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英語等級考試五級歷年真題閱讀詞匯(Part A)

更新時間:2015-04-20 10:28:00 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽41收藏16

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摘要   Part A  TEXT 1  have to confront [k& 601;n& 39;fr& 652;nt] this confusion 面對  two forces are exerted[& 618;g& 39;z& 605;t] on professors 對。。。施加  TEXT 2  Work
  Part A

  TEXT 1

  have to confront [kən'frʌnt] this confusion. 面對

  two forces are exerted[ɪg'zɝt] on professors. 對。。。施加

  TEXT 2

  Worker morale[mə'ræl]士氣 is top priority at American Airlines Inc. these days.

  …… Carty’s fiasco[fɪ'æsko]慘敗 over hiding fat executive bonus……

  …… who feel that management duped [djup] them into欺騙 swallowing ['swɑlo] 忍受 huge cutbacks['kʌt bæk]削減.

  …… conceded[kən'sid]承認Arpey in an early May session with reporters.

  He reiterated[ri'ɪtə,ret]重述,restated[ri'stet] the point at……

  This could take a Herculean英音:[,hə:kju'li:ən]美音:[hɝ'kjuliən] (great) 寫作可借鑒effort with pilots……

  he had been badly battered英音:['bætəd]美音:['bætɚd]搗毀 by the new realities……

  The new austerity英音:[ɔ:s'teriti]美音:[ɔ'stɛrətɪ] (嚴峻) will knock……



  the achievers, the excellers出類拔萃.

  of commonness and mediocrity[,midɪ'ɑkrətɪ] 平庸.

  They are going to settle for滿足 less than what they could have become.


  ……has played an important role in convincing [kən'vɪnsɪŋ] (令人信服的) many national governments that……

  and deploy disaster relief [rɪ'lif](救助) when needed.

  Developing countries have argued that they be exempt[ɪg'zɛmpt] from 免除 emission reduction until their economics approached(靠近) the strength of those in developed nation.

  Conservation strategies環(huán)保戰(zhàn)略 have to become more widely accepted.

  the years of global environmental mistreatment (濫用) can begin to be reserved.


  The specific use of literature varies from individual to individual因人而異,寫作可借鑒.

  …and stressful work looms (籠罩) large in life……

  camping, or certain cultural pursuits(文娛活動), are all related……

  such attitudes amount to(等于) a recognition that……


  At a former mattress ['mætrɪs] 褥子 factory on……

  ……the tribe群 is testing the murky['mɝkɪ] 黑暗的 legal waters on the continents’…….

  ……the Mohawks are gambling that their sovereign['sɑvrɪn]主權,最高的 status can give……

  we don’t want to rub摩擦 anybody’s nose in it……

  ……to set up pornography(色情描寫) sites.

  ……the council revived(使恢復) its dormant (靜止的)……

  ……as well as an undisclosed秘密的 slice of profits.

  But he declined to divulge暴露 any information about his company……

  Norton admits the venture remains in legal limbo邊境 and under surveillance監(jiān)視 by…….

  ……its licensees are wagering押賭 they won’t challenge a tribe…..

  TEXT 7

  This view gravely嚴重地 underestimates……

  ……is the very premise前提 that we are racing towards cultural homogeneity同質…..

  The same push towards pluralism(多元) is evident in painting……

  ……the society is shifting irresistibly無法抵抗地 away from, rather than towards, standardization.

  ……varied automobiles, detergents洗衣粉 and cigarettes.


  The Japanese never used to be this awkward笨拙的…

  …the Japan Sea coast voted in a referendum公民投票 against the use of…

  …at a stroke一下子 imperiling危及 Japan’s multi-billion dollar plans to use…

  …the governor of neighboring Fukushima prefecture地方長官…

  …has run into the sand失敗 after revelation in 1999...

  …which made the MOX fuel rods燃料棒, had bypassed inspection procedures and falsified data篡改的數(shù)據(jù)on batches一批 of fuel bound for前往 the Japanese plant.

  But deregulation has already brought…


  To atone for贖回[(+for)] offense, society must get even.

  …provisions規(guī)定 must be made to have this done.

  Only those criminals who are incurable不可救藥的 should be permanently ['pɝmənəntlɪ]永久地 separated from the rest of society.

  His conviction證明有罪 of crime must not deprive him of the opportunity to make his way in the society of which he is a part.


  The image this ritual儀式 forms in my head is of a human being,…obediently[ə'bidɪəntlɪ]順從地 executing instructions dispensed分發(fā) by a $100 computer.

  …who got away with saving a few dollars of operator time by squandering ['skwɑndɚ]浪費 valuable pieces of your life and that of millions of other people.

  …reintroducing us to human slavery more than a century after its abolition廢除.

  The web, which we think has reached its pinnacle頂峰,極點, is more like a meeting ground for “exhibitionists” displaying their wares or tooting their horns and “voyeurs偷窺” browsing frantically to catch these exhibitions.

  …if we abandon our self-defeating path toward unbridled無拘束的;放縱的and growing machine complexity.


英語等級考試五級歷年真題閱讀詞匯(Part B)

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