 保證,擔(dān)保,保修

  He gave his guarantee that he would repay the money as soon as he could.(他保證他會盡快還錢。)

  The washing machine is guaranteed for five years.(這臺洗衣機(jī)保用5年。)

  (請注意guarantee做動詞的用法:guarantee sth.,guarantee that, guarantee against / from )

  6. intelligent adj. 聰明的,明智的

  He made an intelligent decision.(他做出了明智的決定。)

  Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.(人類遠(yuǎn)比動物聰明。)

  Intelligence n. 聰明,智力

  She prided herself on her intelligence.(她為自己的聰明感到自豪。)

  Intelligently adv. 聰明地,明智地

  They dealt with the problem intelligently.(他們明智地處理了這個(gè)問題。)

  7. conversely adv. 相反地

  Some are wealthy but unhappy; conversely, others are happy but not wealthy.


  converse adj. 相反的

  I hold the converse opinion.(我的觀點(diǎn)相反。)

  converse v. 交談,談話

  He felt it difficult to converse with Helen in English.(他覺得跟海倫用英語交談很困難。)

  8. similar adj. 相似的,類似的

  The two animals are similar to each other in appearance.(這兩只動物外表很相似。)

  similarity n. 相似,類似

  Their differences are more noticeable than their similarities.(他們的不同之處比相同之處更明顯。)

  9. independent adj. 獨(dú)立的,自主的

  (這個(gè)詞的詞根是depend,在depend的后面加上后綴 -ent可以構(gòu)成形容詞,加上 -ence則可以構(gòu)成名詞;在dependent,dependence前面加上前綴 in- 又可以構(gòu)成反義詞。)

  depend v. 依靠,依賴

  dependence n. 依靠,依賴

  dependent adj. 依靠的,依賴的

  independence n. 獨(dú)立,自主

  India won its independence in 1947.(印度于1947年贏得了獨(dú)立。)

  10. clue n. 線索,提示

  The police searched all the houses but found no clues.(警察搜索了所有的房屋,但是沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何線索。)

  (注意用法:find /give a clue to sth.)

  11. conclusion n. 結(jié)論,推論

  conclude v. 斷定,決定

  (注意用法:come to a conclusion,jump at a conclusion,draw a conclusion,reach a conclusion)

  What conclusions did you come to?(你得出了什么結(jié)論?)

  12. communicate v. 交流,交際,通訊

  communication n. 交流,通訊

  communicative adj. 愛說話的

  To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person.(他是一個(gè)不愛說話的人,與他交流可不容易。)

  Speech and writing are man''s most important methods of communication.(說和寫是人類最重要的交流方式。)

  13. inexact adj. 不正確的,不精確的

  與independent一樣,該詞是由形容詞 exact加前綴in- 構(gòu)成的。

  14. incomplete adj. 不完整的

  complete adj.& v. 完整的;完成

  This is an incomplete sentence, please add the omitted part and make it complete.


  I don''t think I can complete the work in 2 hours. 〔我想我在兩小時(shí)內(nèi)干不完這活?!?/P>

  15. purpose n. 目的,意圖,用途

  purposeful adj. 有目的的,有意圖的

  purposefully adv. 有目的地,蓄意地

  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss his proposal.〔會議的目的是討論他的建議?!?/P>

  He let out the information purposefully to you.〔他有意向你透露了這個(gè)消息?!?/P>

  16. regularly adv. 經(jīng)常地,定期地

  regular adj. 經(jīng)常的,定期的

  irregular adj. 不規(guī)則的,無規(guī)律的

  If you review your lessons regularly, you will do well on tests.


  17. technique n. 技術(shù),技巧,手藝

  Good study techniques help him to be one of the straight A students in his class.


  18. outline v.& n. 概括;大綱,提綱;輪廓

  He listened carefully as I outlined my reasons.〔在我簡述我的原因時(shí),他認(rèn)真地聽著。〕

  The English teacher asked us to write a brief outline of the story.


  He saw the outline of the house in the moonlight.(在月光下,他看到了那座屋子的輪廓。)


  1. 名詞后綴 -ment

  agreement, statement

  2. 名詞后綴 -ation, -ion, -sion

  communication, completion, conclusion

  3. 名詞后綴 -ity

  similarity, regularity

  4. 名詞后綴 -ence

  intelligence, independence

  5. 形容詞后綴 -ful

  successful, purposeful

  6. 副詞后綴 -ly

  conversely, regularly, purposefully

  7. 反義詞前綴 in

  inexact, incomplete, independent

  8. 反義詞前綴 dis

  disagree, discover


  How to Be a Successful Language Learner 是一篇典型的說明文。此類文章通常以邏輯順序安排材料,作者要回答HOW或WHY方面的問題。在說明文的閱讀與寫作中,要注意抓主題句以及使文章內(nèi)容啟承轉(zhuǎn)合的常用詞句。



  1. Learning a language is easy.

  這是一個(gè) 主語+動詞+表語 (SVP)句型。句中l(wèi)earning a language為動名詞短語,在句子中做主語。再如:

  Forgetting the past means betrayal.(忘記過去就意味著背叛。)


  1) 閱讀英語比講英語容易。 (Reading English is easier than speaking it.)

  2) 集郵是我弟弟的愛好。(Collecting stamps is my little brother''s hobby.)

  2. Even a child can do it.

  even在句中作副詞用,加強(qiáng)語氣,表示“甚至(…也),連(…都)”。如:He even didn''t trust his best friend.(他甚至不信任他最好的朋友。)

  請注意even與 even if / though的區(qū)別并翻譯下面的句子:

  1) 這個(gè)我連聽都沒聽過。(I haven''t even heard of it.)

  2) 即使花了數(shù)天時(shí)間復(fù)習(xí),他也沒能考好。(He didn''t do well in the exam even though he spent days reviewing.)

  3. Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.

  句中who are learning a second language為定語從句,修飾先行詞most adults,再如:

  The man who wrote this book is a teacher.(寫這本書的人是一位教師。)


  1) 穿藍(lán)色夾克的那個(gè)男孩是我們的班長。

  (The boy who is in a blue jacket is our monitor.)

  2) 你昨天借給我的那本書很有趣。

  (The book that you lent me yesterday is very interesting.)


  A picnic without you wouldn''t be fun.(野餐沒你參加會很沒意思。)


  1) 表示過去將來時(shí):I felt confident that everything would be all right.

  2) 表示意愿:I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn''t listen to me.

  3) 表示習(xí)慣性:Every evening, we would go for a walk along the river.

  4) 表示虛擬,假設(shè),條件:If you had come earlier, you would have seen him.

  5) 表示婉轉(zhuǎn)地請求或建議:Would you look after my cat while I am away?


  4. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner.

  注意句中hundreds of hours的用法,閱讀課本第六頁注解2.


  1) 十個(gè)學(xué)生 ten students

  數(shù)十個(gè)學(xué)生 tens of students

  2) 五百年 five hundred years

  數(shù)百年 hundreds of years

  3) 兩千年 two thousand years

  數(shù)千年 thousands of years

  4) 三百萬美元 three million dollars

  數(shù)百萬美元 millions of dollars

  5. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.

  句中be different from 意為“與…不同”,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的觀點(diǎn)與你的觀點(diǎn)不同。)


  Man is different from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.

  Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.

  The greatest difference between man and all the other animals is his ability to learn and use a language.

  從上面的句子中可以看出differ是動詞,different 是形容詞,difference是名詞。

  6. … find it difficult to succeed in language learning.

  … find it difficult to succeed in other fields.

  句中的it是形式賓語(formal object),真正的賓語(real object)是不定式to succeed in language learning,此類用法在英語中很常見,請注意掌握。如:At first I found it difficult to remember all these new words.(開始我感到記住這些單詞很難。)


  1) 外面的噪音使我無法繼續(xù)工作。

  (The noise outside made it difficult for me to go on with my work.)

  2) 他們覺得再爭論下去是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。

  (They consider it a waste of time to argue any further.)

  3) 她認(rèn)為把真相告訴小王是對的。

  (She thought it right to tell Xiao Wang the truth.)

  7. Language teachers often offer advice to language learners.


  1) He offered me a cup of tea after I sat down. (我坐下后他給我端來一杯茶。)

  2) What suggestions would you like to offer to those young teachers? (對這些新教師你有什么建議要提嗎?)

  3) This shop offers all kinds of stationery.(這家商店供應(yīng)各種文具。)

  4) The old man offered me 100 yuan for the used bike.


  5) She offered to help me with my English.(她表示愿意幫我學(xué)英語。)

  句中的advice為不可數(shù)名詞,其后不加s,正如課本第六頁注解3所說,有許多東西在漢語中是可數(shù)的,在英語中卻是不可數(shù)的。如news, information, paper 等,若要表示“一個(gè)”這類概念,就必須加a piece of這類定語,例如:

  a piece of news

  a piece of advice

  a sum of money

  a piece of bread

  8. Read as much as you can.

  句中的much 是副詞,用副詞作同等比較時(shí),可以用as … as和so … as 這種結(jié)構(gòu),如:

  1) Read as much as you can and your vocabulary will be enlarged.(盡量多閱讀,你的詞匯量就會擴(kuò)大。)

  2) We must arrange everything as well as we can.(我們要把一切盡可能地安排好。)

  3) Please give me a call as soon as possible.(請盡早給我打電話。)

  4) I don''t speak English so well as you.(我英語講得沒你好。)

  9. Practice speaking the language every day.

  practice 在美國英語中可以做動詞也可以做名詞,而在英國英語中,practice是名詞,動詞的拼寫則是practise.

  作動詞用時(shí),其后只能跟動名詞,不能跟不定式。如:It is really no fun to practice running in such hot weather.(在這樣炎熱的天氣里練跑步可真不是好玩的。)

  10. Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

  that successful language learners are similar in many ways 是賓語從句。在非正式場合下that引導(dǎo)賓語從句時(shí)可省略。如:I think (that) you are right.


  1) 小男孩承認(rèn)是他打碎了窗玻璃。

  (The little boy admitted that he broke the window.)

  2) 大量證據(jù)表明他是有罪的。(Plenty of evidence shows that he is guilty.)

  3) 我保證將會給他更多的幫助。(I promised that I would give him more help.)

  11. … they discover their own way to learn the language. to learn the language

  不定式做定語,例如:Is it the best way to solve the problem?(這是解決問題的最好方法嗎?)


  1) 他沒有勇氣承認(rèn)自己是無知的。(He has no courage to say that he is ignorant.)

  2) 這將是一個(gè)交流思想的好機(jī)會。(This will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas.)

  3) 他們在會上沒有發(fā)言權(quán)。(They had no right to speak at the meeting.)

  12. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and rules for themselves.

  動詞不定式to explain和名詞 teacher構(gòu)成復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),作wait for的賓語,稱為復(fù)合賓語。此類用法在英語中很常見,例如:

  1) I''ll get someone to repair the bike for you.(我去找人來幫你修自行車。)

  2) He wants you to call him in the afternoon.(他要你下午給他打電話。)

  3) The teacher is waiting for the students to answer the questions.(老師在等學(xué)生們回答問題。)

  4) You can count on him to give you full support.(你放心,他會給你全力支持。)

  請注意 instead of 與 instead 的區(qū)別:

  1) Instead of staying at home watching TV, he went out for a walk.

  He didn''t stay at home watching TV, instead he went out for a walk.

  2) Instead of having milk for breakfast, he had a cup of coffee.

  He didn''t have milk for breakfast, instead he had a cup of coffee.

  13. When they guess wrong, they guess again.


  1) He was annoyed that he had been given some wrong information.(wrong adj.錯(cuò)誤的)

  2) I knew I had wronged her terribly when I gave her all the complaints.(wrong v. 冤枉)

  3) The whole class burst into laughter when the teacher pronounced her name wrong.(wrong adv.錯(cuò),不對)

  14. … they look for such a chance.


  1) I''ve never seen such beautiful scenery.(我從沒見過這樣美麗的景色。)

  2) He didn''t expect that the audience would give him such a response.(他沒料想到觀眾們會給予如此反應(yīng)。)

  3) She didn''t feel like going out on such a cold day.(她不想在如此寒冷的日子里出門。)


  1) The question was so difficult that nobody could answer it.


  2) His eyesight was so poor that he couldn''t see anything clearly.


  3) He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.


  15. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

  不定式短語to learn to think in the language是句子的真正主語。it常常被用來代替不定式,在句子中充當(dāng)形式主語,而把真正的主語移到句子后面去,這樣使句子顯得比較平穩(wěn)。為了說明不定式表示的動作是誰做的,便在不定式前加for引起的短語。又如:

  1) It is not at all difficult for him to understand the poem.

  2) It is necessary for us to lend him a helping hand at this time.

  more important than是形容詞比較級形式,請翻譯下面的句子:

  1) 湯姆的年齡比瑪麗大。(Tom is older than Mary.)

  2) 這本書比那本書更有趣。(This book is more interesting than that one.)

  3) 我們班的學(xué)生人數(shù)比他們班的多。(There are more students in our class than in theirs.)

  16. … you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.


  1) He has been working for a whole day.

  2) They have been watching TV for two hours.


  1) 老李已經(jīng)在南京生活了二十年。(Lao Li has been living in Nanjing for 20 years.)

  2) 雨下多久了?(How long has it been raining?)

  3) 我等了他一個(gè)多小時(shí)了。(I have been waiting for him for more than an hour.)

  17. … if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.

  less than用在形容詞的前面是為了給所要表述的內(nèi)容增加否定意味。又如:It would be less than fair to put all the blame on him.(把所有的責(zé)任都加在他身上是不太公平的。)


  1) 父親對他的成績不太滿意。(Father was less than satisfied with his performance.)

  2) 這個(gè)計(jì)劃遠(yuǎn)不夠完美。(The plan was a good deal less than perfect.)

  do well to do sth. 的意思是“最好…做”,如:She would do well to go away from these

  dishonest people.(她最好遠(yuǎn)離這些不誠實(shí)的人。)


  1. disagree with 2. be different from

  3. succeed in 4. offer sth. to sb.

  5. as much as 6. practice doing sth.

  7. be similar to 8. first of all

  9. depend on 10. instead of

  11. wait for 12. look for

  13. learn from 14. communicate with

  15. be willing to 16. be interested in

  17. in order to 18. on the other hand

  19. less than 20. do well to do sth.


  A. 動名詞做主語

  1) Learning a language is easy.

  2) Learning a language is a very difficult task.

  B. 定語從句

  1) Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.

  2) Some people who are intelligent and successful in their fields…

  3) They are good guessers who find clues and form their own conclusions.

  4) They find people who speak the language…

  5) …they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.

  C. it 做形式賓語

  1) …some people…find it difficult to succeed in…

  2) They find it easy to practice using the language regularly…

  D. it 做形式主語

  1) It is more important for them to learn to think…

  2) It is necessary for them to learn the language…

  Text B Language

  1. not only…but also (不但……而且)

  例:To some people language learning is not only time-consuming, but also difficult.

  You can find the place not only with the help of a map, but also by asking the way.

  2. up and down (上上下下,前前后后)

  例:His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for the escaped prisoner.

  He walked up and down the street, not knowing what decision he should make.

  3. neither…nor (既不……也不)

  例:Neither you nor I should be responsible for this accident.

  This book is neither interesting nor instructive.

  4. mean to do sth.(打算做某事,想要做某事)

  例:I meant to say “sorry” to him, but he didn''t want to listen.

  He didn''t mean to hurt you.

  5. not at all(一點(diǎn)也不)

  例:I am not at all tired.

  He was not at all frightened by the strange noise.

  6. consist of(由……組成)

  例:Our class consists of 20 boys and 26 girls.

  The medical team consists of 3 doctors and two nurses.



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