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更新時間:2020-10-22 10:46:19 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽22收藏4

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摘要 學(xué)位英語又被稱為成人英語三級,是獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位必須要達成的條件之一,想要通過學(xué)位英語的考試,做題練筆必不可少,今天環(huán)球網(wǎng)校(環(huán)球青藤旗下品牌)的小編為各位考生們整理了2020年學(xué)位英語詞匯與語法結(jié)構(gòu)模擬練習(xí)題,快來一起做做看吧!




21、Reading is to the mind _____ food is to the body.

A. what

B. that

C. similar

D. which

Best Answer: A


what是關(guān)系代詞,A is to B what C is to D,A對于B之間的關(guān)系猶如C對于D。


22、I would never have encouraged you to go into this field _____ it would be so hard for you.

A. had I known

B. and I had known

C. should I know

D. but I knew

Best Answer: A




23、Are there any other factors that might affect the development of a child ______ education and innate inability?

A. apart from

B. away from

C. far from D. but for

Best Answer: A


apart from除……之外,away from遠離,far from 遠非,but for要不是。


24、We drive our car fast and soon _____ other cars on the road.

A. oversee

B. overtake

C. overrun

D. override

Best Answer: B




25、Professor Black and professor Smith will _____ in giving the class lectures.

A. alter

B. change

C. alternate

D. differ



26、The time has come _____ we make extensive use of nuclear energy.

A. When

B. while

C. as

D. since

Best Answer: A

詳解:答案為A。when引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾time,有時為了使句子平衡,也就是使主語不必過長,而把定語從句或同位語從句后置于謂語之后。如:The news came that our team won the match.

27、Do you know the name of that _____ insect?

A. funny, little, red, mosquito-like

B. little, funny, mosquito-like, red

C. red, little, funny, mosquito-like

D. mosquito-like, red, little, funny

Best Answer: A


28、Human beings are superior to animals _____ they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. for which

B. in which

C. in that

D. for that

Best Answer: C

詳解:答案為C。in that表示“因為,既然”

29、The city government has determined to get _____ with people who try to escape paying taxes.

A. rough

B. tough

C. rigid

D. bold

B)??疾樾稳菰~語義及搭配。能與介詞with搭配的只有選項B)tough,get tough with/on sb.意為“對……采取堅決態(tài)度;對……采用強硬手段”。其余選項的意思分別是:選項A)rough意為“粗糙的;粗野的,粗暴的;粗略的,大致的”;選項C)rigid(行為觀點等)嚴(yán)格的,死板的,不易改變的;選項D)bold意為“勇敢的,無畏的;冒失的,魯莽的”。全句的意思是“政府部門決心采取強硬手段來懲治偷稅人員”。

30、Some concepts may be difficult to grasp chiefly because they may be unfamiliar or _____ ideas, opinions which we already hold.

A. in accordance with

B. in conflict with

C. in favor of

D. in response to

B)??疾榻樵~短語的語義。四個選項的意思分別是:選項A)in accordance with依照,根據(jù);選項B)in conflict with與……相沖突;選項C)in favor of支持,贊同;選項D)in response to作為對……的反應(yīng)。根據(jù)題意可判斷出選項B)為正確答案。全句的意思為“一些觀念很難讓人領(lǐng)會主要是因為我們對其不熟悉或者是因為與我們原有的觀點相矛盾”。

31、The purpose of your resume is to _____ enough interest in you to have an employer contact you for an interview.

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

B)。考查動詞的語義辨析。各選項的意思分別是:選項A)assemble意為“集合,聚集,召集;裝配”,如:The whole school assembled in the main hall.全校學(xué)生在大禮堂集合。Before you assemble the model plane, read the instructions.在你組裝模型飛機前,先讀說明書。選項B)generate意為“生成,產(chǎn)生(光、熱、電等);引起(興趣等)”,如:News of the Queen's visit is generating a lot of excitement.女皇來訪的消息使大家感到非常興奮。選項C)yield意為“生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)生(利潤、回報等);投降,屈服”,如:His business yields big profits.他的生意利潤豐厚。選項D)gather意為“聚集,集合;收集,采集”,如:Many people gathered in the town square.很多人聚集在市政廣場。該題需注意選項B)和選項C)在搭配上的區(qū)別。根據(jù)題意,選項B)應(yīng)為正確答案。全句意思為是“簡歷就是要充分引起雇主對你的興趣,并達到進一步聯(lián)系面試的目的”。

32、We'd better eliminate junk foods from our kitchen and keep a variety of high-quality foods _____ at all times.

A. available

B. desirable

C. enormous

D. numerous

A)。考查形容詞語義環(huán)境。四個選項的意思分別是:選項A)available現(xiàn)成可使用的,在手邊的,可利用的;選項B)desirable稱心如意的,值得有的,如I envy Jane because her job is so desirable.我很羨慕簡,因為她有一份很稱心的工作。選項C)enormous巨大的,極大的,龐大的;選項D)numerous許多的,很多的,如:This is a conclusion he has drawn from numerous facts.這是他從很多事實當(dāng)中得出的結(jié)論。根據(jù)題干可判斷出選項A)應(yīng)為正確答案。全句的意思為“我們應(yīng)清除廚房里的垃圾食品,而使各種高質(zhì)量的食物隨手可及”。

33、Faced with rapid inflation and _____ international and home markets, many firms have declared bankrupt.

A. lessening

B. shortening

C. shrinking

D. withdrawing

C)??疾榻x動詞的語義辨析。各選項的意思及用法分別是:選項A)lessening減少,減輕,側(cè)重指程度、重要性等的減輕。如:The defeat lessened our chances of winning the championship.此次失敗使我們奪冠的希望變得更加渺茫。lessen the burden of減輕負擔(dān);選項B)shortening縮短,變短,如The days are beginning to shorten.天開始變短了。shorten the gap between縮小……之間的差距;選項C)shrinking使收縮,縮小,減少,側(cè)重指尺寸、大小等的變小。如:The number of students attending the lecture has shrunk.聽講座的學(xué)生人數(shù)減少了。Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?這種肥皂會使羊毛衣服縮水嗎?選項D) withdrawing收回,撤退,撤銷,如:After awhile, he withdrew his proposal.過了一會兒,他撤回了他的提議。根據(jù)題意可判斷出選項C)應(yīng)為正確答案。全句意思是“面對通貨膨脹和日益縮小的國際國內(nèi)市場,許多公司都已宜布破產(chǎn)”。

34、Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

A) features

B) figures

C) sketches

D) images

[答案] B

[譯文] 昨天晚上他看見兩個黑影進了大樓,然后就發(fā)生了爆炸。

[解析] Feature 表示“特征,特點”;sketch的意思是“素描,梗概,草圖”;image表示“形象”;而figure表示“外形,輪廓,體型”,符合上下文。

35、It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without _____.

A) exception

B) exclusion

C) modification

D) substitution

[答案] A

[譯文] 很明顯,這條規(guī)定適用于任何人,沒有例外。

[解析] Without exception為固定搭配,表示“毫無例外,無一例外”。Exclusion表示“排除,排外”;modification的意思是“更改,修正”;substitution表示“替代”。

36、Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

A. features

B. figures

C. sketches

D. images

[答案] B

[譯文] 昨天晚上他看見兩個黑影進了大樓,然后就發(fā)生了爆炸。

[解析] Feature表示“特征,特點”;sketch的意思是“素描,梗概,草圖”;image表示“形象”;而figure表示“外形,輪廓,體型”,符合上下文。

37、Faced with rapid inflation and _____ international and home markets, many firms have declared bankrupt.

A. lessening

B. shortening

C. shrinking

D. withdrawing

[答案] C。

考查近義動詞的語義辨析。各選項的意思及用法分別是:選項Alessening減少,減輕,側(cè)重指程度、重要性等的減輕。如:The defeat lessened our chances of winning the championship. 此次失敗使我們奪冠的希望變得更加渺茫。lessen the burden of減輕負擔(dān);選項Bshortening縮短,變短,如The days are beginning to shorten.天開始變短了。shorten the gap between縮小……之間的差距;選項Cshrinking使收縮,縮小,減少,側(cè)重指尺寸、大小等的變小。如:The number of students attending the lecture has shrunk.聽講座的學(xué)生人數(shù)減少了。Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?這種肥皂會使羊毛衣服縮水嗎?選項D withdrawing收回,撤退,撤銷,如:After awhile, he withdrew his proposal.過了一會兒,他撤回了他的提議。根據(jù)題意可判斷出選項C應(yīng)為正確答案。全句意思是“面對通貨膨脹和日益縮小的國際國內(nèi)市場,許多公司都已宜布破產(chǎn)”。

38、We'd better eliminate junk foods from our kitchen and keep a variety of high-quality foods _____ at all times.

A. available

B. desirable

C. enormous

D. numerous

[答案] A。

考查形容詞語義環(huán)境。四個選項的意思分別是:選項Aavailable現(xiàn)成可使用的,在手邊的,可利用的;選項Bdesirable稱心如意的,值得有的,如I envy Jane because her job is so desirable.我很羨慕簡,因為她有一份很稱心的工作。選項Cenormous巨大的,極大的,龐大的;選項Dnumerous許多的,很多的,如:This is a conclusion he has drawn from numerous facts.這是他從很多事實當(dāng)中得出的結(jié)論。根據(jù)題干可判斷出選項A應(yīng)為正確答案。全句的意思為“我們應(yīng)清除廚房里的垃圾食品,而使各種高質(zhì)量的食物隨手可及”。

39、The purpose of your resume is to _____ enough interest in you to have an employer contact you for an interview.

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

[答案] B。

考查動詞的語義辨析。各選項的意思分別是:選項Aassemble意為“集合,聚集,召集;裝配”,如:The whole school assembled in the main hall.全校學(xué)生在大禮堂集合。Before you assemble the model plane, read the instructions.在你組裝模型飛機前,先讀說明書。選項Bgenerate意為“生成,產(chǎn)生光、熱、電等;引起興趣等”,如:News of the Queen's visit is generating a lot of excitement.女皇來訪的消息使大家感到非常興奮。選項Cyield意為“生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)生利潤、回報等;投降,屈服”,如:His business yields big profits.他的生意利潤豐厚。選項Dgather意為“聚集,集合;收集,采集”,如:Many people gathered in the town square.很多人聚集在市政廣場。該題需注意選項B和選項C在搭配上的區(qū)別。根據(jù)題意,選項B應(yīng)為正確答案。全句意思為是“簡歷就是要充分引起雇主對你的興趣,并達到進一步聯(lián)系面試的目的”。

40、They are going to have the serviceman _____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

A. install

B. to install

C. to be installed

D. installed

[譯文] 他們準(zhǔn)備讓勤雜工明天在辦公室安裝一臺電扇。

答案為A. 本題是一道語法測試題。我們知道使役動詞,have、let、make后面的動詞不定式作賓語時,應(yīng)省略to,本句由應(yīng)有have sb. do sth. 故我們選A)項。


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