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更新時(shí)間:2016-03-22 17:55:00 來(lái)源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽756收藏378
摘要 參考答案:1-15:BABDB ABCDA DABCA 16-22 ACBBAAC 23-30:FBCE BCEA 31-35ABDDC 36-40:AACBD 41-45:DCCAB 46-50:FDBCA51-65:ADBDC ADCDD BCDBD16 Researchers from Riverside have found
16. Researchers from Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse’s liver genes can be made to behave more lively by limiting its food.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第二段“Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse's liver genes can be made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks.” 故選A。

17. Half-ration meal is crucial to a 70-year-old man if he wants to live longer.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C

18. There are 11,000 genes in a mouse’s liver.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干說(shuō)“小鼠肝臟中有11000個(gè)基因。”文章第五段“The researchers checked the activity of 11,000 genes from the mouse livers, and found that 46 changed with age in the normally fed mice.”只說(shuō)了研究者們檢查了這些老鼠肝臟的11000種基因的活性,而不是小鼠肝臟有多少個(gè)基因。故題干錯(cuò)誤,選B。

19. Only the mice that start dieting in old age can benefit from 70 per cent of gene changes.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干說(shuō)“只有老年時(shí)期節(jié)食的老鼠們受益于70%的基因改變。”而文章第五段“But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from 70 per cent of these gene changes.”說(shuō)只是在老年時(shí)期節(jié)食的老鼠們也能受益70%的基因改變。故題干錯(cuò)誤,選B。

20. We are not sure if calorie restriction work in people as it does in mice.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第七段“No one yet knows if calorie works in people as it does in mice, bus Spindler is hopeful.”故選A。

21. It’s hard for us to stay hungry even we know dieting is beneficial to our health.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第九段“Even seeing what a diet does, it's still hard to go to a restaurant and say: 'I can only eat half of that'.”故選A。

22. Spinder’s students helped with the whole experiment.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C

23【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 F
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】第一段“But how does an intelligent car control itself?”引出了本段的主要內(nèi)容,智能汽車是怎樣運(yùn)行的,故選F。

24【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)第二段“In comparison with the human brain, the virtual driver's best advantage is that it reacts quickly.  It completes the processing of the images sent by the cameras within 100 milliseconds.” 與人腦相比,虛擬駕駛員最大的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是反應(yīng)快。對(duì)照相機(jī)發(fā)送的圖像,能在100毫秒內(nèi)完成 對(duì)其的分析處理。由此可知,本段講的是虛擬駕駛員的快速反應(yīng),故選B。

25【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】 根據(jù)第三段“In this case, is it possible for us to let it have the wheel3 at any time and in any place?  Experts say that we cannot do that just yet.”在這種情況下, 是不是可以不分時(shí)間、不分地點(diǎn)都讓虛擬駕駛員駕駛汽車?老師們認(rèn)為目前尚不可以。由此可知,虛擬駕駛員不能在任意地方開(kāi)車。故選C。

26【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 E
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)第四段“This being the case4, people still have high hopes about driverless cars,and think highly intelligent cars are what the cars of the future should be like.”表明,人們始終認(rèn)為未來(lái)的汽車就應(yīng)該是高度智能化的汽車。故選E。

27【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第一段“This virtual driver has eyes, brains, hands and feet too”,故選B。
28【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第一段“If you open the boot, you can see the most important part of the automatic driving system: a built-in computer.  This is the brain of the car”,故選C。

29【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 E
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第三段“It completes the processing of the images sent by the cameras within 100 milliseconds. However, it takes the world's best racecar driver at least one second to react, and this doesn't include the time he needs to take action.” 虛擬駕駛員最大的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是反應(yīng)快。對(duì)照相機(jī)發(fā)送的圖像,能在100毫秒內(nèi)完成 對(duì)其的分析處理。可是世界上最好的賽車手至少要1秒鐘內(nèi)才能做出反應(yīng),并且這個(gè)時(shí)間還不包括他采取應(yīng)對(duì)措施的時(shí)間。由此可知,世界上最好的賽車手比虛擬駕駛員反應(yīng)慢。故選E。

30【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本題出自原文第四段“The intelligent car …recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes. However, it cannot recognize moving people and bicycles on ordinary roads that have no clear markings on them. ” 智能汽車靠車輛的常規(guī)形狀識(shí)別其他車輛。然而, 它卻不能識(shí)別在普通道路上行駛的沒(méi)有清晰標(biāo)記的自行車和行人。由此可知,選A。

31 What’s the focus of this article?
A. How to stay healthy during trips.
B. What preparations one should make before holidays
C. What basics one should remember before holidays.
D. What is economy class syndrome
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:這篇文章的重點(diǎn)是講什么?由文章題目“Ward off Travel Bugs”避免旅行中的疾病困擾,可知選A,在旅行中如何保持健康。

32. The following tips may prevent one from food poisoning except___
A. Drink bottled water
B. Drink plenty of water
C. Eat meat that is well done.
D. Eat clean food.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:以下提示可以防止食物中毒除了哪一項(xiàng)。本題出自原文第四段“In many holiday locations you need to remember the basics: drink bottled water, avoid undercooked meat and ensure that food hygiene is adequate.”,B選項(xiàng)沒(méi)有提到,所以選B。

33. According to the passage, the following food or medicine can be helpful while on a trip except___
A. Grapefruit-seed extract
B. Silicol gel
C. Crystallized ginger
D. Peppermint sweets
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:根據(jù)這篇文章,下面的食物或藥物在旅行中是有幫助除了哪一項(xiàng)。根據(jù)原文第五段和第六段,A,B,C項(xiàng)都有提到,D項(xiàng)文中是Peppermint oil,而不是Peppermint sweets,故選D。

34. Which of the following statement is not true about “economy class syndrome”?
A. It’s also known for deep-vein thrombosis.
B. It can cause blood clots.
C. It can be reduced by avoiding alcohol.
D. It can be disappear if the patient stays dehydrated.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:以下哪項(xiàng)關(guān)于“economy class syndrome”的陳述是錯(cuò)誤的。根據(jù)原文第七段,A,B,C項(xiàng)都有提到,D項(xiàng)完全沒(méi)有提到,故選D。

35. The word “persist” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by__
A. insist 
B. panic
C. continue 
D. adhere
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:最后的一段的“persist”一詞可以被以下哪個(gè)詞替換,persist意思是保持,持續(xù)存在。選項(xiàng)A insist意思是堅(jiān)持,堅(jiān)決要求;選項(xiàng)B panic意思是驚慌失措;選項(xiàng)C continue意思是持續(xù),繼續(xù)存在;選項(xiàng)D adhere意思是黏附,附著。故選C。

36. Mstislav Rostropovich tripped Vladimir Feltsman on purpose when he was a teenager in order to___
A. help him overcome pre-performance panic
B. break his leg
C. humiliate him in front of audience
D. show him that nervousness is beneficial to art
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:當(dāng)Vladimir Feltsman十幾歲時(shí),Mstislav Rostropovich故意把他絆倒的目的是什么。本題來(lái)自原文第一段“But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic”,由此表明,Mstislav Rostropovich絆倒他是為了治愈他的舞臺(tái)恐懼。故選A。

37 Teachers and psychologists urge people not to deny their nervousness because____
A. some excitement is necessary for dynamic playing.
B. it is useless to deny anything
C. they’ll become more nervous if they deny they’re jittery.
D. denial can’t help them overcome their nervousness.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:老師和心理學(xué)家敦促人們不要否認(rèn)舞臺(tái)恐懼是因?yàn)槭裁础1绢}來(lái)自原文第三段“Don’t deny that you’re jittery,they urge; some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing.”故選A。

38. The following statements are suggestions given by psychotherapist Diane Nichols before performance except___
A. smiling
B. open up your shoulder
C. make eye contact with friendly audiences
D. take two deep abdominal breaths
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:下面的陳述均是心理治療師Diane Nichols在表演之前給出的建議,除了哪項(xiàng)。本題來(lái)自原文第四段“‘Take two deep abdominal breaths, open up your shoulders, then smile, ’she says.”故用排除法可知,選C。

39. According to the article, stage fright essentially come from___
A. weak in one’s character .
B. extreme demands by teachers and parents
C. aspiration for success in his field
D. fear to face audience
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:根據(jù)文章,可知舞臺(tái)恐懼基本是來(lái)自于什么。本題出自原文第五段“Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often at the root of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin teacher.” 著名小提琴教師Dorothy Delay,她認(rèn)為來(lái)自老師和父母的苛刻要求常常是怯場(chǎng)的根源。由此可知,選B。

40. Why does the author mention famous people in last three paragraphs?
A. To emphasize that their success comes from fright
B. To show that they have less to lose
C. To indicate that nervousness can be overcome with success.
D. To show famous people also suffer from stage fright.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:為什么作者要在最后三段提到名人。本題來(lái)自于原文第七段“It is not only young artists who suffer, of course.”并不是只有年輕藝術(shù)家才會(huì)舞臺(tái)恐懼。后面列舉一些名人舞臺(tái)恐懼的事實(shí)就是為了表明名人也會(huì)舞臺(tái)恐懼。故選D。

41. The sense of smell can help us with things except______
A. Provide with information about locations.
B. Warn us about potential danger.
C. Collect information about people around us.
D. Identify information about household appliances .
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:嗅覺(jué)能夠幫助我們的除了哪項(xiàng)。本題來(lái)自于原文第一段和第二段Smell “gives us information about place, about where we are,” “Whether we realize it or not, we collect a lot of information about who is around us based on smell,” says Reed. Even at a distance, odors can warn us of trouble — spoiled food, leaking gas, or fire.由此可知, A,B ,C項(xiàng)都有提到,故選D。

42. Why does the author mention purple petunias?
A. To show smell can recall memories.
B. To show his great interest in its odor.
C. To show smell can cause intense feelings.
D. To show spicy odor evoke sad memories.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:為什么作者提到purple petunias?本題來(lái)自原文第三段第一句“With just a simple scent, smell can also evoke very intense emotion.”后面提到purple petunias就是舉例說(shuō)明嗅覺(jué)能引起強(qiáng)烈的情感。故選C。

43. Which one of the following possesses the strongest sense of smell?
A. A 30-year-old woman.
B. A rabbit.
C. A bloodhound. .
D. A mouse.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:以下哪一個(gè)擁有最強(qiáng)的嗅覺(jué)?本題來(lái)自于原文第四段“current estimates say that humans have roughly five million smell-receptor cells, about as many as a mouse. A rat has some 10 million, a rabbit 20 million, and a bloodhound 100 million.” 目前估計(jì)人類有大概500萬(wàn)個(gè)嗅覺(jué)受體細(xì)胞,差不多和一只小鼠的一樣多。一只大鼠大約有1 000萬(wàn)個(gè),一只兔子有2 000萬(wàn)個(gè),一只尋血犬有1億個(gè)。由此可知,尋血犬的嗅覺(jué)受體細(xì)胞最多,所以它的嗅覺(jué)最強(qiáng)。故選C。

44. The word “modest” in the second last paragraph can be best replaced by___
A. small
B. large
C. high
D. above
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:倒數(shù)第二段的“modest”可以被以下哪個(gè)詞替換。modest意思是些許的,不太大的。選項(xiàng)A small意思是小的;選項(xiàng)B large意思是大的;選項(xiàng)C high意思是高的;選項(xiàng)D above意思是在…上面。所以選A。

45. According to the article, we can infer that___
A. The receptors we have are not as sensitive as a mouse.
B. Our olfactory ability can be trained and do remarkable things.
C. A professional in the perfume business was born with good sense of smell.
D. An old man is only able to smell things half as well as a young man.
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】題干:根據(jù)這篇文章,我們可以推測(cè)出什么。本題來(lái)自原文倒數(shù)第二段“A trained “nose”, such as that of a professional in the perfume business, can name and distinguish about 10,000 odors. Reed says that a perfume expert can sniff a modem scent that has a hundred different odorants in it, go into the lab, and list the ingredients. “In a modest amount of time, he comes back with what to you or me would smell like a perfect imitation of that perfume. It’s amazing.” 故選B。
46【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 F

47【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】前一句在說(shuō)甲烷的主要來(lái)源是什么。根據(jù)上文chief global sources of the gas中的“source”,可知選D,甲烷的其他主要來(lái)源。

48 【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B

49 【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C

50【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本段在說(shuō)牲畜釋放甲烷的原理。上文提到了cellulose和microbes,下文在說(shuō)and it makes them very gassy,由關(guān)鍵詞可以推斷出選A。
51. A. hold   B release   C permit   D surpass
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)題意應(yīng)該是支撐起頭部的能力,選項(xiàng)A的意思是支撐;選項(xiàng)B release意思是釋放;選項(xiàng)C permit意思是允許;選項(xiàng)D surpass意思是超過(guò),勝過(guò)。所以選A。

52.A. attach   B. taste   C. rise   D. appreciate
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】上文提到了appreciation,欣賞視覺(jué)空間,所以跟上文呼應(yīng),應(yīng)該選D appreciate。

53 A. also    B. either   C. those   D. all
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)題意可知,你的孩子可以用兩只手的任何一只抓玩具,選項(xiàng)A also的意思是還,也;選項(xiàng)C those的意思是那些;選項(xiàng)D all的意思是所有,全部。所以選B。

54 A. transport   B. improve   C. adapt   D. transfer
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)下文“then transfer it and repeat the waving,shuttling it back and forth between hands.”或換一只手繼續(xù)搖晃,讓它在兩只手之間換來(lái)?yè)Q去。上下文呼應(yīng),可知選D。

55 A. meaningless   B. interesting   C. important   D. little
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】下文提到他會(huì)開(kāi)始審視自己的行為??芍@種行為對(duì)他來(lái)說(shuō)應(yīng)該是重要的,選項(xiàng)A meaningless意思是無(wú)意義的;選項(xiàng)B interesting意思是有趣的;選項(xiàng)C important意思是重要的;選項(xiàng)D little意思是小的,一點(diǎn)。故選C。

56 A. grasps   B. control   C. understand   D. guide
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 A
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本句是并列結(jié)構(gòu),后面的動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該與reaches for一致,用單數(shù)第三人稱,故選A。

57 A. inner    B. introverted    C. outing  D. outer
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】本段講的是孩子在反復(fù)抓東西的過(guò)程中對(duì)于他接受空間信息是重要的 ,由上下文可知應(yīng)該是區(qū)分自己和外界。選項(xiàng)A inner意思是內(nèi)部的;選項(xiàng)B introverted意思是內(nèi)向的;選項(xiàng)C outing意思是遠(yuǎn)足;選項(xiàng)D out意思是外部的。故選D。

58 A. consider   B. see  C. examine   D. visit
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C

59 A. positive   B. reluctant   C. scared     D. active
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)題意,孩子看到鏡像也沖他笑的時(shí)候,他會(huì)變得怎么樣。選項(xiàng)A positive意思是積極的;選項(xiàng)B reluctant意思是不情愿的;選項(xiàng)C scared意思是害怕的;選項(xiàng)D active意思是活躍的。A,B,C項(xiàng)均不符合題意,所以選D。

60 A. smiling    B. interesting   C. exciting  D. confusing
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】上文提到He may also look back and forth between your image and you as if the duplication puzzles him. 他還會(huì)來(lái)回看你和你的鏡像,似乎這種復(fù)制使他迷惑??芍⒆涌粗钊嗣曰蟮膹?fù)制品,所以選D。

61 A. probably   B. likely   C. tend   D. willing
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B

62 A. stick  B. disappointment  C attachment  D. incline
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 C

63 A. leave  B. independence  C. islolate  D.separation
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D

64 A. But  B. Rather than   C. Instead   D. Because of
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 B
65 A  mood  .B. mind   C. physical   D. mental
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考答案】 D
【環(huán)球網(wǎng)校參考解析】根據(jù)題意,可知應(yīng)該是孩子的智謀。選項(xiàng)A mood意思是情緒;選項(xiàng)B mind意思是大腦;選項(xiàng)C physical意思是身體的;選項(xiàng)D mental意思是智力的。所以選D。

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