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  Heartbeat of America

  1. New York―the Statue of Liberty(自由女神), the skyscrapers, the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue(第五大街) and the many theaters on Broadway(百老匯). This is America's cultural capital. It is also her biggest city, with a population(人口居民) of nearly 8 million. In the summer it is hot, hot, hot and in the winter it can be very cold. Still there are hundreds of things to do and see all the year round.

  2. Manhattan(曼哈頓) is the real center of the city. When people say “New York City,” they usually mean Manhattan. Most of the interesting shops, buildings and museums(博物館) are here. In addition, Manhattan is the scene of New York’s busy night life. In 1605 the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland(荷蘭). They bought the island from the Native Americans for a few glass necklaces worth about $26 today.

  3. Wall Street(華爾街) in Manhattan is the financial(金融的) heart of the USA. It is also the most important banking center in the world. It is a street of “skyscrapers.” These are those incredible(難以置信的), high buildings, which Americans invented, and built faster and higher than anyone else. Perhaps the two most spectacular(壯觀) skyscrapers in New York are the two towers of the New York World Trade Center. When the sun sets, their 110 floors shine like pure gold.

  4. Like every big city, New York has its own traffic(交通) system. Traffic jams can be terrible. It's usually quickest to go by subway(地鐵). The New York subway is easy to use and quite cheap. The subway goes to almost every corner of Manhattan. But it is not safe to take the subway late a night because in some places you could get robbed(搶劫). New York buses are also easy to use. You see more if you go by bus. There are more than 30,000 taxis in New York. They are easy to see, because they are bright yellow and carry large TAXI signs. Taxis do not go outside the city. However, they will go to the airports. In addition to the taxi fare, people give the taxi driver a tip of 15 percent of the fare's value.

  5. Central Park is a beautiful green oasis(綠洲) in the middle of New York’s concrete(水泥) desert. It is surprisingly big, with lakes and woods, as well as organized recreation areas. New Yorkers love Central Park, and they use it all the time. In the winter, they go ice-skating, and in the summer roller-skating. They play ball, ride horses and have picnics(野餐). They go bicycling and boating. There is even a children's zoo, with wild birds and animals.

  6. Along the east side of Central Park runs Fifth Avenue, once called “Millionaire's Row.(百萬富翁之街)” In the 19th century, the richest men in America built their magnificent homes here. It is still the most fashionable street in the city, with famous department stores.

  7. Broadway is the street where you will find New York's best-known theaters. But away from the bright lights and elegant clothes of Broadway are many smaller theaters. Their plays an called “off-Broad-way”and are often more unusual than the Broadway shows. As well as many theaters, New York has a famous opera house. This is the Metropolitan, where international stars sing from September until April. Carnegie Hall is the city's more popular concert hall. But night life in New York offers more than classical music and theater. There are hundreds of nightclubs where people go to eat and dance.


  heartbeat 心搏 fare 車費

  necklace .項鏈 oasis 綠洲

  worth 有……價值的 roller-skating 滑旱冰

  incredible 難以置信的


  1.the Statue of Liberty:自由女神塑像

  2.Fifth Avenue:第五大道,紐約的高檔購物街


  4.the New York World Trade Center:紐約世界貿(mào)易中心


  6.Carnegie Hall:卡內(nèi)基音樂廳


  1. Paragraph 3 _________

  2. Paragraph 4 __________

  3. Paragraph 5 __________

  4. Paragraph 6 __________

  A. The Financial Center of USA

  B. The Night Life in New York

  C. The Traffic Facilities of New York

  D. Shopping Center for the Rich

  E. New York―An International City

  F. Central Park―A Place of Recreation for the New Yorkers

  5. The island of Manhattan was bought by the Hollanders from the native Americans ____________.

  6. Central Park is a good place where the New Yorkers can go and ___________.

  7. Fifth Avenue is the place ______________.

  8. For those play-lovers who are interested in what is unusual, the small theaters might be more attractive ______________.

  A. do whatever they like for relaxation.

  B. where you can play all kinds of ball games

  C. than the world famous Broadway

  D. enjoy the colorful night life of the city

  E. where the wealthy people would go shopping

  F. for what seems to be a very small sum today






  5.F原句在語法上已經(jīng)完整,填入的部分是有關(guān)價格的,當時荷蘭人買下曼哈頓的價錢在今 天看來僅是個微不足道的小數(shù)。表示價格用介詞for,這里for的后面跟的是what引導的名 詞性從句。

  6.A這里填入的是和動詞go并列的成分,在所給的六個選項中符合條件的只有A和D,但從 意義上看應(yīng)該填入的是A。

  7.E place提示了后面很有可能是一個用where引導的定語從句,在六個選項中有兩個用 where開始的從句,但B的意義顯然不符,故應(yīng)選E。

  8. C句中的more attractive提示了后面很可能有用than引導的從句。


  一提到紐約,人們自然會想到自由女神塑像、摩天大樓、第五大道上的漂亮店鋪以及百老匯 的眾多劇院。這就是美國的文化之都。紐約同時也是美國最大的城市,擁有近800萬人口。這里 的夏天炎熱無比,冬天又非常寒冷。一年到頭,這里有無數(shù)事情可做,無數(shù)事物可觀。

  曼哈頓是紐約真正的市中心。人們所說的“紐約城”通常指的就是曼哈頓。大多數(shù)有趣的商 店、建筑物和博物館都在這里。此外,.在曼哈頓人們能見到紐約繁忙的夜生活。1605年第一批歐 洲人從荷蘭來到曼哈頓。他們僅用了幾串玻璃項鏈(今天大約值26美元)就從當?shù)厝四抢镔I下 這片島嶼。

  曼哈頓的華爾街是美國的金融中心,也是世界上最重要的銀行業(yè)中心。街道兩旁摩天大樓林 立。這是一些令人瞠目的高樓,美國人創(chuàng)建了它們并比誰都建得更快更高。紐約最壯觀的摩天大 樓或許要算紐約世界貿(mào)易中心的兩幢塔樓。日落時,110層的塔樓像黃金一樣閃耀。

  像每個大城市一樣,紐約也有自己的交通系統(tǒng)。交通堵塞非常嚴重。乘坐地鐵是最快的交通 方式。紐約的地鐵既便利又便宜,幾乎通向曼哈頓的每個角落。但夜晚時乘地鐵并不安全,因為 你可能會在某處被搶劫。紐約的公交車也很便利,也便于觀光。紐約有3萬多輛出租車不出城, 但可以去機場。除了車費,還需支付出租車司機15%的小費。

  中央公園是紐約水泥沙漠中的一片美麗的綠洲。它非常大,點綴著湖泊、森林以及布局合理 的娛樂區(qū)。紐約人熱愛中央公園,無時無刻不在使用它。他們冬天在這里滑冰,夏天在這里溜旱 冰。人們在這里打球、騎馬、野餐、騎車以及劃船。這里還有一個兒童動物園,里面有野生鳥類 和動物。

  中央公園的東面是第五大道,曾被稱為“百萬富翁之街”。在19世紀,美國最有錢的人們將 他們的豪宅建在這里。至今它仍是城中最時尚的街道,名店林立。

  在百老匯,你會找到紐約最為著名的劇院。遠離百老匯那耀眼的燈光和人們高雅的衣著,有 許多小劇院。它們的劇百被稱為“非百老匯劇”,通常比百老匯的劇目更具特色。紐約還有一座 著名的歌劇院――大都會歌劇院,世界級歌星在這里的演出從九月一直持續(xù)到第二年四月。卡內(nèi) 基音樂廳是城中更受青睞的音樂廳。但紐約的夜生活不僅是經(jīng)典音樂和劇院,還有成百上千的夜總會,人們在那里用餐、跳舞。

  2014年職稱英語考前復習必讀攻略      2014年職稱英語老師輔導輕松通關(guān)



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